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Mar 30, 2017Comments: 6936 · Posts: 3915 · Topics: 152
What does MARS sextile Ascendant mean to you?
What does Moon Conjunction MARS mean to you?
What was Venus Conjunction MARS mean to you?
What would all three of these aspects make up on a person?
Can you give me a defined scenario for one of each?
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Mar 30, 2017Comments: 6936 · Posts: 3915 · Topics: 152
What would you think of someone with all three of these aspects.
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Mar 27, 2017Comments: 1255 · Posts: 12836 · Topics: 29
I have Venus-Mars conjunction. Know nothing about the rest.
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Mar 30, 2017Comments: 6936 · Posts: 3915 · Topics: 152
So I learned a thing about aspects since 8 months ago.
I have personally observed that Mars aspects strongly depends on the degrees.
The degrees is a factor especially with Venus conjunct Mars.
Whatever planet has the lower degree, between the aspect, is the dominant planet.
Venus is 15°,
Mars 18°?
Venus sits in Mars' throne.
Vice versa, you have Mars conjunction Venus. It's not holistically the same.
Now, Venus aspect Mars will still have that classic Martian energy; revolving around sex, anger, hatred, etc.
But THEY will be the AggressEE, instead of the AggressOR.
People will be attracted to THEM, instead of Mars taking over and ATTRACTING people. People come to them, instead of them going to people; in other words.
You also want to consider how FAR APART the planets are.
Venus 12°,
Mars 25°?
That's wide and you won't feel the conjunction as strong as someone with Venus 10°
Mars 14° ..Those planets are damn near buddies.
I also know people with Venus and Mars in the same sign AKA conjunction.. Including myself.
These people are almost ALWAYS blending the lines of feminine/masculine energy. They are very sexual without trying, and they can have some androgynous qualities if it's a woman.
The men will be pleasantly feminine, regarding mannerisms and concern for clothing and hair. Not metrosexual, or women's clothing, but these guys give a fuck about their looks and they are often graceful in mannerisms and speech.
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36229 · Posts: 40736 · Topics: 321
I'm a warrior in Taurus in 2nd house lol
Fixed as feck