Good hearted people indicators

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by raad182 on Wednesday, August 2, 2017 and has 12 replies.
What placements are often present in the chart of people that you consider to be good...

Saturn aspects to personal planets brings maturity, morals, integrity...

Mercury in Aries would bring thr ultimate sincerity

Neptune would bring compassion, acceptance, caring and seeing the good in others

4th house personal planets could make one family oriented, traditional, caring, nurturer

What else?

Im not a good person but Im sincere to the heart (mercury in aries) and also very compassionate (sun square neptune)

What about you that is really good and you could attribute to a placement?
Never thought about leo moons
Posted by raad182
Never thought about leo moons
So start NOW!
Mars in Pisces.
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Not a scorpio moon
Why not
From what I'm reading sun conjunct/trine Venus is a placement for peacekeepers who strive for harmony so I'm going to say that's a kind placement. Really though tons of different placements/aspects can produce kind/good people. Also different people define kindness/goodness differently lol.
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Not a scorpio moon
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OK Sad
Posted by TaurusBull1977
Mars in Pisces.
And just like that I'm back in the game

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Leo girls!
Pisces venus
My sun conjuncts Neptune

Mars trine Neptune

And Pluto Sextile Neptune.

I'm pretty good hearted.

I'm compassionate and treat others how I would want to be treated.
Jupiter in Sagittarius