Hi! I'm somebody who's always known my sun sign and identified strongly with it (Scorpio), but recently I discovered that Moon signs are just as--if not more?--important than Sun signs, and that Risings are important as well. I never thought I particularly got along with Air signs, but I can't deny some truths about Gemini moons that have always been true about me. Especially reading constantly and obsessively since childhood, procrastinating on finishing projects by reading/researching more(???), being somewhat nervous/jumpy (even if articulate) in conversations, being attracted to people almost purely for their intellect and strong verbal skills, getting very very excited about new academic information while not feeling comfortable specializing in anything (except Literature), being easily bored by sterile conversations/small talk, and being kept up for hours at night by racing and cyclical thoughts. I've always felt that I should be a writer, and possess strong written communication skills while not really having the stamina or attention-span to carry my projects through to completion, a quality which has caused me a lot of unhappiness in my life. I also tend to be very harsh on myself when it comes to the quality of my thoughts and artistic/academic work, which trips me up when it comes to getting that work done. I've had intense mood-swings for as long as I can remember.
Something that doesn't resonate with me all though, in popular opinion about Gemini moons, is that we don't feel deeply, or that our emotions are somehow fleeting. I need a lot of space to process and articulate my emotions, and once I get that space, I do it quite well. In fact, I absolutely need to be able to articulate my emotions, otherwise I drown in them. I tend to cry and feel deeply despondent/depressed/hopeless/somewhat suicidal rather than getting angry, which is the one emotion that for whatever reason I feel uncomfortable expressing. I cry a lot. If I'm able to articulate my emotions, then I'm able to control myself, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm not hurt anymore. I'm very committed in romantic relationships and find a deep emotional (and intellectual!) intimacy with my partner very rewarding--although I tend not to take the lead on developing that intimacy. I think my default is to try to connect on an intellectual/travel-based/idea-based/culture-based/conversational plane. That's what I feel the most comfortable initiating, but it isn't satisfying on its own, and I need somebody to take the lead and push me into deeper emotional intimacy in order to find a relationship really rewarding. It's not like that sort of intimacy makes me uncomfortable, though--I just need a little bit of help with it!
When I was younger, I was able to shut off my emotions toward people I felt I didn't want in my life anymore, and leave without ever really thinking about it again, even while they begged me to stay. I've become less like that as I've gotten older, though, and I feel way more attached to the people I get close to. I also feel the need to check in more, whereas when I was younger I was a bit thoughtless, and wouldn't talk to my friends for entire summers if I didn't feel like it.
I wonder if my Scorpio-dominant chart is interacting with my Gemini moon in strange ways, and I'm hoping to get some insight into what those might be from people on here who know more about astrology than I do. My Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Pluto are all in Scorpio. I have no planets in Gemini, except for my Moon. I'm especially interested in my Pluto in Scorpio (does that make me more intensely Scorpionic?) and my Mercury in Scorpio...which is weird, because I know Mercury rules Gemini. Does this mean my Gemini moon is somewhat diluted by my Scorpio-ness? Venus in Scorpio is pretty easy for me to make sense of for a lot of reasons, one of them being that the only relationships that ever feel very fulfilling to me are romantic. My friendships tend to be a little bit shallow and hard to maintain, but not for lack of wanting something deeper. They just never seem to stick, for whatever reason.
I'm a Leo rising, in case that makes a difference.
Heyy, Im a guy who has exactly all 3 of ur Sun/Moon/Rising combinations, with my sun in scorpio, moon in gemini, and ascendant in leo. I feel like out of these 3 elements, i relate to my scorpio self the most but also know that my gemini aspect affects my thinking A LOT(ofc since its a moon sign). But however, i realised that i do not really act according to my rising sign(leo) as im quite introverted and dont really want attention all the time(due to my scorpio sun). however, my gemini moon makes me think of 10 things at the same time all the time(no exaggeration) and i always feel like my mind is going at a very fast pace. however, i dont really show my thoughts through my actions and rather keep then in my head most of the time. another thing i realised about me is that i can be quite indecisive at times cus i see both sides of a situation, and dont really know which to go for. just as u said, i dont think im a shallow and superficial at all and i also am a very emotional person, but one thing i realized about me is that i can rationalize my emotions very well based on a particular situation. but that doesnt mean i dont reflect or think deeply about things, because i do that alot. but apart from that, i think i identify with my scorpio self the best as i dont tell anyone what im up to, and tend to work in secret. another thing about us scorpio sun and gemini moons are that we love digging deep inormation about others but never really revealing much about ourselves, which i can identify with myself alot throughout my daily social interactions. i think i can relate with you alot and thats all i wanted to say. thank you