Do you like your Jupiter? It used to be considered the king of planets

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by bricklemark on Saturday, April 8, 2017 and has 39 replies.
Mine's Gemini, l get good luck when using wit, in short distance travel, and taking care of kids (nephews, and l used to work in a school)

Do you notice your Jupiter?
Yes. Conjunct MC, someday I'll rule this shit.

Idk if I notice it, I guess is this stupid feeling I have that someday I'll do something big.
Jupiter in 7th in Scorpio

Bountiful relationships
Sagittarius Jupiter in 9th house.

It's my leading planet. Can someone tell me what this means or provide links for interpretation?

All I know is I am addicted to travel, but I actually dislike [most] foreign cultures. I just like traveling within the USA and learning about our history. I guess I am pretty lucky, but I attribute that to having the right resources. All the setbacks I've experienced were my own fault. I don't have a thirst for knowledge, but I do like learning new things from time to time.

With all that being said, I don't exactly think my Jupiter fits me, but I don't know much about it nor do I know which Jupiter would fit me.
Leo Jupiter in 9th house. Not sure how it plays out either.
Jupiter in Sag in the 1st house. I love it! Ever since I was an infant I've been traveling on airplanes. I am emotionally, physically, and spiritually attracted to distant traveling, diversity, different cultures. I always feel at home in foreign places. I am easily able to consider things outside of the beliefs I was raised with.
Cancer Jupiter 9th house... Don't know what role its having... But I phaching hate it ?
Posted by bricklemark
Mine's Gemini, l get good luck when using wit, in short distance travel, and taking care of kids (nephews, and l used to work in a school)

Do you notice your Jupiter?
What house? : )

I have Taurus Jupiter retrograde, 11th house.

So the story goes, I attract relationships that encourage my growth.
Posted by MiZLeo
Posted by Shooting_the_Moon_that_I_call_Mars
Leo Jupiter in 9th house. Not sure how it plays out either.
So do I! I am not sure if I feel it tho cause it is part of 2 stelliums. Leo stellium and 9th house stellium.
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My moon conjuncts jupiter. Sits very close but in the 10th house. I read somewhere that was an indication of good luck. Haven't really felt that either.
Jupiter in Aries 11th house

Trine Neptune

Opposition Pluto

I think this is a positive, lucky placement. I don't accept failure, therefore I don't fail, I just keep trying.

jupiter in sag, first house, heavily aspected, it's my top dominate planet and the sole dispositor of my chart. to say i feel it is an understatement.

Jupiter sole dispositor is the most humanitarian of the sole-dispositor types, the most concerned with people en masse and with standards of fairness and abstract justice. Because you tend to see yourself as a victim, you assume the role of protector and defender of the helpless and oppressed, a bulwark of rectitude in a world without conscience, a mother hen in a world full of hawks. You succeed by identifying feelings and concerns with the moral right, thereby expanding your power by defending an ethical principle, and pursuing personal interests under a rubric of disinterestedness. Although you are self-effacing and mild of manner, you are far, far from being humble; and when aroused you can be as tough and adamant as any sole dispositor type. You win people over with your high idealism, ingratiating manner, and true sincerity.
Posted by Lunabee
Posted by bricklemark
Mine's Gemini, l get good luck when using wit, in short distance travel, and taking care of kids (nephews, and l used to work in a school)

Do you notice your Jupiter?
What house? : )

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Between 11 and 12...
Posted by NemDeux
Posted by bricklemark
Mine's Gemini, l get good luck when using wit, in short distance travel, and taking care of kids (nephews, and l used to work in a school)

Do you notice your Jupiter?
yes! especially at work. it's in aries for moi.

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Thats good....planet of Sag in Aries...these people have power...l've met some, they outmuscled me, so to speak. Which house is yours?
Posted by rekt
mines in capricorn. and it's stationary-retrograde. which gives it above average importance. i have jupiter in my top 3 on pullen.

i'm not really sure what it does in my chart though. lol
Its supposed to be in detriment...cause jupiter expands, and capricorn restricts, and works hard, and climbs...not really compatible...what house do you have it?
Posted by Harukka

I don't because I have it retrograde :/

But it's in a good place 4th house in gemini
Do you have an abundant family, and home life? Or big home?
Posted by Blackburn
Yes. Conjunct MC, someday I'll rule this shit.

