Disappearing acts

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Galyn on Saturday, March 9, 2013 and has 13 replies.
Okay, I'm just tired of seeing posts like these in every section! For every sign! "Aquarius and disappearing act", "Leos and disappearing acts", "Libras and disappearing acts".... etc etc.
So how about we just admit that THIS has nothing to do with astrology, that it's mainly women complaing about men doing that (although I'm sure tons of women do it too!) and that it's probably because of something else? Like maybe a fear of commitment, which has nothing to do with your sign, or just being a jerk/a bitch, etc.
Do you know people who have pulled that stunt of you? And if you do, could you give their sun sign here? Let's see if it has something to do with astrology or not (I really AM curious, now).
I have never done that to anyone and I never would. That is incredibly cruel.
I know only one guy who has done that to a girl, and he's a Taurus. But even though he's great as a friend, he's a total ass with women!
Yes spread the word Aquarius are not bad guys after all thanks for clearing that up Winking
Posted by harry99
Posted by nycitycops
lol just for the record i've never ever ever seen a Leo do a disappearing act

Oh give it a minute it'll happen. I had one who pretty f'd and dumped girls but I think that's the usual mo of signs like Leo,
Aries, Sag etc..
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Ok so basically you tell us that a load of different signs did that, + you (about to do it to a friend) with a different sign, and then you STILL think it has something to do with the sign??? I don't get you.
Posted by Sag89
I have never done that to anyone and I never would. That is incredibly cruel.

Absloutely..and emotionally abusive.
Cancer man did it to me... And I'm too chicken to just call him up and say, "We'll, what happened?" But I'd really like to know!
Posted by tiziani
Posted by LetltB
Posted by Sag89
I have never done that to anyone and I never would. That is incredibly cruel.

Absloutely..and emotionally abusive.

Spoken like a true Scorpio! Big Grin
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Well, it's the truth. If I need space, I tell the person. I feel it's cruel to do this to anyone. (Pisces moon? I dunno) If I did something wrong, that's different because I'd KNOW what it is and have to suck it up.Sad
Disappearing act just because You scared of being committed and hate being alone.
I've done it once Sad to the sweetest Aries.
i'd like to say it was because the last guy (also Aries) I told straight up that I wasn't interested in went psycho on me.
Taurus did this to me recently :::womp womp:::
Posted by xdimplez
"From the stories I've read here, and heard IRL, disappearing acts are rarely present in committed relationships. They are something pretty common in lets say semi relationships, pseudo relationships, when you don't really know where you stand. "

But even then I would always say something when I decide to end things, and I wouldn't just disappear.
Although I feel like people have different understandings of what a "disappearing act" is. To me, it's when you just don't text, don't call or anything and don't give a sign of life to the other, without a word of warning. Sometimes needing a bit of space is normal if you have things on your mind or if you're very busy with something (I mean that for every kind of relationship, friendship as well), but always tell the other person!! Leaving a significant other, as in "breaking up" but without even telling them... that's just being 14 y.o. in your first relationship ever, all over again.
Posted by feb16aqua
Posted by geminidude
Disappearing act just because You scared of being committed and hate being alone.

Yeah, pretty much. It goes way beyond a physical commitment though.
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Yep, there's a lot more to it.
I think is more about the guy or girl not the sign, now this has happened to me while casually dating someone, you go on a few good dates you think everything is going great and then "poof" the guy disappears, that I can understand, is rude but I guess it happens.
The only time in my life that I have been seeing and talking to someone for months, constant communication, everything was great and then he pulled a disappearing act was with a Virgo. It was unexpected and cruel, he thought he could come back and basically do the same thing whenever he needed, it happened twice and then I ran and never looked back.

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