Do you believe in cusps?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by PiscesLeoAquarius on Saturday, July 18, 2009 and has 24 replies.
Some astrologers, like Jonathan Cainer say that there is no such thing as a cusp and that the signs switch over at a precise minute and that there is no half Aries/Pisces or Scorpio/Sagittarius. You can only be one of the other. A lot of people on here talk about being on the cusp. What do people think?
I don't really necessarily know but I've been told that I'm on a Cancer/Leo cusp so I sometimes I'll try to find out how a cancer/leo personality is and see if I would relate. Some things I relate on and some things I don't, so I see it really as a hit and miss deal.
I agree with you on that winterborn haha. Maybe I should be slapped, my bday is on the 20th lol. And sometimes I can be idiotic and crazy out of character haha!
LoL crazy is good!
I can't really say.
I'm on the cancer/gem cusp but I also have cancer sun/gem moon so it could just be that
probably because people on cusps always lean to one sign more heavily than the other.
on a side note,
have you ever noticed that aries/taurus cusp have the most out of control people ever. heh i love that cusp the most
True to a point, technically (by arc) the sun can only be in one sign or the other, and that will be the sign you feel most like. However, i do believe there is a residual (lingering) influence as one sign waxes and wanes into the next. In that sense, i don't think it's stop and start/black and white. I believe there is a transitional grey area. I knew a scorpio cusper, right a 0-1 degree scorpio with no other planets in Libra, yet you could very easily sense a certain libraness about him. The stickiest part though, is astrologers do not agree entirely about what constitutes a true cusp.
Also, the Sun may not move into a new sign at "exactly" the same moment each and every year. Dates are general. So a sun-sign table, ephemeris or personal chart calculation is essential. Especially if you were born on an exact transition date (zero degrees), then of course, "exact" time of birth is critical to know one's actual sun-sign. Also, doctors should never round up or down your birthtime, as some doctors might.
well, i could never fully relate to my sign (leo). i'm not vain, extravagant, flashy, and full of myself. i do have expensive tastes but am quite the penny pincher. i buy most of my clothing from consignment shops/2nd hand stores for the simple reason that i find more original pieces. plus it's so much cheaper! when i found out about the cusp thing, it made more sense to me. i related more to it. i still see more leo traits in me but there is definitely virgo influence on the inside (especially when it comes to business matters!).
the leo-virgo cusp especially hits the nail on the head when it talks about the curious mixture of introvert/extravert. i definitely feel like both. i can be the life of the party or the center of attention, but i'd much rather not. i exude a warmth that can draw ppl in, and am very loving, but even when surrounded by an adoring crowd, i need to get away for a few minutes and take a break from it. i'm notorious for hitting up the bathroom, or taking a short jaunt outside, just to get away from it all.
not sure if i believe in cusps, cuz i don't believe in much of anything, but all i can say is that i relate to it more. my moon really is in virgo too.
I do not believe in cusps. I am an April 21st Bull which would put me RIGHT on the cusp, but there is nothing "aries" about me except my temper and drive when I'm challenged/threatened, which makes sense considering my aries moon - my only aries placement and my only aries tendencies.
Im born not very long after aquarius goes into to pisces,not very long as in I know it could be anywhere in the range of 8 hours starting from 12 pm(being the latest time that Im aware of to still be aqua).I was born at 8:28pm and I'm technicaly pisces,0 degrees. but im not sure how long my mum was in labour for.
When I read descriptions of both signs I definitely have traits of both,but some alot more than others,its like a big handfull of traits were scooped out of the trait bin and somehow slaped together using the parts at hand to make a whole,while bringing in all new traits to the equation from wierd reactions with foreign elements
Aries moon and virgo rising also adds another kinda freakish flavor to it all.
How long does it take for a rising sign to transit?because apparently my rising is only slightly off being taurus by one or two wondering wether that would be unusual or not to have a cusping rising
Name: Astrolabe Customer
February 20 1972
7:45 AM Time Zone is EST
Flint, MI
Rising Sign is in 06 Degrees Pisces.
Sun is in 00 Degrees Pisces.
Moon is in 15 Degrees Taurus.
Mercury is in 03 Degrees Pisces.
Venus is in 11 Degrees Aries.
Mars is in 06 Degrees Taurus.
I *have* to believe in cusps - it's the only logical explanation for my being SUCH a Pisces, yet these odd little "Aqua quirks"... I even amuse myself by finding the 25% or so of Aquarius that matches me, and is NOT Pisces-like, in horoscopes, readings, compatibility, etc.. I have Aquarius tendencies, yet NO Aqua in my chart?! Yeah, it's the cusp. If Mom's labor had been just a bit shorter, I'd probably be an airy Aqua gal -- with strange little Pisces-like sensitivities making everyone question if I'm really an Aqua. (And I wouldn't be - I'd be an Aqua on the Pisces cusp, and an enigma anyway!)
Pisces - SO emotional
Aqua - SO unemotional
ME - SO screwed up LOL
To me cusps are complete BS.
1. Often, the real cause of the cusp problem is that someone was actually born into the 'other sign' (e.g., say the sun switched from Libra to Scorpio on the 23rd of October instead of the 22nd at 1am, and someone born at 12am didn't know that--they might go there whole life thinking they're a Scorpio when they're actually a Libra). If you are born on the day that the sign changes over, it is imperative that you know *exactly* what time and place you were born.
2. Sometimes, if someone is adopted or if records are lost, or if for some other reason their real birthdate is unknown (which isn't as common today but still technically possible), a false birthdate might be created for them and therefore they might end up being labelled as the wrong sign.
3. Often, one has Mercury or Venus in a sign close to one's own (Mercury can only be your sign and the signs immediately preceding and succeeding your sign; Venus can only be two signs away from your own sign or in your own sign). Thus, if the sun sign and Mercury sign are different, and one is born close to the cusp, the person might fall into the cusp myth.
4. Sometimes, you can have the Moon, Ascendant, or other placements in a sign next to yours; if you're born near the cusp, again, that might make you believe that it's the cusp thing when it's really not. (Especially if the planets are in the first house).
One cannot be born into two signs. You are either one sign or another. The sun is only in one sign at a time. Therefore, even if you're born just minutes after the sun changes from one sign to another, you're still as much the second sign as if you had been born later in the sign.
**something else I forgot to mention:
5. Neighboring signs do share some traits. (e.g., both Pisces and Aquarius tend to be very creative and artsy--at least those I've known). Even though neighboring signs are very different, there is always something that both of them share. Often, neighboring signs have a teacher-student relationship, with the 'older' sign (the later sign) teaching the preceding ('younger') sign.
**gaaaaah keep forgetting stuff today **
6. Also, if you have an active house of the sign that you're on the cusp of--or if that planet figures very prominently in your chart (e.g., if you're on the cusp of Libra and Scorpio and are a Libra, this would mean your 7th house and Venus) that might also be a factor.
Okay, here's the real deal here:
If you don't believe in cusps, then you don't believe in decans. And if theres no such thing as decan or cusps -- in which make what we know today as the zodiac -- then theres no point in believing in astrology altogether ^_^.
The zodiac does not exist without degrees, therefore we have the cusp periods because of the ending and the beginning -- and the decans in which the signs themselves are derived from.

