Available to date if you're in your 30's or the late 30's? Most 30 something females in my area are taken. And if not they usually are single parents.
I dont have kids and am not entirely sold on being a step parent no matter how desperate I am to date
Thread take #2.
By astro twin I mean somebody who was born several days away from you max, on the same year. Not luminary/angular house placement twin.
How did it go?
Like know how to deep throat, ride and anal
A pro with the big D
8' and above
Did it take time to learn or was you naturally a pro?
Do you only date 8' and up?
Would you date less?
f you are already interested in someone and moving as slow as you do, you need more time before you make a move, can another woman/man come along and distract you from them?
Basically stealing your affection from your original interest. DO you just focus
If you are already interested in someone and moving as slow as you do, you need more time before you make a move, can another woman/man come along and distract you from them?
Basically stealing your affection from your original interest. Do you just focu
Asking Libras here where your Venus is and what house.
Do you feel Venusian? How many relationships have you been in?
Also, what is your dominant modality and do you get along better with those of similar energy.