
This topic was created in the Astrology forum by OneSexyGem on Tuesday, November 20, 2007 and has 32 replies.
From you perspective, which sign of the zodiac do you think have the most hoe-ish qualities?
LOL!!!! Just from what I've noticed Big Grin
My list is totally based on what I've seen and heard. I'm shocked at some Aqua women! Maybe they had too much air in their chart. I've seen to many of those traits in Aries women, including my former boss. I can't really explain the virgos ... thats another shocker. Cancers, well, they don't really learn the ropes until they get older.
I've only known two cappys with "Hoe" potential but I call them the bad seeds LOL!!!
I knew gemini was going to be the first sign posted smile
and outcast, your reading way to deep into this post...
Christina a hoe? I dont know...
No not Christina! I would accuse saggies of being too friendly and they don't know how to say no LOL. Plus, I', on the Saggie cusp and I'm not a slut Winking
Cancer? i higly doubt it.
We are probably some of the most conservative folks out there.
My guess would be between saggs and libras.
I know every sign has hoe potential
thats why i asked from YOUR perspective WHICH sign have YOU come in contact with that had hoe qualities
lol @ firytruth
antibling says "Who are you trying to kid ??" lol
No one actually. Its my observation that cancers are the most prudish people out there.
whats a hoe ?
If you don't know what a hoe is just watch the Maury show...
Anyway, Libras.

what's a ho.........LOL!
im from england ,never heard a whore expressed as hoe before
so cant watch maury show
lol @ the above comment
Damn! I have to admit that one kinda hurt!
LOL!!!! Just from what I've noticed Big Grin
This is scary for me if this is true, since my Sun is Aquarius, my moon is Aries & my Rising is Virgo. Geessh!! And .... its not true, by the way. :-)
...Damn! not ALL of them, Mr. Naughty!
From my experience, all of them are hoes to me!!smile
No one is more hoe-ish than all of them! smile

If it wasn't the Aquarius, Aries, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Gemini guys nailing and impregnanting every model-looking chick they saw w/ big (fake) boobs and bleach-blond weave, it was the Cancer, Sag-i can't spell the rest, Pisces, Virgo, Libra, and Capricorn guys sticking every chick that bends over or still lives w/ her parents (maybe even still goes to high-school).

If it wasn't the Capricorns, Sag-i can't spell the rest, Cancers, Libras, Virgos, Pisces, and Aquarius chicks gapping their legs at 180 and bopping off every popular and powerful guy (and girl o_O) they saw, it was the Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, and Scorpio chicks stealing and screwing EVERYONES lover just because they could!

Hoes are hoes are hoes
Lets be realistic here ... Everyone has the potential to be a hoe ... it has nothing to do with ones Astrological sign.
Your saying we all have hoe qualities, but some can just control it or keep it under wraps better than others?
you know I don't think it's being hoeish..... I think it has more to do with sympathy and feeling like making everything better for someone who is sad/in pain....wanting to kiss the tears away, that sort of thing.... not that I've ever approached someone in a hospital or at a funeral.... but I just can't see taurus as hoes...we just care so much about people....
Well virgos, because virgo rules the earth and gardening, and hoes are tools used to dig up trenches in the garden smile.
1. a long-handled implement having a thin, flat blade usually set transversely, used to break up the surface of the ground, destroy weeds, etc.
2. any of various implements of similar form, as for mixing plaster or mortar.
?verb (used with object)
3. to dig, scrape, weed, cultivate, etc., with a hoe.
v. tr.
To weed, cultivate, or dig up with a hoe.
merc - I get what you mean about being sexual.... but there is a difference between that and being a hoe.
You can have a strong sex drive and not feel the need to share it with EVERYONE.....like my ex pisces...yeah moon, have to agree with you on that one
From the people I know I would have to say Cancers and Scorpios the most. Ain't nothing undercover about a Cancer. Winking
Aries are whores because they "love" anything that's about them, and to be fucking them means you are "into" them .. the more friends you bring to get "into" them, the harder they fuck to get attention
Taurus are whores because they don't know the difference between sensual and slutty .. they just love the way your dick feels inside of them, the luxurious way your cum slides down their throat.
Geminis because they haven't stopped talking long enough to realize their being dicked.
Cancers are whores because if their not fucking a man, then he hurt her feelings .. and if she starts crying, she knows he'll bring others to shut her up ... awwwwe, look how much they care, isn't that sweet?
Leos are definitely whores .... sexual dominance IS control .. That would be Mistress, and don't you forget
Virgos are still fucking the same multiple people repeatedly, trying to figure out how feelings are supposed to equate
Libras are whores because they have to try it all, at different times, wearing different clothes, fuck in different positions .. just to be fair
Scorpios are indeed ... a person wouldn't dare to not allow them to use sex as a weapon against them, else the wrath of god would be upon them
Sagittarius are whores because .. well, just because they love to fuck
Capricorns are the wise ones ... every fuck is more money in their pockets and even has fetish clothes bought second hand for their pleasure .. afterall, why waste good hard-earned money .. they more people they fuck, the better deal they got on the outfit
Aquas will fuck your brains out ..... literally
Pisces are the biggest hoes, or was that shoes .. new shoes? Yippy, bends over to look at new shoes. What was that **looks behind her**, looks forward ... "New shoes" .. bends over.
Blingy .... those were about women.
Men don't hold to those descriptions because they don't need to have a reason to be sluts ... they are by nature.
You're all Manwhores !!!!!!

such the eternal optimist.
lol you guys are really into this thread, huh?

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