Heyyy to all of you 12th housers out there!!
I open this topic so that we can connect and share our experiences of 12th house placements.
I have my moon , mercury and mars in my 12th house all in capricorn.
I have to admit i dropped off astrology in
And what cheers you up? Space? lol... I mean from your friends n love interested. Do u normally withdraw deal with your own stuff? Do you ever ask for help? Do you want someone to listen? Do you like being asked how you are ? Etc? What do you appreciate?
Disclaimer: Just from my general observant point of view. I have no feelings in this I just find it interesting.
So I noticed with my Aries that he is very generous, kind, fun and can be quite outgoing most of the time. We socialise with friends, go pl
Not asking questions, nor ranting, but listlessly babbling from the top of my head about what I feel a yearning to get out of my mind.
I couldn't stay with the Aquarian lady - it just didn't feel right. She, (henceforth referred to as "L") has a good m
What is yours from your significant other? Are you happy with nothing?Just a card? Are you upset if its a late prezzie? Do you want the full shabang, surprise party, cake, out to dinner, gift?
What's your needs/wants for your bday?
Great day guys..I'm Josefina,
I can't find the introduction thread so I decided to move over here. I've been curious at the same time interested in reading numbers. Hoping to learn and understand more about number reading.
took a nap after work,
woke up, worked some more on work comp
Did late night laundry
turned on news, topics' everybody regrets voting for Trump- like duh
ate some stale plantain chips from TJmaxx
Blocked some more numbers in my contacts
I just need