Idk if I notice it, I guess is this stupid feeling I have that someday I'll do something big. can't have it better than that...??
Posted by TheTinMan
I got Jupiter in Capricorn. I'm not too sure what kind of luck I get out of it career wise. I mean I do got my own business. I guess that's a lucky streak.
Hell yeah...Kramer in Seinfeld Jup Cap...but as the handle of a bucket, meaning it's the thing that would get him out of trouble in life, and indeed, he played like the old guy (cap) in a popular tv show and then nothing. And he used to talk about having businesses, like Kramerica
quite lucky eventho saturn and mars dominates my chart smile

retro-jupiter in 3rd cancer

sun trine jupiter, jupiter parallel mc, mars, and uranus
Posted by bricklemark
Mine's Gemini, l get good luck when using wit, in short distance travel, and taking care of kids (nephews, and l used to work in a school)

Do you notice your Jupiter?
My jupiter's in Aqua. 3rd house.

Any insight?
Posted by Harukka
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by Harukka

I don't because I have it retrograde :/

But it's in a good place 4th house in gemini
Do you have an abundant family, and home life? Or big home?

A big home...a large family, and a lot of everything.

They're always happy .. and everyday is a party.

Sometimes it's annoyed me ): .. but I love them.

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Holy shit it almost seems like sarcasm ? That's great man l know 2 Jupiter 4's, they have a happy abundant family too. I know we get sick of everything...maybe spend more time at work or with your friends...or alone.
Posted by DepthAndDeath
Posted by bricklemark
Mine's Gemini, l get good luck when using wit, in short distance travel, and taking care of kids (nephews, and l used to work in a school)

Do you notice your Jupiter?
My jupiter's in Aqua. 3rd house.

Any insight?
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You were the occasional genius at school? Jupiter comes out sometimes, as a personality boost, so Aquarius -genius. Or maybe you had sudden shocks, or strong rebellious tendencies.

I said school because that's 3rd house. Also rules communication, and short distance travel.
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by Blackburn
Yes. Conjunct MC, someday I'll rule this shit.

Idk if I notice it, I guess is this stupid feeling I have that someday I'll do something big. can't have it better than that...??
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Well, is not in its best condition... but you know, I always look on the bright side of life : D

If your's is in 12th it could mean a "guardian angel"; a friend of mine has it and when he is on the edge (where he often is) he has this sudden luck!

Posted by Blackburn
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by Blackburn
Yes. Conjunct MC, someday I'll rule this shit.

Idk if I notice it, I guess is this stupid feeling I have that someday I'll do something big. can't have it better than that...??


Well, is not in its best condition... but you know, I always look on the bright side of life : D

If your's is in 12th it could mean a "guardian angel"; a friend of mine has it and when he is on the edge (where he often is) he has this sudden luck!

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In the movie "the crash real", dude has sun in scorpio conjunct Pluto, so destruction and regeneration was in the cards for him, well it's the story of his near-death snowboarding accident, and at one point he says he remembered thinking as a kid, if he could survive a bad really puzzled him, like he had a strong premonition. And l'm sure you're the same, you feel like you'll do great things, because you will. Even Moon or Venus MC's are really lucky, it's common among actors. So just imagine Jupiter...

And yeah l probably have a guardian angel ? I fell into a corridor of fresh powder snow, and it didnt break. Later l realised there was a 150 ft drop below. Another time l avoided a certain slope, and half an hour later l saw a guy try it, and the whole corridor broke into an avalanche...he survived... but he was standin funny.

Posted by Harukka
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by Harukka
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by Harukka

I don't because I have it retrograde :/

But it's in a good place 4th house in gemini
Do you have an abundant family, and home life? Or big home?

A big home...a large family, and a lot of everything.

They're always happy .. and everyday is a party.

Sometimes it's annoyed me ): .. but I love them.

Holy shit it almost seems like sarcasm ? That's great man l know 2 Jupiter 4's, they have a happy abundant family too. I know we get sick of everything...maybe spend more time at work or with your friends...or alone.
No, I swear it's not ??

There is no scorpio or taurus or gemini or leo .. only good signs ? kidding.

But yeah, they are very good family, give me alot of things/gifts for me and my kids ❤❤

click to expand're lucky.
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by Blackburn
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by Blackburn
Yes. Conjunct MC, someday I'll rule this shit.

Idk if I notice it, I guess is this stupid feeling I have that someday I'll do something big. can't have it better than that...??


Well, is not in its best condition... but you know, I always look on the bright side of life : D

If your's is in 12th it could mean a "guardian angel"; a friend of mine has it and when he is on the edge (where he often is) he has this sudden luck!

