Haunted Houses Anyone?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by truecap on Monday, October 21, 2013 and has 17 replies.
Who enjoys going to haunted houses during the Halloween season? I LOVE it!! Went to some this past weekend and thought my observations on the astrological signs of those with me.
Aries Male - Goes through reluctanctly. Didn't really want to get out of the house. Went because his fiance begged him to. Criticized the structuring, lighting, worried about fire sprinkler systems, etc. Irritated because one of the actors sprayed him with a water gun. Even with all that was a trooper. Happy he got to go to the steak house beforehand.
Sag Female- Laughing, screaming, scared easily. Latched onto the Aries a few times. Had a great time, ran from the chainsaw guy and got stuck in a corner. Pretty fun person to join you.
Aquarius Male - Thought he had it all figured out when the actors would jump out at you. Pretty funny when they did scare him.
Cancer Male - Happy to brave up and take the lead. Didn't get scared. Reached out and touched some of the attractions.
Cancer Female - Walking through, checking out the decor. Getting ideas and saying "I can build that!".
Leo Female - Complementing the actors on their outfits and makeup. Agreeing with and having conversations with them to whatever crazy thing they're saying.
Cap Female - Laughing at the Sag when she gets scared. Gets surprised a few times. Laughs at self. More scared of getting lost in the thing that of the actors. Won't let the aqua's hand go she won't get separated alone from the group.
Haven't gone through one with the other signs. How do yall act in a haunted house? Do you like it? Hate it?
There are actors? I want to experience the real thing. Like some old, veiny & bodyless hand stroking my hair or something like that. Real stuff though.
Yessss! I can't wait! We're also going ghost hunting Saturday night. I need to come up with a gag when we're walking around the cemetery.
I usually go in and scare others like i'm one of the actors even though i'm not.
Posted by WaterCup
There are actors? I want to experience the real thing. Like some old, veiny & bodyless hand stroking my hair or something like that. Real stuff though.

OH, me too!!!
Posted by SugarAries
I went to one Saturday. My friends always make me go first. I'm a screamer. I talk during the whole thing and probably ruin it for some people. "I see someone over there...he's going to jump out...he is...I can see him"...then he jumps out-I scream like I wasn't expecting him to jump out. I'll latch on to whoever is closest.

I would have fun with you in a haunted house!!! I'd be encouraging them to get you and laughing my butt off! lol!
I would totally be doing what the aqua guy was doing. I'd try to have that place figured out do that I knew when the scary part was going to come beforehand.
I wanna hear it.
Posted by Sugarfoot
I don't usually go to them but I have plans to go to two this season. What is it with caps and horror movies and haunted houses and Halloween? Y'all love all that stuff! Lol
I'm scared shitless in a haunted house. Very easily scared by people jumping out.
Don't let there be any clowns.. Clean up on aisle 5.

The one we went to had a clown with a chain saw! How's that for catching two fears in one? lol!
Posted by Perspicacity
Posted by maelstrom
Posted by Perspicacity
I don't need to venture out. I live in one.

Oooo care to elaborate??

Nina, if I told you everything about the house I'm living in, you'd see fit to put me in an asylum. lol
click to expand

I'd probably want to come visit. smile
Come on, tell us. Please? pretty please?
Posted by maelstrom
Posted by Perspicacity
Posted by maelstrom
Posted by Perspicacity
I don't need to venture out. I live in one.

Oooo care to elaborate??

Nina, if I told you everything about the house I'm living in, you'd see fit to put me in an asylum. lol

Hell I could share some of my own experiences with you that you could certainly say the same about lol
click to expand

Tell, tell, tell!! I'd love to hear it!
My cousin lived in a house that was haunted. Friendly ghosts, but still they were there. Odd things would happen, they could hear noises and voices that weren't there and they even saw a shadow person a few times. It didn't scare them, they just got used to it.
Okay, ya'lls turn!
Are you scared there?
Man I got bored with haunted houses at least around here... They really never scare me anymore just blah
Last one I went to the guy touched me with the chainsaw... And there were young children actors pervasive throughout the facility.
Scary movies most times are dull too I'm like way too desensitized I guess.
I did a tour of the Edinburgh Vaults a few years ago:

Seriously creepy.
I went to one last weekend. It wasn't as fun the first time I had went. I remember back then I was with a female taurus, gemini, and leo. The taurus completely freaked out the whole time and the gemini was to a lesser degree. The leo was pretty quiet and I screamed a few times. I went with the leo this time and we got stuck with three other women in our group. The actors scared them since they were in front. I only jumped a few times and the leo kept laughing either at me jumping or a guy in front of us who kept screaming 'OH SHIT' every time he got scared. I was kind of bummed he didn't get scared at all, but at least he found amusement out of it. It's funny because when I told him that I wanted to go to a haunted house this year, he started looking up actual haunted houses. He didn't even know set up ones existed. I guess that's what you get for growing up in a rural area. Maybe going to an actual haunted house would be fun...but then I remember my parents' house and how I'm always scared to be there because of events. Haha