Does Venus Square ASC work in the same way as Saturn negatively aspecting ASC?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Radar on Thursday, February 14, 2019 and has 15 replies.
For context, this question only applies to Venus-ruled ASC like Libra and Taurus.
My ascendant is Libra but I don't know what would be a square to it.
Posted by GemLover

Damn and i got this placement too. And libra ascendant. Is this suppose to be bad?
I was simply referring to how it makes you feel about your appearance. I've heard Venus negatively aspecting your ASC will make you feel ugly even if you're a supermodel. I was just curious if Saturn can do the same thing to a Libra ASC.

(Asking for a friend. 😔)
Posted by Radar

Posted by GemLover

Damn and i got this placement too. And libra ascendant. Is this suppose to be bad?
I was simply referring to how it makes you feel about your appearance. I've heard Venus negatively aspecting your ASC will make you feel ugly even if you're a supermodel. I was just curious if Saturn can do the same thing to a Libra ASC.

(Asking for a friend. 😔)
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I think no one really knows what they are. There are days when everyone feels ugly. Most humans aren't though. I think most are at least average and there is always someone that will find a "ugly" person attractive.

Being pretty or handsome gets you a lot of shallow people anyways, only after looks and your body. Being average is where it's at!

Libra rising are said to be fairly good looking.
Posted by saggurl88

Posted by Radar

Posted by GemLover

Damn and i got this placement too. And libra ascendant. Is this suppose to be bad?
I was simply referring to how it makes you feel about your appearance. I've heard Venus negatively aspecting your ASC will make you feel ugly even if you're a supermodel. I was just curious if Saturn can do the same thing to a Libra ASC.

(Asking for a friend. 😔)
I think no one really knows what they are. There are days when everyone feels ugly. Most humans aren't though. I think most are at least average and there is always someone that will find a "ugly" person attractive.

Being pretty or handsome gets you a lot of shallow people anyways, only after looks and your body. Being average is where it's at!

Libra rising are said to be fairly good looking.
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I feel like I missed that memo as a libra rising lol. Growing up, I was called ugly by all the girls I wasn't attracted to but somehow was really good friends with all the pretty ones. Still hurt though.
Posted by Radar

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by Radar

Posted by GemLover

Damn and i got this placement too. And libra ascendant. Is this suppose to be bad?
I was simply referring to how it makes you feel about your appearance. I've heard Venus negatively aspecting your ASC will make you feel ugly even if you're a supermodel. I was just curious if Saturn can do the same thing to a Libra ASC.

(Asking for a friend. 😔)
I think no one really knows what they are. There are days when everyone feels ugly. Most humans aren't though. I think most are at least average and there is always someone that will find a "ugly" person attractive.

Being pretty or handsome gets you a lot of shallow people anyways, only after looks and your body. Being average is where it's at!

Libra rising are said to be fairly good looking.
I feel like I missed that memo as a libra rising lol. Growing up, I was called ugly by all the girls I wasn't attracted to but somehow was really good friends with all the pretty ones. Still hurt though.
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Even if you are average, you just need a confidence boost. When you think you’re sexy, other girls will think you’re sexy as well. The right clothes and haircut can also up your sex appeal. Looks sometimes don’t matter.

A lot of men can easily change up their looks when shopping by copying the clothes on mannequins. This will help out some.

And being friend zoned is most likely cause you’re a nice guy. This technique usually only works with nice girls. Most girls like guys that are sweet, but ass holes too.
Posted by saggurl88

Posted by Radar

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by Radar

Posted by GemLover

Damn and i got this placement too. And libra ascendant. Is this suppose to be bad?
I was simply referring to how it makes you feel about your appearance. I've heard Venus negatively aspecting your ASC will make you feel ugly even if you're a supermodel. I was just curious if Saturn can do the same thing to a Libra ASC.

(Asking for a friend. 😔)
I think no one really knows what they are. There are days when everyone feels ugly. Most humans aren't though. I think most are at least average and there is always someone that will find a "ugly" person attractive.

Being pretty or handsome gets you a lot of shallow people anyways, only after looks and your body. Being average is where it's at!