Yes, its obvious if you know what you're looking at. The science of it is simple. Astrologers cannot agree on cusps because science is very complex and its not meant to be literal because the universal makeup continues to evolve -- i.e. age of Aquarius, once this passes, the next age will have a totally different effect.
Everything in the world of discovery is very relative and not absolute.
So in conclusion, do cusps exist? Of course they do, if they didn't not exist then what they are dervied from does not exist. As a result, astrology in nothing more than a blur.
I read an explanation about cusps on another sit that made a lot of sense. I'm going to try to paraphrase it and hopefully not botch it up too badly. lol
Essentially, the Sun is a ball and our sign is based on which astrological constellation's boundaries it's within at our time/date of birth, right?Well, do the constellations overlap, touch, or is there space inbetween? If they overlap or touch, then there are inevitably times when the Sun touches two signs at once. If there is (enough) space inbetween then it is conceivable that the sun has periods of being in no sign at all.
In my own words:
The whole thing about people being born on cusps are always/usually/often much more like one sign or the other, it doesn't mean that they don't have influences from both signs. That's like saying that everyone is 100% straight or 100% gay. There are people who are inbetween even if they lean more towards one side than the other.
I am a 28.1 degree Taurus, and for the most part, I'm a typical Taurus. I'm stubborn, sensual, practical, and love to feel comfortable and secure. On the other hand, I'm chatty, adventurous, analytical, and I love learning new things and meeting new people. I like to build important relationships slowly like a Taurus. I'm indecisive and sometimes dreamy like a Gemini. I not only hate for things to get boring, I often find other Tauruses to be quite dull. lol In my case, most of my natal chart is solid with Taurus, Capricorn, and Scorpio (all fixed and/or Earth signs). Being born on the cusp is pretty much the only thing that explains my non-Taurean traits. Astrologically speaking, of course. Winking
Posted by Madalena
"on a side note,
have you ever noticed that aries/taurus cusp have the most out of control people ever."
i know...we're crazy as hell Winking

