Fraternizing With The Enemy

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Xin on Thursday, May 2, 2013 and has 23 replies.
Interesting indeed.
So how many of you had have the pleasure of dealing with someone that you told a few things about someone you didn't like only to find out a day or two later they added them to their facebook/phone/friends list?
Im pissed.
This is regarding:
Me: Gemini
New Guy: Sagittarius
Friend: Taurus
Just recently met a Sagittarius male. I have a friend who is a Taurus female and she is driving me fucking crazy and hell yeah I talked shit about her. Well apparently he gets this bright motherfucking idea and adds her to his list AFTER I fucking said all that shit. Im at the cross roads of what to do. Im not sure if I want to kick her ass or his. She's been a fucking BITCH beyond all reason lately and I gave her what for. I don't give a shit. If you're a fucking bitch I'm going to tell you guess what YOU'RE A FUCKING BITCH. Well hes all flirting and being a typical Sagittarius (who I don't trust because Sag's seem to never make a total commitment). He has a lot of air placements too and I think he's up to something.
This morning I've been MIA and I get on a blog that we are all on and he's there with her god damn picture on his friends list. Im beyond pissed the fuck off. I get that it might not be a big deal but he could be telling her shit.
First off she has a man. Second she made her god dang bed so she has to lay the fuck in it now bitch. Don't cry to me about how he's this and that. YOU LET HIM MOVE IN! Then she lies about her damn age. She's actually turning 38 in May not 29. Damn liar ass. So hell yeah I told him that shit. She moves some loser ass 22 year old into her house and then she cries to me about it. I told her the truth, now she's all butt hurt.
All the sudden this dude (Sag) the one who was all flirting stops talking and adds her? WTF is this shit? Oh you wanna play that? Ok. So now im mad. I figured ill just sit back and wait to see what the fuck happens. Maybe he likes her I have no idea.
I know that with men you should wait to see if they text you and wait to see if they make a move so far I guess hes too damn busy up her butt. UGH SO MAD!
Anyways anyone have stories like this? I don't want to look like the psycho. But he started flirting with me! He started talking to ME! Im NOT going to initiate all contact, calling, texting, no damn way that's his job. I think if he's interested he should show some type of initiative right?
Any suggestions?
I want to say something like WHY the fuc
Like why the fuck did you add her but the last thing I want to do is actually LOOK like the psycho.
Anyone have any suggestions to handle this properly without me looking like a fucking crazy ass?
Not sure really. I guess? He just got out of a relationship. Like 6 weeks ago after like 6 years so I don't trust him I think he's on the rebound.
And as you know I won't take advice from your ass LOL! Esp you of all people. And you know I'm going to talk shit especially if you do some fucked up shit hell yeah I'm going to tell you to your face and I'll talk about you. Don't like it? Don't give me a reason to talk about you. Shit.
@OP: I'm not trying to be mean but you two just became friends. You can't honestly expect loyalty at this point. In essence, your enemy is not his and to be honest if you say something you'll come across as crazy and a control freak
Posted by pssymonstaa
Take a chill pill darling. They dont drug test for those. ^_^
Seriously tho, stop talking ratchet behind people's backs.
Its a huge turnoff.
You like the guy?

She likes him.
Hahaha Sag guys can be onery fuckers
Guys think it's cute to pit girls against each other, he knew it would get you riled up.
@74 - Yeah I know I appreciate your honesty though. *sigh* I know I look like a crazy ass! Damn it!
@pssy - Even though I don't like some of your stupid ass advice cause you need a chastity belt on, um you're probably right I look like a fucking psycho talking shit. But sometimes I just don't give a damn you know? Damn me and my Gem mouth!
@Wynter - I don't know much about Sag men but I know enough that one pissed me off a long ass time ago and since then I just don't care to deal with them. He was all about slinging his d*** around wanting to "date" me but sleep with everyone else. At least he was honest? I still dumped him. Funny thing is he would call me wasted and be like "why cant I crash at your house" and Id be like "better call someone in that black book of yours to go crash at their house instead of mine" click...He just couldnt understand WHY I WAS SO MEANNNNN LOL!
Posted by Wynter
Guys think it's cute to pit girls against each other, he knew it would get you riled up.

