Double or Triple Signs

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Sagithehunter on Wednesday, December 7, 2016 and has 18 replies.
Meaning like the Sun, moon and rising. Like two or three on the same sign. Like I am a Libra moon and rising. Does this mean my Libra attributes are enhanced? Or if someone has triple signs. Anyone else a double or triple sign?
Triple here scorp scorp scorp lol
Im a double Leo with both Sun and Moon in 5th house. I am Solar Dominant. I used to know a triple Aries back in high school. Strong Martian energy. He'd get in trouble everyday and he would also be at school half the time. Piss him off and he will have no trouble of fighting you in front of everyone, regardless if he'd get suspended.
Posted by Solesan
Im a double Leo with both Sun and Moon in 5th house. I am Solar Dominant. I used to know a triple Aries back in high school. Strong Martian energy. He'd get in trouble everyday and he would also be at school half the time. Piss him off and he will have no trouble of fighting you in front of everyone, regardless if he'd get suspended.
He must have been unbearable to deal with. Did he constantly bully people and throw them around like their nothing?
Posted by Sagithehunter
Posted by Solesan
Im a double Leo with both Sun and Moon in 5th house. I am Solar Dominant. I used to know a triple Aries back in high school. Strong Martian energy. He'd get in trouble everyday and he would also be at school half the time. Piss him off and he will have no trouble of fighting you in front of everyone, regardless if he'd get suspended.
He must have been unbearable to deal with. Did he constantly bully people and throw them around like their nothing?
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Yea he was.
Posted by Solesan
Posted by Sagithehunter
Posted by Solesan
Im a double Leo with both Sun and Moon in 5th house. I am Solar Dominant. I used to know a triple Aries back in high school. Strong Martian energy. He'd get in trouble everyday and he would also be at school half the time. Piss him off and he will have no trouble of fighting you in front of everyone, regardless if he'd get suspended.
He must have been unbearable to deal with. Did he constantly bully people and throw them around like their nothing?
Yea he was.
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I noticed a lot of Aries Rising individuals with double sign in sun and moon have strong enhanced energy of that sign because the Sun and Moon sometimes fall in the house that sign is associated with.
Sun, Moon, Merc, Venus in Aqua.
Triple libra smile
If ya want to go with the whole chart. I am a Libra Moon, Mars, Venus and Ascendand. Sagi sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, Scorp Saturn and Pluto. Im basically a fall baby.
I got Capricorn Merc, Moon and Rising.
i have sag moon, venus, mars, nep and jup.. i come across very sag and aries ( all in 1st house) yet i'm aqua sun lol
I've got sun/moon/merc in Sag - if Mercury counts haha smile
Yeah Taurus Trifleca here, yo.
And way too fixed. I which I was born on a different day sometimes.
My Sun, Asc. and merc. are in Taurus. Uber Taurean. Almost had a Taurus moon too. 29.46 degrees in Aries. Close.
I'm seeing a sun,moon,merc,venus Aries Confused
Posted by TrueFantasy
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
And way too fixed. I which I was born on a different day sometimes.
I'm way too mutable Crying
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How's that going?
Funny I'm also always saying I need balance, I am so much of a procrastinator about goals that I take many subjects and earn many things. So I need motivation sometimes about the direction of usually financial stability. I'm always in or searching for something else. When I just need to be 'this is it, no regrets and do it. Otherwise I fret and worry and think too long about it.