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Feb 19, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 245 · Topics: 48
Question for all the fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scoprio and Aquarius
Do you find to let to let go of people?
Are you good with change?
Are you stubborn?
What do you think reflects your fixed placement. State the placements your fixed signs fall in as well
I'm a taurus sun and mercury aqua moon and asc node and idk if this matters but Pluto and Lilith in Scorpio those are all my fixed placements
I tend to be able to cut ppl off easily guess that's my aries venus but i will always love the ppl I've loved I carry a soft spot for them forever I still talk to all my exes.
I'm not the best with change I enjoy familiarity and security but it is apart of life so I try and go with it
I am stubborn but can be open minded but if I'm set on something I'm pretty stubborn about it.
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Feb 19, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 245 · Topics: 48
Can't say if houses count I'm not to familar with how the houses work still learning that.
I'm fixed dominat as well 6 fixed placements 5 cardinal 1 mutuble lol l
Fixed dominant here as well - Aqua sun/Leo moon/Scorpio rising. I'm also fixed in Mercury and Mars. I can easily let people go or cut them out as I'm super detached. I can adapt to change and don't mind it. I can be very stubborn... there's not many times I can recall not getting things my way.
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Jun 24, 2015Comments: 1 · Posts: 1641 · Topics: 110
Yes, I absolutely can't deny that. I'm a Taurus Venus partially in the 8th house, so letting go is no a simple task lol I've been holding onto my Cancer ex for almost two years now. That shit resurfaces every now and again. And it can be tremendously painful.
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Aug 07, 2013Comments: 14265 · Posts: 5321 · Topics: 61
im fixed and scorpio dominant. taurus sun, taurus venus, scorpio mars... my gemini moon makes me prone to change and versatile. while i do have a hard time letting go, and having a clingy cancer ascendant doesn't necessarily help, i do keep in mind that change is inevitable and cathartic even over time. relationship-wise i will definitely work on it with my partner(which means putting in time), and be patient to try to make things work. this being said, i put A LOT into my relationships which kind of makes me expect a lot in return (not good but im working on it). having said that, im not afraid to end a relationship when it has proven to be more heartache than happiness.
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Dec 03, 2014Comments: 16 · Posts: 2377 · Topics: 189
Yes it's very hard to let go for me. But mostly when it's my fault, I feel terrible and I don't forgive myself for some things I may have accidently done to hurt my true friends. I'm genuine and I take loyalty seriously, if a friend of mine feels that I have betrayed her, I take it to the heart and I will change my ways for the better.
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Dec 03, 2014Comments: 16 · Posts: 2377 · Topics: 189
In all cases which my friends have felt let down by me, they were misunderstandings. But I still feel remorse.
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Dec 03, 2014Comments: 16 · Posts: 2377 · Topics: 189
I have a Virgo moon and a libra rising.