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Feb 04, 2016Comments: 9 · Posts: 3545 · Topics: 254
get tired of a bar/club scene?
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Aug 24, 2011Comments: 17 · Posts: 5119 · Topics: 78
Early 20's. Back then I swore off clubs and actually wound up finding popular lounges and bars, making friends with staff/owners, and drinking for free. I have never liked waiting in lines or going to places that were too loud to hear. Also clubs are overrated if you're a young guy trying to meet women.
I'm not really into noisy places but here in Spain is difficult to find one that isn't. I like those with live music though, at least the noise there have a purpose and some venues are really cozy. And I don't really mind if one of my friends want to go inside a bar or club, I drink something myself as a gesture. In general, I've never been part of the scene but once in a while doesn't hurt.
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Mar 01, 2017Comments: 131 · Posts: 826 · Topics: 44
Still love clubbing. But i do admit I'm more into that exclusive life style where i rarely step out but when i do they in awe. I dont even wanna go those common places anymore.
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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
Was never into them to begin with. So boring.
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Apr 12, 2017Comments: 261 · Posts: 1160 · Topics: 39
Since I was born.
No seriously, I am heavily against going into bars, clubs, parties, or any situation that holds the risk of me getting drunk or in contact with drugs of any kind (actual drugs like cocaine, or cigarettes, etc.)
It's to do with responsibility, discipline and a matter of healthiness.
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Oct 08, 2009Comments: 1 · Posts: 6313 · Topics: 313
I still like going out but I got over consecutive clubbing by the age of 23 now days I need my sleep in between
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Feb 04, 2016Comments: 9 · Posts: 3545 · Topics: 254
Surprised by all the early 20s responses. So it must've been only a 2-3yr phase.
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Feb 04, 2016Comments: 9 · Posts: 3545 · Topics: 254
Wondering if the majority of the responses are from Americans. Pretty good to read a good lot of you seem to have a good head on your shoulders. Brit's drink until they're in the death bed lol!
tried it once
only lasts for a few hours
def not my cup of tea
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Jan 14, 2017Comments: 115 · Posts: 788 · Topics: 14
I've been going clubbing since my teens. I am now in my late 20s. However, now, I just go to bars/lounges. I don't mind being a couch potato sometimes, but other times, I'll get the itch to want to go out drinking and partying with my friends or smoke hookah. We don't go every weekend like we used to since we all are busy with our lives, but when we get together, it's always a good time.
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Mar 24, 2017Comments: 132 · Posts: 837 · Topics: 85
i never got into it . Clubbing and bar were only on my radar because it gave me a reason to dress up and be seen. I never actually enjoyed the environment
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Jul 10, 2015Comments: 11 · Posts: 1197 · Topics: 9
At birth, lol.
I don't drink, so needless to say, I've never been a fan of the scene. I'll go once in a blue moon if it's some type of celebration. I prefer shows, lounges and restaurants.