But see I havent said ONE word yet to either of them. And I won't im acknowledging it. Im not as stupid as he thinks and that is what's pissing me off. So I have half a mind to get all flirty with his boys and add them to my list here smile
Lmao @ Xin, its that 8th house sun of yours, it feels betrayed. Like it or not, an 8th house sun mimics scorpio tendencies. My advice is, step back, breathe & your feelings might change very soon minus the damage caused by acting without much situation assessment. For all you know, he might be trying to ge you jealous or see what you'll do..testing how much you care, etc. Please dont act up on this, you dont wanna come off as a jealous nut..keep you dignity.
@Xin: I think it's a case that he may like you and be somewhat attracted but he's more attracted to the Taurus. Plus, even though he may agree with your assessment of her, we're known to change our mind and see if its really true. Sad, I know. He could've handled it better but I think he still values your friendship. You're an air'll move on. Also consider the fact that we're your opposites.
Posted by WaterCup
Lmao @ Xin, its that 8th house sun of yours, it feels betrayed. Like it or not, an 8th house sun mimics scorpio tendencies. My advice is, step back, breathe & your feelings might change very soon minus the damage caused by acting without much situation assessment. For all you know, he might be trying to ge you jealous or see what you'll do..testing how much you care, etc. Please dont act up on this, you dont wanna come off as a jealous nut..keep you dignity.

Which part exactly is this? Let me go ahead and look my chart up real quick. Im like super mad about it, and you hit the nail on the head the word "betrayed" sums it up exactly. I feel like that. Im thinking ok WHAT THE HELL! After all that I said and you're going to go do that? UGH pissed me the F off. So now I feel I have to get even especially if I can't say anything. Im definitely going to add all his "boys" now and do my crazy Gemini flirting LOL! It's only fair (here comes all my Libra placements) if he can add my friends I should be able to add his.

@Watercup - Oh shit you're right. DAMN IT! I never really looked further into that. You know sometimes I wonder why I can be so bananas. I guess well there you go. *points to Sun in VIII house* Shit...LOL! Maybe that's why Scorpio's like me so much and vice versa?
Posted by Xin
Posted by WaterCup
Lmao @ Xin, its that 8th house sun of yours, it feels betrayed. Like it or not, an 8th house sun mimics scorpio tendencies. My advice is, step back, breathe & your feelings might change very soon minus the damage caused by acting without much situation assessment. For all you know, he might be trying to ge you jealous or see what you'll do..testing how much you care, etc. Please dont act up on this, you dont wanna come off as a jealous nut..keep you dignity.

Which part exactly is this? Let me go ahead and look my chart up real quick. Im like super mad about it, and you hit the nail on the head the word "betrayed" sums it up exactly. I feel like that. Im thinking ok WHAT THE HELL! After all that I said and you're going to go do that? UGH pissed me the F off. So now I feel I have to get even especially if I can't say anything. Im definitely going to add all his "boys" now and do my crazy Gemini flirting LOL! It's only fair (here comes all my Libra placements) if he can add my friends I should be able to add his.

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I still remember you put up your placements a while ago & your 8th house sun stuck with me for some reason. Lol @ revenge, do whatever calms you down as long as it doesnt directly make you look hurt or bothered.
@Watercup - Well I just did a little more digging and it looks like I also have my Mercury in the VIII house too. Great. I can be so blunt, uncouth, rude, straight up terror too. I've always wondered that too. I guess now I know. If you don't mind me asking what is the difference? Because Im like ok my Sun is in Gemini but it reads further down that it's in the VIII house correct? Well also my Mercury is in Gemini but it's also (funny enough) in VIII house also.
Great now im really a psycho Big Grin
I guess it explains everything now. Kinda nice to see why Im so attracted to Scorpio's and why they are all into me too. Probably because Im so much like them in certain aspects.
Just google sun/mercury in the 8th house as I'm no expert in astrology. All I know is that, the house your planets are in lends some traits of what that house represents. So 8th house sun will be similar to scorpio. Think of all scorpio traits and see if they apply to you.
Posted by pssymonstaa
Posted by Scorpiorabbit
Posted by pssymonstaa
There is going to be a bunny holochaust come May 31st..