In the movie "the crash real", dude has sun in scorpio conjunct Pluto, so destruction and regeneration was in the cards for him, well it's the story of his near-death snowboarding accident, and at one point he says he remembered thinking as a kid, if he could survive a bad really puzzled him, like he had a strong premonition. And l'm sure you're the same, you feel like you'll do great things, because you will. Even Moon or Venus MC's are really lucky, it's common among actors. So just imagine Jupiter...

And yeah l probably have a guardian angel ? I fell into a corridor of fresh powder snow, and it didnt break. Later l realised there was a 150 ft drop below. Another time l avoided a certain slope, and half an hour later l saw a guy try it, and the whole corridor broke into an avalanche...he survived... but he was standin funny.

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Idk, sometimes many things explain the same thing or even contradict it. I mean, I have another configurations that could explain that sense of purpose, but maybe is just me being paranoic.

Also, mine is in 9th conjuncting from behind, and my MC's ruler is in a "bad" position. It could mean success and fall. Sometimes I wish I didn't search so much xD

lol, better don't be risky just in case your guardian is not looking.

Posted by bricklemark
Posted by DepthAndDeath
Posted by bricklemark
Mine's Gemini, l get good luck when using wit, in short distance travel, and taking care of kids (nephews, and l used to work in a school)

Do you notice your Jupiter?
My jupiter's in Aqua. 3rd house.

Any insight?
You were the occasional genius at school? Jupiter comes out sometimes, as a personality boost, so Aquarius -genius. Or maybe you had sudden shocks, or strong rebellious tendencies.

I said school because that's 3rd house. Also rules communication, and short distance travel.
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Thanks for the insight!

Last time I checked, I hate school lol

Popular amongst teachers and fellow students/senior but totally never in a good way.

Rebellious yes. Always. Whether it's directly/ passive agressively.

Sometimes systems are needed tho.

Anymore insight? What does it mean when you say "short distance travel"?
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by Lunabee
Posted by bricklemark
Mine's Gemini, l get good luck when using wit, in short distance travel, and taking care of kids (nephews, and l used to work in a school)

Do you notice your Jupiter?
What house? : )

Between 11 and 12...
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Do you think the retrograde plays a big role? My Jupiter sits at 29° but it's I'm the center of my 11th

I think "my" Jupiter is responsible for my big ego and self-trust. And probably also for the feeling that some superior force is guiding and protecting me with ulterior motives, since I strictly do not believe in god.

I consider myself lucky.

Jupiter is my chart ruler, and it opposes sun and moon from the 9th house of the Sag.
Capricorn Jupiter I read is in the Fall, and both Gemini and Virgo Jupiter is in detriment.

I notice that if the Gemini Jupiter has strong trines to Aqua and Libra in the chart, it becomes stronger or something.

because trines in the chart makes things stronger and binding.

Gemini Jupiter to Libra Venus to Aqua Moon kind of thing.

or if you have Jupiter Capricorn...if you have other earth it will strengthen it..

if you don't have any more earth it's called a singleton..

I don't know how this effects the chart bearer honestly.
Posted by DepthAndDeath
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by DepthAndDeath
Posted by bricklemark
Mine's Gemini, l get good luck when using wit, in short distance travel, and taking care of kids (nephews, and l used to work in a school)

Do you notice your Jupiter?
My jupiter's in Aqua. 3rd house.

Any insight?
You were the occasional genius at school? Jupiter comes out sometimes, as a personality boost, so Aquarius -genius. Or maybe you had sudden shocks, or strong rebellious tendencies.

I said school because that's 3rd house. Also rules communication, and short distance travel.
Thanks for the insight!

Last time I checked, I hate school lol

Popular amongst teachers and fellow students/senior but totally never in a good way.

Rebellious yes. Always. Whether it's directly/ passive agressively.

Sometimes systems are needed tho.

Anymore insight? What does it mean when you say "short distance travel"?
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Sag(9th house) is long distance travel, philosophy, world religions,

gemini (3rd house) is short distance travel, your neighborhood or town, playing with words, small talk, word games...

Jup 3rd can also mean you talk a lot, Jupiter is expansion, you communicate a could also mean lots of neighbors, and a positive local, social life.
Posted by Lunabee
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by Lunabee
Posted by bricklemark
Mine's Gemini, l get good luck when using wit, in short distance travel, and taking care of kids (nephews, and l used to work in a school)

Do you notice your Jupiter?
What house? : )

Between 11 and 12...