Libra rising are said to be fairly good looking.
I feel like I missed that memo as a libra rising lol. Growing up, I was called ugly by all the girls I wasn't attracted to but somehow was really good friends with all the pretty ones. Still hurt though.
Even if you are average, you just need a confidence boost. When you think you’re sexy, other girls will think you’re sexy as well. The right clothes and haircut can also up your sex appeal. Looks sometimes don’t matter.

A lot of men can easily change up their looks when shopping by copying the clothes on mannequins. This will help out some.

And being friend zoned is most likely cause you’re a nice guy. This technique usually only works with nice girls. Most girls like guys that are sweet, but ass holes too.
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The thing is most of the time it actually wasn't friendzoned. I was never the one to reach out for friendship with them. I even remember me messing with my buddies sophomore year one morning and this girl I was friends with at the time (tall black/italian girl) just came up and said good morning, hugged the shit out of me, smiled, and walked away. We only had like 1 class (art) together and she always sat next to me so I was very confused. That same year a latina girl who everyone had a crush on always asked to eat lunch with me even though I never talked to her and by the end of the year we had gotten drunk together and she had called me "hers" even though she was a proclaimed lesbian at the time. Women are weird lmao (but they smell nicer than guys so 🤷‍♂️).

As for your other point, I am routinely called an asshole by girls I hang out with lol. I'm still a nice person though. I just tell the truth alot. Like if you look fat in a dress, I won't hesitate to tell you (only if you ask me). They hate me for it but still appreciate the blunt honesty (or rudeness? unsure). 😊
Posted by Radar

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by Radar

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by Radar

Posted by GemLover

Damn and i got this placement too. And libra ascendant. Is this suppose to be bad?
I was simply referring to how it makes you feel about your appearance. I've heard Venus negatively aspecting your ASC will make you feel ugly even if you're a supermodel. I was just curious if Saturn can do the same thing to a Libra ASC.

(Asking for a friend. 😔)
I think no one really knows what they are. There are days when everyone feels ugly. Most humans aren't though. I think most are at least average and there is always someone that will find a "ugly" person attractive.

Being pretty or handsome gets you a lot of shallow people anyways, only after looks and your body. Being average is where it's at!

Libra rising are said to be fairly good looking.
I feel like I missed that memo as a libra rising lol. Growing up, I was called ugly by all the girls I wasn't attracted to but somehow was really good friends with all the pretty ones. Still hurt though.
Even if you are average, you just need a confidence boost. When you think you’re sexy, other girls will think you’re sexy as well. The right clothes and haircut can also up your sex appeal. Looks sometimes don’t matter.

A lot of men can easily change up their looks when shopping by copying the clothes on mannequins. This will help out some.

And being friend zoned is most likely cause you’re a nice guy. This technique usually only works with nice girls. Most girls like guys that are sweet, but ass holes too.
The thing is most of the time it actually wasn't friendzoned. I was never the one to reach out for friendship with them. I even remember me messing with my buddies sophomore year one morning and this girl I was friends with at the time (tall black/italian girl) just came up and said good morning, hugged the shit out of me, smiled, and walked away. We only had like 1 class (art) together and she always sat next to me so I was very confused. That same year a latina girl who everyone had a crush on always asked to eat lunch with me even though I never talked to her and by the end of the year we had gotten drunk together and she had called me "hers" even though she was a proclaimed lesbian at the time. Women are weird lmao (but they smell nicer than guys so 🤷‍♂️).

As for your other point, I am routinely called an asshole by girls I hang out with lol. I'm still a nice person though. I just tell the truth alot. Like if you look fat in a dress, I won't hesitate to tell you (only if you ask me). They hate me for it but still appreciate the blunt honesty (or rudeness? unsure). 😊
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Well this humble brag doesn’t sound like you’re ugly at all. 🤣🤣🤣 Maybe just lonely because of Valentine’s Day.

Start talking to girls and go get some lol
There is no such thing as negatively, aspects are soft or hard (not positive or negative).

Libra ASC would make the person tactful, polite, charming and well mannered. A Venus square could indicate hedonism and vanity. Saturn square could make the person overly serious and all about the business.

