does your Moon?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by deeZired on Wednesday, October 1, 2008 and has 10 replies.
Does your Aquarius Moon ever make you feel kinda lonerish...
dont' know if it's my aquarius moon but i do 'go it alone' alot.
It's either that, my Pisces sun or my Scorpio rising. Most likely all three. smile
Haha, you should try being a "life path 7" in numerology. It is the path of the loner!! (that's my life path number).
I have a sag moon, if anything I should have loads of friends and hardly be home. At times I definitely feel the clash, one part of my nature is friendly & gregarious, and longs to be very social. But I also have a strong urge for freedom, and I need alot of time to myself. Tug-o-war lol.
I have always been a loner. During those odd teenage years I tried really hard to find friends, but now I am once again ok being by myself a good deal of the time.
""Does your Aquarius Moon ever make you feel kinda lonerish...""
Oh YEAH!.....I like to have some alone time.....away to collect my thoughts and feeling...I have always been pretty to myself....even in my past.....I tend to do everything by myself......I have trouble excepting help....but people make me except I just say ok.....I like to be around people.......but once they start to get personal I tend to back away........cause I don't let anyone get that close.....unless I trust them....I don't mind being myself......I can be happy alone or with
I have a question. In another board someone wrote something about Virgo and Aqua moon.....I took it as if it's a bad thing. So can you tell me what they might be referring to? Am I a total ass or something? haha

no your fine ghettobotty!.....some people just have trouble understanding.....the Moon signs that don't show emotions sooo openly....that is can apparently drive some people up the wall lol!
bein alone is comforting .... with a aqua moon i think. N bein with people is too... ionno its wierd.
it's just easier to go things alone for me since i don't have to worry about other people and the pressure they can bring when i'm doing things. i just like to go my pace and do things for myself. then again i'd like to make a very close circle of friends sometime in my life maybe after highschool is finished.