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May 19, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 281 · Topics: 28
lately have been talking to this girl shes a Capricorn female and I am born on the cusp between scorpio and Sagittarius. shes hot and cold with me im about ready to give up but I know if I had her it will be worth the wait but its hard. I met her fall semester of college didn't see her often so one day I saw her while I was getting food then she came over to talk to me and gave me her number. after that we started bumping into each other very often I practically know everything about her. her mother died when she was 12 my mother passed away when I was 11. she once said that she was always into black guys not that it matters but its ironic because I was always into white girl blonde's preferably which she happens to be. so as the semester went on she came out to eat with me and before she left she kissed me on the cheek. spring semester comes and I have class by her classroom. months after which I discovered because she disappeared. as the semester progressed she started opening up more doing things for me without me asking and surprising me with things. she is a nervous wreck around me her smile is always so strong she blushes shes scared to touch me which I initiate every now and then. she drove me places. asked me for advice but my number one thing is she wont let me take her out its like shes scared. she never says no directly at all its I sense its a defense mechanism because of her ex boyfriend but I really like her I think she knows. I just need help figuring out how Capricorn woman act when they like someone. this girl is very beautiful inside out.
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
She likes you. Lets recap:
- She gave you her number. (very brave of cappy, but we are bold like that sometimes)
- She has opened up to you.
- She is nervous (awww, how sweet. I get nervous around people I really like too)
- She kissed you on the cheek (I guess you weren't making a move so she had to?)
- She does nice things for you.
Now, you feel she's disappeared. Without more information, I can't tell you a possible why. Perhaps she felt you weren't moving this forward and she withdrew waiting on you (and thinking you don't like her). What happened between semesters? My guess is you are shy and she needs you to step up to make a move - she's made several attempts to encourage you. Do you contact her? Does she respond? Need more information, please!
My question: You got her number. You say after that you only bumped into her. Did you ever call her? Why didn't you keep up between semesters? What are you not telling us? Based on what you said, it's sounds like you dropped the ball.
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May 19, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 281 · Topics: 28
yes I made a move she was shy im a very assertive guy it doesn't take much for me to get a female shes very tough and i like it but it doesn't phase me.i went in for the kiss but she was really nervous so I told her to kiss me on the cheek before she goes so she did. I went for the kiss many of times trust me. in between semesters which was her birthday on January 8th I tried to see her im always setting up dates in advanced she is very busy so she claims. I just proposed an outing to her. I said to her " helicopter tour around the big apple limousine service to an upscale diner is something I would like to do with you" she says shes not going to be here this summer which I know shes going to Europe but from now to then I don't understand theres still time. then it took her a long time to reply after she said she wont be here and when she did she said she was with her sister then she text me later on that night saying "that does sound fun though" trust my ive done everything possible to this girl. we just broke the ice with me getting her a card for mothers day in reference to her mother which she has passed away and she loved it she blushed right in front of me didn't stop smiling then for the first time she gave me an intimate hug. im trying to stay calm and keep going but this is sort of how I got hurt before I met her but now I can honestly say this time around im far ahead than what I was before when I met that other girl before her which was a virgo and all hell went wrong but with this cappy im falling for. I feel we are meant to be but I don't want to get hurt again this summer is going to be very good for me. its not like I don't have things going for me in my life because I damn sure dp. is it true that when cappy woman are in your space and if they are really head over heels for you they are quite or they do things to get your attention and so forth? because the other day I went to the bar with a couple friends in which she works at. that day was slow so I went in and saw her she didn't stop smiling one of my friends there was a female as the girl I talked to served me and provided me with my drink she walked away but I kept seeing her peek at me I just don't get it
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May 19, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 281 · Topics: 28
and yes I called he of times she never picked up but she always tell me if she was sleep, working, or studying the next morning.
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Oct 02, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 2726 · Topics: 31
Yes she does. Take it easy.
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
I think she does like you and really is busy. I'm glad you clarified and offered more details. And yes, we do get quiet sometimes when we really like someone and we will do things to get your attention. She sounds very shy and very inexperienced, so you're going to have to be more patient and understanding as well as slowing down some. Just let her get to know her. You sound like a great guy.
She will come out of her shell some once she gets to know you and once she begins to trust you. REmember we are slow to trust and if she's been hurt before or it will take her longer. If she is really shy, then you're going to have to be even more patient.
Hang in there a while longer. Sounds like she is worth the wait!