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Sep 15, 2011Comments: 34 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 24
ugh you ever notice geminis have bad tempers?...i have a brother and an aunt who are both geminis and they both have bad tempers their both crazy, i can't say anything without offending my brother anything will set him off my aunt and my brother both gets offended easily. my best friends boyfriend is also a gemini and he's crazy too lol......
oh my gosh they have the worst temper out of everybody in the friggin zodiac! my mom is a crazy, hysteric gemini lol
it's so easy for them to get all worked up over trivial stuff.
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May 22, 2011Comments: 18 · Posts: 3539 · Topics: 200
ok so i read this thread and i thought about all of the things people said about going happy to angry in 5 seconds and getting mad over trivial stuff and its pretty hard to explain why we do this but it all boils down to just hating the fact that people do stupid shit. i also have people who just do shit to piss me off and i know thats what they are doing and it pisses me off even more. and my sister would do exactly what you said cathy89, just do the smallest things that would just send me into a blind rage. (the worst time was when she put her finger near my face and saying "im not touching you"). but when im in a pissed mood about something, people either laugh about it or are just have that shock face on. i honestly think im one of the more calmer geminis too.
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Sep 15, 2011Comments: 34 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 24
lol i love my bro and my aunt she's actually my fave aunt but i noticed their both geminis and so is my best friends boyfriend and they have bad tempers they get mad easy off of anything and i remember when my bro was younger my mom said when he was 2 or 3 years old he would play video games and whenever he'd lose he'd say "mom they cheated" get mad and throw the controller lol thought it was too funny.
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Sep 15, 2011Comments: 34 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 24
even tho my brother may anger easily he's a great protecter =] he'll fight for me and my little bro
I believe this behavior may have something to do with the unevolved Gemini's denial of their emotions. Geminis are often uncomfortable with their feelings. If an unpleasant feeling arises, primitive Gem prefers to supress the emotion, denying it's existence. But it never truly leaves us, it in simply buried deep and ignored. we are never truly free of it unless we acknowledge it exists and process it accordingly. However, this is a Herculean task to the young gem, who may negate the shadow twin. When this happens, seemingly innocuous or trivial behavior will trigger an angry reaction that is way out of proportion with the actual deed. Gem ignoring their real feelings on other issues will spill over on unrelated circumstances. This is one of the Gemini challenges.
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Sep 11, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 5494 · Topics: 18
Yeah it can definitely be explosive but then again so is mine.
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Jul 25, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 464 · Topics: 14
of course they're crazy: their sign r the twins. u never know who ur talking to lol. ther coo one minute, volatile the other. it's a bi-polar trait but i personally love that unpredictability and randomness. water signs + air signs don't naturally get along so i can c y u hav probs w/ gems. they can b harsher than libras & aquas, n wit u bein a cancer n how cancers r the most sensitive signs in the zodiac, NO WONDER. lol if u cant tolerate it, just stay away...
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Oct 04, 2011Comments: 267 · Posts: 3037 · Topics: 43
Well honestly as Gemini I will agree with this. Normally its due to my intolerance of stupidity. I have a low threshold for annoying types. We are absolutely A+ in the department of being a devils advocate and a queen B if you know what I'm saying. We come packed with verbal ammunition and lightning wit. Its a double punch when we are on a roll. We also collect things about you such as flaws and faults to use them later in a sarcastic way. You will be slashed six ways from Sunday before you know what we've done. Im not proud to admit it but I will.
I know many Geminis too. It hardly takes them a sec to change from hahaha to Grrrr! jus crazy.
does a gemini moon count, because if it does I am guilty. :">
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Jul 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 265 · Topics: 18
Gemini anger is different, unlike scorpio or taurus you never when its coming. And if you think cancers can snap havent met a gemini. When a gem blows a fuse you better put on some ear plugs and keep safe distance, although they rarely go physical unless its self-defense or they feel threatened some way. But yeah gemini tempers run high and they cool down relatively faster than a taurus or scorpio but not as fast as an aries. Yeah wouldnt wanna be on the receieving end of an angry gem.
Every sign of the zodiac can have a bad temper. It doesn't just go by an individuals sun sign, it also depends on other planet signs as well. Of course a Gemini can have a very bad temper but so can anyone if you piss them off. I have a bad temper a lot and I had a very bad temper as a kid. This temper isn't just because I am a Gemini but it is also because my Moon and Mars sign is in Aries. Certain things make certain people explode. Now some people do have worse tempers than other people but it is an overall mix of the signs that an individual has. I've known Geminis that have great anger like me and other Geminis that I've never seen get mad at all. Just some examples, my brother is an Aquarius, I've seen him explode, and it was a very violent and scary anger. My dad is a Virgo, and he was very angry growing up. My mom is a Libra and I've seen her explode time after time again. My uncle is a Pisces and I've seen him explode before. My best friend is a cancer and I've seen him explode before. It just depends on what the situation is and what individual signs that person has. One thing may really piss someone off, while others may find this particular thing funny and start laughing at it. Different things piss different people off.