Hangups and default behaviors for dominant planet personalities,

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by xomelindabelle on Tuesday, December 15, 2015 and has 2 replies.
I've always found this interesting. I have strong qualities from each of my top three planets. Venusian certainly takes precedence as my primary planet. I'm positive, loving and soft hearted majority of the time. Saturn is second; I can be hyper diligent about my routines, being on time, and disciplined about things that are most important to me. I can also be a bit negative if I allow it to overtake me. Thankfully, Venus is before my Saturn so it overpowers that urge more often than not.
And Pluto is my third; I love dark colors, bright colors are not my go-to lol I have obsessive qualities when it comes to those close to me lol when I think in terms of bonds, I want to be enveloped and consumed by it. I want to merge souls, basically.

So I'm curious about your take on your top three, or even your top five if you truly feel all of them.
*Venus certainly takes precedence