Do you think the retrograde plays a big role? My Jupiter sits at 29° but it's I'm the center of my 11th

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I don't really look at retrogrades...l guess it packs more punch, like a spin on a tennis ball...11th could be good, lots of friendships, associations outside of work, seems kind of fun....l'm more in no man's land with the 12th...
Posted by lisabethur8
Capricorn Jupiter I read is in the Fall, and both Gemini and Virgo Jupiter is in detriment.

I notice that if the Gemini Jupiter has strong trines to Aqua and Libra in the chart, it becomes stronger or something.

because trines in the chart makes things stronger and binding.

Gemini Jupiter to Libra Venus to Aqua Moon kind of thing.

or if you have Jupiter Capricorn...if you have other earth it will strengthen it..

if you don't have any more earth it's called a singleton..

I don't know how this effects the chart bearer honestly.
Yeah trines, but they can also show apathy, and havin it too easy, squars stimulate growth. It's all dynamic, you have to learn to read the dynamics and things also change and evolve throughout your life.
Posted by DonJohn
Posted by Zagittarius
Cancer Jupiter 9th house... Don't know what role its having... But I phaching hate it ?

that's supposed to be a great placement. at home in 9th house and exalted in cancer.

you have money tho right?
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I came to know it's also retrograde... Don't know what that means ??

Question about money is like a trick question to me... Yes I have money, no I don't have money... I m lucky though but I don't care about any opportunity passing by me, its like I don't have any will left...

My placements might seem cool but that's not full of me ? may be some aspects would be effecting and making them worst... If someone would interpret my chart might find the mess I m having in my life... Lol ?? I m still bad at astrology, not giving it much time to understand things ?
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by DepthAndDeath
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by DepthAndDeath
Posted by bricklemark
Mine's Gemini, l get good luck when using wit, in short distance travel, and taking care of kids (nephews, and l used to work in a school)

Do you notice your Jupiter?
My jupiter's in Aqua. 3rd house.

Any insight?
You were the occasional genius at school? Jupiter comes out sometimes, as a personality boost, so Aquarius -genius. Or maybe you had sudden shocks, or strong rebellious tendencies.

I said school because that's 3rd house. Also rules communication, and short distance travel.
Thanks for the insight!

Last time I checked, I hate school lol

Popular amongst teachers and fellow students/senior but totally never in a good way.

Rebellious yes. Always. Whether it's directly/ passive agressively.

Sometimes systems are needed tho.

Anymore insight? What does it mean when you say "short distance travel"?
Sag(9th house) is long distance travel, philosophy, world religions,

gemini (3rd house) is short distance travel, your neighborhood or town, playing with words, small talk, word games...

Jup 3rd can also mean you talk a lot, Jupiter is expansion, you communicate a could also mean lots of neighbors, and a positive local, social life.
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Lol at playing with words, sounds so negative. I can enjoy it nonetheless as in making small poetry (not too often though) --> takin' it positively smile

As for neighbours, yes quite many of them know me but they've never been close enough.

When I feel close to someone, I basically will dominate the entire convo which makes me feel bad sometimes, but i just can't help it :/

Whereas for strangers or semi close, I tend to be more reserved.
Jupiter in Libra, third house

Moon conjunction Jupiter

Jupiter conjunction Saturn

Gemini Jupiter, don't remember the house tho
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by Lunabee
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by Lunabee
Posted by bricklemark
Mine's Gemini, l get good luck when using wit, in short distance travel, and taking care of kids (nephews, and l used to work in a school)

Do you notice your Jupiter?
What house? : )

Between 11 and 12...

Do you think the retrograde plays a big role? My Jupiter sits at 29° but it's I'm the center of my 11th

I don't really look at retrogrades...l guess it packs more punch, like a spin on a tennis ball...11th could be good, lots of friendships, associations outside of work, seems kind of fun....l'm more in no man's land with the 12th...
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Do you have hidden talents? I imagine you produce results in areas nobody else can.

Posted by bricklemark
... Do you notice your Jupiter?

yes. I have luck when I take action. unfortunately I suffer at times from procrastination.

Cafeastrology says, "Believes in the power of positivity ... Attracts the most good fortune when she ... initiates, inspires, and demonstrates enthusiasm and courage."


in 4th.

trine mercury orb 5

trine sun orb 6

sextile sat orb 8

trine Ac orb 8

square nodes orb 2-4

inconj Uranus orb 2

inconj Pluto orb 5

inconj nept orb 7

Janduz interpretation, rewritten by Astrotheme

"A hunter holding a rifle stands amid corpses and injured people on one side, and on the other, his hunting board: pheasants, partridges, and hares."