emotional manipulation between those people

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by 199144 on Thursday, May 25, 2017 and has 1 replies.

can you tell me basing on those 4 charts why Taurus Gir cock-blocked me before the Virgo man?

Why Virgo man cock-blocked me before the Leo man?

i am Aries.

Its a mistery for me.

its this story i have been writing and telling since 1 year.

taurus girl virgo man are friends. she manipulates people she and him are best friends. she doesnt want anything from him. she gets a boyfriend but holds virgo man behind like in a 5th wheel. he meets me , taurus girl is jealous , i am taurus' girl best friend from high school. i ask her about him. now i know she was telling lies to me about him and telling lies of me to him, even though she had a boyfriend she was too interested in my and his life.

he breaks up with me. comes back to her because she is his vest friend.

after some time i meet leo man at work, he had a crush on me but i wanted take thing slowly. leo man and virgo guy knows each other from high school. didnt know about that.

after 1.5 year when virgo man sees leo man likes me he tells lies about me to leo man. he tells leo man me and virgo have been together.

leo man gets furious and mad.

i go abroad. leo man doesnt speak to me. i know he had a 1 month romance in march 2017. i am still abroad.

sometimes virgo and leo likes my pictures on facebook.

why did it happen like that?

why have i been blocked by the taurus girl? and why after 1/5 year i have been blocked by a virgo man?? why?

i felt that i couldnt move on... like i would be a different person... and they knew that but didnt want me in the company.

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