YAY!!!! Big Grin

She's back Big Grin
Hi lady ^_^.
Posted by *Tasha
i don't have an ounce of virgo in my chart but i am OCD, germophobic, a health freak
if my bday was aug. 20th everyone would say it's b/c i'm on the cusp

lol, no everyone would not say that Winking The sun sign of a person is there ego and what they are 'potentially' like. When you bring in the moon, the mars, the venus and so on and so forth, it creates the entire person.

As a matter of fact those who are ruled by aries in their natal charts are characteristically more OCD than that of the virgo influence. Especially if theres aries in the midheaven.
So yeah, it has nothing to do with cusps, all to do with your chart ^_^.
Posted by BellaBulleautiful
yes we sure are Winking
Where you been Elena?

Ha! You are an Aries-taurus cusp too. Well that explains alot yes it does ^_^.
I usually get along with that cusp too lol!!!
Last year, I had the choice of going out with an aries-taurus cusp or a leo-virgo cusp
I wish I would have choosen the aries-taurus cusp now :/
haha, see this is me:

Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp
December 19-25
Note-Please check both signs for more information.
Attractions: Like all other cusps, the Sagittarius/Capricorn is attracted to other cusps, especially Taurus/Gemini(May 19-24) and Leo/Virgo(August 19-25)
Notable people born
under the cusp of sagittarius/Capricorn: Joseph Stalin, Susan Lucci, Joseph Smith, Ava Gardner, Michel de Nostradamus, Cissie Spacek, Rod Sterling

They are of two elements, just like all other cusps-Fire and Earth.
The visionary, intuitive Sagittarius combines with the pragmatic, imperial Capricorn.
They demonstrate a talent for sensing the future.
They are determined.
They usually do not have a good deal of patience with those who fail to appreciate them.
They will move on alone if not supported by others.
They recognize the power of silence.
They must learn to temper their intensity.
They must allow their warm side to show and to keep their heart open.

Posted by BellaBulleautiful
Well it depends on who you believe as to when the actual start of Taurus is,and I'm the 23rd not the 20th or 21st anyway......but some believe the first few days are still affected,and I know for a fact we are.and I have venus in aries, so maybe I'm just a nut job.

The Cusps change every 'new age' hahaha, its complicated I know. I took a course explaining all this stuff because I thought I needed for my degree but I didn't lol. Interesting class though ^_^.
Posted by BellaBulleautiful
well here's mine, but there's to much to post and no one cares anyway.....but I'm the cusp of pooooooower!!! woot.

Whaddya mean, no one cares???? You are BellaB Big Grin Of course we care ^_^.

Seee, watch this:
-- Possess the fiery forwardness and willfulness inherent in Aries --
-- Possess the practicality, endurance and nurturing inherent in Taurus --
-- Has a markedly dominant personality --
-- Becomes very uncomfortable if forced to submit to the control of another --
-- Highly strategic in thought and action --
-- In no hurry to see results --
-- Expert in thorough and painstaking preparation --
-- Reluctant to allow things to happen as they will --
-- Somewhat insensitive to the feelings of others --
Notable Aries/Taurus Cuspians Include:
Adolf Hitler; Catherine the Great; Vladimir Lenin; William Shakespeare; Catherine de Medici; and Barbara Streisand
Posted by Madalena
Posted by cappysweetie
Posted by Madalena
"on a side note,
have you ever noticed that aries/taurus cusp have the most out of control people ever."
i know...we're crazy as hell Winking

YAY!!!! Big Grin

She's back Big Grin
Hi lady ^_^.

caaaappppppppppppppppppppppppppyyyyyyyyyyyyyy *runs towards cappy in slo mo*
click to expand

like always ^_^.
decans and cusps are not the same thing.... you can believe in one and not believe in the other.......... and if you didn't believe in either you could still believe in astrology in general.