Have you ever met a very lazy Virgo man?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Sn1p3r187 on Monday, December 23, 2013 and has 15 replies.
I talking about so lazy that the motherfucker can't start what he finishes, too lazy to get off his ass and get a job, he said he got yo back but the moment that you needed him he wasn't there, you let him borrow $ 100 and he said "I got you I'll pay you back in 2 days; 3 weeks roll by and that motherfucker and paid you shit, so lazy that you ask him to pick you up at 5' o clock and the arse never showed up. I know 3 people like this- My brother, my friend who's name I will not state but will use a alias as Rob (just kidding his real name is Rob), and Eazy-E. My brother is an example of scene two, I'm sick of the fool bummin off my mom to get by. He just sits around and plays on his stupid phone and that's it.
He's an annoying son of a bitch who gets angry whenever you tell him the truth about who he really is. Second up is my friend who is very odd indeed. When were in school he would always turn assignments in late all the time and he was a true jackass to everyone around him. And he had the nerve to complain that he doesn't have friends and that nobody likes them when he himself and his attitude are the reason why nobody will talk to him. And lastly Eazy-E. A great rapper indeed who deserves the title of godfather of gangsta rap music, but if you look at the fool and what he did behind N.W.A's back and just what he talks about in his music (Agreed that N.W.A always bad about women and shootin fools). Eazy-E seemed he cared for getting laid than his own homies Ice Cube, MC Ren, Dr.Dre.
My uncle went to see N.W.A live in 1989 in Houston, Every other member of N.W.A was there except for Eazy-E. My uncle said some pretty derogatory comments about the fool not showing up for the concert though my two cents were he was getting it on with the back up dancers backstage at the concert, or elsewhere. Truth be told he cared more laid than his homies and that's exactly why he died of AIDS in 1995 (then again just my two cents and exactly why my brother caught syphillis). And do you know what they all hand in common besides being second decan Virgos? They were all procrastinators and very self-indulged. I love all Virgos whether they be men or women (because there are a lot of Virgos in family and the best people to hang around, with the exception of my idiot brother whom I wish burn in the 7th level of hell), but to the men of Virgo I see more lazy Virgo men then anything I have seen before.
I k
I know there are some non-lazy Virgos out there and I gladly respect that you aren't. But what would push a Virgo to have the traits of everything I said above? Parents spoil them rotten, bad figure, or is it just a natural downside?
But I'm a pretty lazy Virgo female.. So yeah, I'd say lazy speci(wo)mens exist within all signs. Even Virgo.
Oh jk. I just read it. I have a job - Two actually.. So maybe this post isn't applicable. But yeah. I'm still pretty lazy.
Posted by Impulsv
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I imagine a lazy Virgo like this

HAhaha lol. Accurate representation.
I'm lazy. And I'm a Virgo. But pretty efficient too. Winking
I'm lazy. And I'm a Virgo. But pretty efficient too. Winking
Posted by firebunny
I'm lazy. And I'm a Virgo. But pretty efficient too. Winking

That's awesome man. At least you aren't my brother.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Cappie-Lazy downright inconsiderate azzhole
Aries Sister-Hard working-considerate-but annoying as fuk
Scorpio brother-tad bit lazy, but focused, serious-even keeled-my favorite
my point you just got to accept people for who they are and move it along.

Your Cappie brother sounds like my brother. Though I'll never accept my brother for the stupid fucktard he is. Anyone else I can come to terms with, there's some much you can take and my brother isn't an exception.
I'm a lazy virgo too tbh...but I have a job (that I work my ass off in) and pay my own bills etc. I just dont have motivation in other aspects of my life that I should...but if someone needs me, I'm there. If I borrow money (which is rare...I dont like owing anyone)I pay them back. etc

What makes a person lazy? meh could be a lot of different reasons...is this virgo specific, no.
Posted by CluelessCancer
The way his logic works is extremely illogical...

Jeez, he sounds like the same people who would've said the holocaust didn't happen. Until he saw it with his very own eyes.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by Sn1p3r187
Posted by CluelessCancer
The way his logic works is extremely illogical...

Jeez, he sounds like the same people who would've said the holocaust didn't happen. Until he saw it with his very own eyes.

lol no i mean for instance he takes my fathers tablet all the time (just takes it) instead of buying his own, his excuse i let you guys use my laptop all the time, im giving, why aren't you? (this was like 5 years back). It's like dude we're in the present. Stop using other people's stuff. Get your own sh!t. Nobody OWES you Anything.
click to expand

That sounds exactly like my brother! Man this some serious coincidental shit. But, my brother is also a big instigator. When it comes to pissing people off, and when it comes to people thinking they owe him stuff. The only thing that I owe his half steppin ass is my fist in his jaw and my foot in his ribs. The next time I hear he trys to start some bullcrap with my mom over thinking he owns the house, Imma drive over there and personally break my foot in his ass because I'm tired of him.
Yes I have
Posted by Sn1p3r187
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by Sn1p3r187
Posted by CluelessCancer
The way his logic works is extremely illogical...

Jeez, he sounds like the same people who would've said the holocaust didn't happen. Until he saw it with his very own eyes.

lol no i mean for instance he takes my fathers tablet all the time (just takes it) instead of buying his own, his excuse i let you guys use my laptop all the time, im giving, why aren't you? (this was like 5 years back). It's like dude we're in the present. Stop using other people's stuff. Get your own sh!t. Nobody OWES you Anything.

That sounds exactly like my brother! Man this some serious coincidental shit. But, my brother is also a big instigator. When it comes to pissing people off, and when it comes to people thinking they owe him stuff. The only thing that I owe his half steppin ass is my fist in his jaw and my foot in his ribs. The next time I hear he trys to start some bullcrap with my mom over thinking he owns the house, Imma drive over there and personally break my foot in his ass because I'm tired of him.
click to expand

you guys are describing my male cap family members TO THE T.
Posted by thebiggcarlos12345678910
okay sorry i misread your post. you stated "if you let him borrow a hundred dollars" or something to that extent. umm... scratch my last post. but i hope you never lend him any money tho.

I will never lend that person money to begin with, especially if he does have a history of never paying on time or never paying at all. But it could be worse, he could still everything in your house.

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