Does this Aquarius like me or should I give up?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by leah44 on Monday, September 17, 2012 and has 3 replies.
He is a aquarius sun venus in aquarius. we are friends (he even told me i was his best female friend) and i like him, but i am not sure how to go about getting him. should I just come out and say it? he seems so shy when it comes to me and not other girls (it took him a whole year to hug me) I just really need help on understanding this type of aquarius guy. he calms that he doesn't want a relationship because he's afraid of messing up with me, but gets mad when I don't come to see him or talk to other guys and has told me he doesn't want me to be this other guy's girlfriend. he even told me that he feels I would wait to get married until I was around 30. (something he says he will do) I just really need help with him. I really like him, but I don't know how to make him not be so afraid of commitment.
In her defense, there isn't much activity on the Aqua board. The ones there often do help, though.
Maybe try the astrology and relationships board?
That said.
You say he is afraid of getting in a relationship with you. Looks to me like you've already got your answer. Those guys are present honest and straight forward. Go about your business, date guys. If he doesn't want you to, then he should man up and ask you out. smile
I meant Aqua men are pretty honest and straightforward.