doomed or destined

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by mysteriousTaurus on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 and has 5 replies.
What do you think of a male having 5 air placements and a female having 5 fire placements romantically? More bad then good or more good than bad..
Idk their exact birthdays, this is my coworker and his ex girlfriend. He's a libra sun and she's an aries sun. If you really want their wheel charts I could ask him the exact birthdays
Fire and air work rather well together.
Interesting, I wouldn't know, I'm an earth sun smile
My coworker and his girlfriend broke up. They were together 5 years I think. I told him to do their charts and he did, he also found something interesting.. their fire and air placements both appear 5 times.

My opinion was that that could have been a possible contributor to their breakup? I'm not sure. I don't have enough knowledge of compatibility based solely on the elements to figure it out.
Posted by tiziani
Take the good with the bad, all day. Ride the wave.

There's really nothing quite like it when she's breathing fire into your life. It simplifies your thoughts, gives your life direction more elegance.

I'm not saying it's the only combo to have in life, but it is irreplaceable.

That is interesting tiziani, but the relationship failed.. I was wondering is this may be a cause, possibly too much fire for my very airy friend? I really don't know. Does the hottest love have the coldest end? Could be.