These are more desired for women because men aren't able to fully express the venusian yin feminine energy.
Posted by raad182

There is no such thing as negatively, aspects are soft or hard (not positive or negative).

Libra ASC would make the person tactful, polite, charming and well mannered. A Venus square could indicate hedonism and vanity. Saturn square could make the person overly serious and all about the business.

These are more desired for women because men aren't able to fully express the venusian yin feminine energy.

damn that saturn square on top of a cap sun must make me seem like death incarnate
Posted by Radar

Posted by raad182

There is no such thing as negatively, aspects are soft or hard (not positive or negative).

Libra ASC would make the person tactful, polite, charming and well mannered. A Venus square could indicate hedonism and vanity. Saturn square could make the person overly serious and all about the business.

These are more desired for women because men aren't able to fully express the venusian yin feminine energy.

damn that saturn square on top of a cap sun must make me seem like death incarnate
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That saturn square makes you NEGATIVE and OVERLY CONCERNED about your self-image.

Posted by raad182

Posted by Radar

Posted by raad182

There is no such thing as negatively, aspects are soft or hard (not positive or negative).

Libra ASC would make the person tactful, polite, charming and well mannered. A Venus square could indicate hedonism and vanity. Saturn square could make the person overly serious and all about the business.

These are more desired for women because men aren't able to fully express the venusian yin feminine energy.

damn that saturn square on top of a cap sun must make me seem like death incarnate
That saturn square makes you NEGATIVE and OVERLY CONCERNED about your self-image.

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that's like the worst thing for a libra rising right?
Posted by Radar

Posted by raad182

Posted by Radar

Posted by raad182

There is no such thing as negatively, aspects are soft or hard (not positive or negative).

Libra ASC would make the person tactful, polite, charming and well mannered. A Venus square could indicate hedonism and vanity. Saturn square could make the person overly serious and all about the business.

These are more desired for women because men aren't able to fully express the venusian yin feminine energy.

damn that saturn square on top of a cap sun must make me seem like death incarnate
That saturn square makes you NEGATIVE and OVERLY CONCERNED about your self-image.

that's like the worst thing for a libra rising right?
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kinda, as Libra is really concerned about how they are perceived by others.

There are more aspects to your ascendant?
Posted by raad182

Posted by Radar

Posted by raad182

Posted by Radar

Posted by raad182

There is no such thing as negatively, aspects are soft or hard (not positive or negative).

Libra ASC would make the person tactful, polite, charming and well mannered. A Venus square could indicate hedonism and vanity. Saturn square could make the person overly serious and all about the business.

These are more desired for women because men aren't able to fully express the venusian yin feminine energy.

damn that saturn square on top of a cap sun must make me seem like death incarnate
That saturn square makes you NEGATIVE and OVERLY CONCERNED about your self-image.

that's like the worst thing for a libra rising right?
kinda, as Libra is really concerned about how they are perceived by others.

There are more aspects to your ascendant?
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There's Mercury sextile ASC, Jupiter Trine ASC, Uranus Trine ASC, and Mars Trine ASC.
Posted by Radar

Posted by raad182

Posted by Radar

Posted by raad182

Posted by Radar

Posted by raad182

There is no such thing as negatively, aspects are soft or hard (not positive or negative).

Libra ASC would make the person tactful, polite, charming and well mannered. A Venus square could indicate hedonism and vanity. Saturn square could make the person overly serious and all about the business.

These are more desired for women because men aren't able to fully express the venusian yin feminine energy.

damn that saturn square on top of a cap sun must make me seem like death incarnate
That saturn square makes you NEGATIVE and OVERLY CONCERNED about your self-image.

that's like the worst thing for a libra rising right?
kinda, as Libra is really concerned about how they are perceived by others.

There are more aspects to your ascendant?
There's Mercury sextile ASC, Jupiter Trine ASC, Uranus Trine ASC, and Mars Trine ASC.
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Thats where you should focus on.

Be overly serious (square saturn) about being communicative when needed ( sextile Mercury), optimistic (jupiter), active(Mars) and unique (uranus).