Does it mean much if you don't have any planets in some of the houses?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by WonderWoman14 on Monday, January 23, 2017 and has 20 replies.
Does it mean much if you don't have any planets in some of the houses?
No, probably that house themes won't play a big role in your life.

Every house has a sign, when its empty you should look on where is that house ruler.

For example, You have a Saggitarius 7th house with no planets there. You should look at Jupiter and it will give you a clear picture about that house.
Posted by raad182
No, probably that house themes won't play a big role in your life.

Every house has a sign, when its empty you should look on where is that house ruler.

For example, You have a Saggitarius 7th house with no planets there. You should look at Jupiter and it will give you a clear picture about that house.
Ok so I have nothing in 9th, 11th and 12th
Posted by Aliensusedourbogroll
It might mean you won't have any significant issues related to those houses.
I have nothing in 9th, 11th or 12th. 12thb didn't seem so great so that's good news right haha
Posted by WonderWoman14
Posted by raad182
No, probably that house themes won't play a big role in your life.

Every house has a sign, when its empty you should look on where is that house ruler.

For example, You have a Saggitarius 7th house with no planets there. You should look at Jupiter and it will give you a clear picture about that house.
Ok so I have nothing in 9th, 11th and 12th
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Look at the signs of these houses and where their rulers are placed. You will see a correlation between them.
I'd look to see if I had any dark star placements or asteroids in those houses. I have nothing in my 9th or 11th either but I have the North Node in the 9th which is important.

The best way to make Chiron function well when in the 7th house is understanding that you are a self-luminous person. Yes, relationships are important; but even failures concerning them are not the end of the world. Do not allow your fears make you lose a good person who tries to enter your life. Of course, there is always the risk of being hurt again, but fear is the biggest enemy and not failure.

ok so I have it in 10th house where did you get your information from?
This is a topic I have been trying to figure out (houses, whether empty or not and how they work etc) and I really need a book for dummies or something on this cuz it drives me nuts. My 2nd, 3rd, and 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th houses are all empty.

Well except for Chiron, that sneaky bastard is in my 10th house which is Aries in my chart.

Posted by GuardianAnu
This is a topic I have been trying to figure out (houses, whether empty or not and how they work etc) and I really need a book for dummies or something on this cuz it drives me nuts. My 2nd, 3rd, and 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th houses are all empty.

Well except for Chiron, that sneaky bastard is in my 10th house which is Aries in my chart.

That's a lot of empty houses!

I need to understand more about this Chiron. How can I find out what it means him in my 10th Taurus

Posted by WonderWoman14
Posted by GuardianAnu
This is a topic I have been trying to figure out (houses, whether empty or not and how they work etc) and I really need a book for dummies or something on this cuz it drives me nuts. My 2nd, 3rd, and 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th houses are all empty.

Well except for Chiron, that sneaky bastard is in my 10th house which is Aries in my chart.

That's a lot of empty houses!

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I know, right. It's a bit spooky. Straight Face
Chiron in the 10th house is a bit harsh as it hurts one public life.
Posted by raad182
Chiron in the 10th house is a bit harsh as it hurts one public life.
Care to elaborate a bit more? or point me to somewhere that will give me some answers? 13 degree taurus in 10th house
I have Chiron in (Sagittarius) 8th house.

I have had to put up with people exposing my secrets and other things. No wonder I have trust issues.
Posted by WonderWoman14
Posted by raad182
Chiron in the 10th house is a bit harsh as it hurts one public life.
Care to elaborate a bit more? or point me to somewhere that will give me some answers? 13 degree taurus in 10th house
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Disclaimer: You need to see the aspects and the chart as whole to extract some valuable information.

With Taurus in the MC you are supposed to lead a Venusian role in society maybe as an artist, a business owner or some job related to the pleasures of life.

Chiron is known as the wounded-healer, so where Chiron is placed in your chart is where you struggle most in your life but is where you are able to help and teach people.

Maybe you are good at providing career tips or knowing what other people need to rise in life but you are unable to do that for yourself, maybe you find yourself stuck in your career or social position.

Posted by Nepturanus
i have nothing from 2nd to 7th. bowl chart.

empty house means less problem?
So they say ??‍♀️
Posted by Nepturanus
Posted by WonderWoman14
Posted by Nepturanus
i have nothing from 2nd to 7th. bowl chart.

empty house means less problem?
So they say ??‍♀️
did you get it? your aspects on
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No here
Posted by TheGreatSearcher
I have Chiron in (Sagittarius) 8th house.

I have had to put up with people exposing my secrets and other things. No wonder I have trust issues.
That's why I don't tell anyone my secrets haha
Posted by WonderWoman14
Posted by GuardianAnu
This is a topic I have been trying to figure out (houses, whether empty or not and how they work etc) and I really need a book for dummies or something on this cuz it drives me nuts. My 2nd, 3rd, and 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th houses are all empty.

Well except for Chiron, that sneaky bastard is in my 10th house which is Aries in my chart.

That's a lot of empty houses!

I need to understand more about this Chiron. How can I find out what it means him in my 10th Taurus

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Chiron in the 10th indicates problems with career. You may have difficulty with your career or getting the help you need to establish yourself. Also difficulty with bosses. Since Taurus is your 10th, you may have trouble pursuing your chosen career due to money issues. Does any of this sound correct?
Posted by WonderWoman14
Posted by Season
Posted by WonderWoman14
Posted by GuardianAnu
This is a topic I have been trying to figure out (houses, whether empty or not and how they work etc) and I really need a book for dummies or something on this cuz it drives me nuts. My 2nd, 3rd, and 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th houses are all empty.

Well except for Chiron, that sneaky bastard is in my 10th house which is Aries in my chart.

That's a lot of empty houses!

I need to understand more about this Chiron. How can I find out what it means him in my 10th Taurus

Chiron in the 10th indicates problems with career. You may have difficulty with your career or getting the help you need to establish yourself. Also difficulty with bosses. Since Taurus is your 10th, you may have trouble pursuing your chosen career due to money issues. Does any of this sound correct?
Yes this definitely sounds familiar. I've always dreamed of running my own business. In my early twenties I was fling up the career ladder but after I had my children I took a step back and now work p/t. They are now both in school so I can move forward again but it's like I have this fear that I can't do it, that I won't achieve it so what's the point in trying. That I should just stay on three comfort zone but financially I don't want to. I want to earn as much as possible. It's likei have these two voices in my head one good and one bad lol.

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Yes, getting a late start on a career is stressful, wherever the 10th house falls. It's something to think about. Is it better to try and maybe fail, than not to try at all? Could you live with that? There are many questions to ask oneself.
Posted by Seraphlight
Posted by WonderWoman14
Does it mean much if you don't have any planets in some of the houses?
Means you're fucking awesome here wonder woman have a song. smile

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Oh I do love a bit of David Bowie, thank you Seraphlight