Wazzat date?

The Holy Day Of My Birth!
lol @ chastity belt! smile
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Hell yeah you need one. And the key needs to be thrown into the friggin ocean and shit! LOL
Posted by RomancingA
Also Sags can't keep secrets...or track of their lies, not that the lies are vindictive like something coming from a Pisces or a Scorpio....the lies are usually harmless from Sags.

Im pretty certain he's going to tell her. In fact he'll probably open the conversation with her using exactly what you said. Sags love this kind of drama, esp when it doesn't involve them....but it's about to involve him.
----If this is the type of guy he is then I wouldn't have any business with him. Loyalty reaps the rewards in my books. I wouldn't allow someone to stick around who wasn't loyal and kept my business to themselves.

Just depends on what you think you will allow. Sure your Taurus friend is a bitch, call her out on it....but I'd leave this new guy in the dust. Too much of a sneaky move for me to trust.

Yeah he probably damn did! LOL! I wouldn't doubt it. Not that I didn't tell her what I thought of her damn ass any damn way. I mean even if he does tell her shit who the fuck cares. She has a man what does she care what other guys think. You already have one shackin up in your house.
Posted by WaterCup
Just google sun/mercury in the 8th house as I'm no expert in astrology. All I know is that, the house your planets are in lends some traits of what that house represents. So 8th house sun will be similar to scorpio. Think of all scorpio traits and see if they apply to you.

Yes! I'm totally going to do that. I just looked it up and I'm like HOLY CRAP! Well it's really nice to know now I know why I'm such a creeper and hell bent on revenge most of the time. LOL! smile Go me go me Sun in the VIII house oh yeah oh yeah *dance*
Seriously Pssy has a weenie problem he can't control it!
Posted by Scorpiorabbit
Posted by robyn808
Posted by pssymonstaa
oh great, Robyn is here.... -_-

How come your not bulging?

Aaaaand I'm outta here.
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LOL! ScorpioRabbit is like OH HALE NO!
@Robyn - Actually its more like this. I don't want her around the guys I like. She has her stupid ass man living in her house. She has an ego too. She likes to go around saying "um well a lot of guys like me Xin" Im like LOL. No. First off stay out of my fucking territory, second ill shut you the fuck down. I don't like any of my guys to talk to ANY of my fucking friends. I thought she and I had a conversation about it. To me it seems like shes a friend to my face and another person behind my back. So be it, and thats where the shit talking came in (me shit talking her). If I didn't have a reason to shit talk such as her being a DECENT friend I wouldn't be having this issue right now.
If you want to be shady Ill call you the fuck out, and I will tell your man what the fuck you've been up to. Damn it! I feel like such a punk ass bitch sometimes but don't fucking cross me. She HAS A MAN! Im single. This is my shit, this *points to all the single men* is all me. You have your cake. Don't be adding any damn one you know im talking to. She knows this. And he knows Im having a bit of a problem with her right now so both of them are pissing me off.
Omg LOL! Like you should be judging anyone! With your crazy weenie issues slangin your thang around like it's the last day on earth. Sit down! LOL
^^^This. And if the Taurus noticed, the Sag noticed as well. Despite how some of us behave, dismays of ego subtle or otherwise turns us off. We see the truth in all things and everybody. We'd rather date someone who's viewed as being "lesser" than someone who constantly screams I'm great. It's our sense of justice and rooting for the underdog. To him, the Taurus did something kind by taking in the other guy when he's down. We love that. Someone who shows kindness when someone is at their worst. That will win our loyalty in a heartbeat regardless of who they are.

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