Posted by pssymonstaa
Take a chill pill darling. They dont drug test for those. ^_^
Seriously tho, stop talking ratchet behind people's backs.
Its a huge turnoff.
You like the guy?
Posted by Wynter
Guys think it's cute to pit girls against each other, he knew it would get you riled up.
Posted by WaterCup
Lmao @ Xin, its that 8th house sun of yours, it feels betrayed. Like it or not, an 8th house sun mimics scorpio tendencies. My advice is, step back, breathe & your feelings might change very soon minus the damage caused by acting without much situation assessment. For all you know, he might be trying to ge you jealous or see what you'll do..testing how much you care, etc. Please dont act up on this, you dont wanna come off as a jealous nut..keep you dignity.
Posted by XinPosted by WaterCup
Lmao @ Xin, its that 8th house sun of yours, it feels betrayed. Like it or not, an 8th house sun mimics scorpio tendencies. My advice is, step back, breathe & your feelings might change very soon minus the damage caused by acting without much situation assessment. For all you know, he might be trying to ge you jealous or see what you'll do..testing how much you care, etc. Please dont act up on this, you dont wanna come off as a jealous nut..keep you dignity.
Which part exactly is this? Let me go ahead and look my chart up real quick. Im like super mad about it, and you hit the nail on the head the word "betrayed" sums it up exactly. I feel like that. Im thinking ok WHAT THE HELL! After all that I said and you're going to go do that? UGH pissed me the F off. So now I feel I have to get even especially if I can't say anything. Im definitely going to add all his "boys" now and do my crazy Gemini flirting LOL! It's only fair (here comes all my Libra placements) if he can add my friends I should be able to add his.
click to expand
Posted by pssymonstaaPosted by ScorpiorabbitPosted by pssymonstaa
There is going to be a bunny holochaust come May 31st..
Wazzat date?
The Holy Day Of My Birth!
lol @ chastity belt!click to expand
Posted by RomancingA
Also Sags can't keep secrets...or track of their lies, not that the lies are vindictive like something coming from a Pisces or a Scorpio....the lies are usually harmless from Sags.
Im pretty certain he's going to tell her. In fact he'll probably open the conversation with her using exactly what you said. Sags love this kind of drama, esp when it doesn't involve them....but it's about to involve him.
----If this is the type of guy he is then I wouldn't have any business with him. Loyalty reaps the rewards in my books. I wouldn't allow someone to stick around who wasn't loyal and kept my business to themselves.
Just depends on what you think you will allow. Sure your Taurus friend is a bitch, call her out on it....but I'd leave this new guy in the dust. Too much of a sneaky move for me to trust.
Posted by WaterCup
Just google sun/mercury in the 8th house as I'm no expert in astrology. All I know is that, the house your planets are in lends some traits of what that house represents. So 8th house sun will be similar to scorpio. Think of all scorpio traits and see if they apply to you.
Posted by ScorpiorabbitPosted by robyn808Posted by pssymonstaa
oh great, Robyn is here.... -_-
How come your not bulging?
Aaaaand I'm outta to expand
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