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Apr 11, 2018Comments: 0 · Posts: 529 · Topics: 38
I study to become a teacher and that's a job i sincerely love i have Jupiter in 1st house and a Sagittarius sun.
But astrology has got into my life for some years now and i feel it enriches it a lot.
Like gradually i get a more holistic understanding of the natal chart and what it represents in real life analysis.
Today we analysed the birth chart of a girl i consider very sweet and mysterious (shes Scorpio sun ,moon, venus and Pisces rising) and learned things about her that i really loved.
She admitted them and i think she felt seen, validated and understood and i liked that a lot. Also i got to talk about my favourite thing and get a deeper perspective once again.
People tell me i should think about studying and working in astrology but i am not sure.
However even my chart and my way of life, considering how much i enjoy spending time to read, and talk to people about their lifes and emotions and trying to understand more about this stuff.
Plus i have an 11th house sun in sag conjunct Pluto.
Moon , mercury ,mars in Cap in the 12th.
Have you ever felt a specific area is calling you to investigate it or even have any natal indications about what that would be?
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Sep 05, 2016Comments: 2 · Posts: 2993 · Topics: 592
I got the same feeling about Astrology, I like to see the real manifestation of the placements and Im Always amazed on how true it is but becoming a pro astrologer is something else as you need to be really careful about what you will talk to other person and I think the demand is low for the number of astrologers.
With all of those placements you have, I would motivate you to get into the field, you can start a blog and offer readings, then write more contente, books, seminars, courses, workshops... so on.
I think your life calling is shown in your natal chart as a whole but the strongest indicator would be the sun because its show where in your life you have the potential to become an authority, a king.
The other planets and aspects are there only to support the Sun in its mission.