Do you think astrology has made dating better or worse?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by AL4813 on Wednesday, June 29, 2016 and has 15 replies.
I honestly feel it doesn't really have much of an impact in anything as we see it in life all the time with various signs with each other compatible or not.

be honest, how many of you zodiac discriminate when dating? Lol dont even lie now
Ok I don't discriminate cause I don't know what sign they are at first...but once I find out, especially get my hands on their full natal chart...I like to know everything about it and then I watch to see if it matches..and look up synastry etc..mostly cause I'm curious and it's fun and interesting.

The most dating a new sign and figuring them out! The finding out about some not so charming placements and realizing it's gonna be the same old shit as last time.
It's better to not look at the chart until later, otherwise it can color your perception of the person. If you truly believe in astrology, then you have to also believe the person, while born with what is in their chart still has the ability to make their own choices and become who they want to be.

Posted by PV&Jellay
Posted by AL4813
I honestly feel it doesn't really have much of an impact in anything as we see it in life all the time with various signs with each other compatible or not.

be honest, how many of you zodiac discriminate when dating? Lol dont even lie now
I don't like to pull people's chart. If I feel a connection I will out of curiousity. Even if I see a red flag, I usually try it. But honestly, I'm considering being more discriminate.

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Lol no don't be.. Going in and just letting it happen will be the best ever.. I promise

There are things that might turn me off on someone right away when I know their sign, but honestly, I can usually guess what they are by now. Unless you know someone's full natal chart, and I don't know how to cleverly extract that information, everybody deserves a chance. It hasn't made me more discriminating, but it has made relationships more complicated.
Posted by sagiluv
Coming on here to share my personal experience with my partner has helped me understand him more based on people's feedback and experiences, people who relate to him have made me understand him much more and our relationship has improved so much. I went from not knowing if he cared to being 100% sure that he is in love with me. Zodiac compatibility itself wasn't what I came here for, I came here for tips and advice on my current situation & it helped.

? I like this answer.

Based on planets alone? It will do more harm than good for most people tbh.
Please don't be ignorant and judge people soley based off of sun sign or any other planet or element.

Im not saying that to anyone in particular just for those who don't know.
Yeah i didn't post that for you..
Sometimes not every cancer will square my sun and that's nice, it makes the intial contact flow easily. Even if it did, I don't mind Cancer energy at all i like them, probably has to do with me being water dominant.

Or sometimes I expect a trine or a sextile and end up with a square because of the degrees, even if it's an air sign.

You should go back to posting porn
Posted by RamOfPeace
You should go back to posting porn

Lol who knows I might

Posted by Domimoooo
All it does for me is that I notice things. And then when I confront astrology, it's like, 'oh, makes sense.'

Yea I admit I've done that in the past