Hot Aires

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by frostey91 on Friday, December 11, 2015 and has 30 replies.
So there is this Aires that from moment I saw her last year, I thought she was gorgeous. Her body is literally perfect for me. She used to play volleyball in college and I think she was a cheerleader too. What turned me off was her chattiness. Kinda too chatty and s little too much energy Idk. It seemed like she would always ignore me ... Like when I was about to get to know her she would talk to someone else ( at church events). I don't think she did it on purpose. So I stopped thinking about her romantically especially when I saw our Sun's are perfectly Square April 6 vs Jan 5.

However today something clicked there was a lot more chemistry. She was more inviting to me as we were playing pool comepetively on opposite teams. She would whisper in such a sexy way don't miss it. She messed me up a couple times really bad. It's kinda a turn on when when women are competitive with with me especially friendly competition. She also stared at me and for a long time. I asked her why she was staring and said I'm just looking you. She wanted me to flirt back but Saturn wouldn't let me. I'm not expecting anything. This will be a fun one to pursuem In don't think she is taken and I have no idea why not. She is 9 months old and a manager at Victoria Secret which is sexyyyy.

I just have to figure out a way to take her on a date or whatever. I don't feel like I'm completely out of her league but she would be a nice catch. If I played my cards right I could have a chance...

Any suggestions or comments?
*I met her maybe 6 months ago not last year.
In know and I know I'm not compatible outside of my Mercury, Ascendant and my Jupiter.

I'm actually won't rely on astrology. Typically I wouldn't even try with a direct square Libra or Aires. However that energy she has I feel will make me better with dealing with women. I have this Virgo that wants me but she is too nice and needy. I don't like and needy I like women who make me better. Yeah but I like to take things slow Taurus Mars but not have huge expectations. I have to just ask her on a date when she is not working. Another thing is I'm not fully stable right now and won't be for like two weeks.

She deserves better. She is about to be 26 and me 25. I can't invite her to my apt until I get my shit out of storage and decorate.
Mercury 3rd decan Sag which is Leo like

Pretty sure second decan Ascendant (Sag) Aires like

Leo Jupiter technically second Decsn ( Sag like)

Plus I have a stelenium in the first house. Even though that is Capricorn energy( except mercury sag). Obviously 1st house is synomous with Aires.
You sound hella young....

Comparing basic compatibility because I don't know her birth time. We were born within a few hours so that does not affect much.
OK that didn't link hiwbit should have.

My mars is Square her Venus which is really bad

My Venus ( Cuspy Aquarius is square her Taurus Mercury also kinds cuspy)

My Neptune square her sun

Pluto Square mars.

Though her mars in Aqua is kinda close my Venus. And I kinda act like an Aqua.

Her moon is Virgo but hopefully she was born afternoon for better moon compatibility.
She used to be easy in College at least for someone of religious background. I'm going for it. At first I didn't run because the astrology. I just didn't see it. But I want new possibilities. She would be a hood catch and I fwwk we would have good communication and a child like competitiveness which is fun. I need a take charge woman. I feel like it could be a you lead OK and I will listen. And vice versa. But of course On don't think either if our personalities would allow us to be "whipped" by the other person.
I left out important info. I've been out town for two months. Not only our of town but Boot camp-- an avg of 20ijs of phone time a week. She gave me her number I texted her a couple days.Actually I got her number from a mutual friend. I just lost interest. This was like mid late summer.

Now the interest is back and I was only around her for a couple hours. It was so hard for me to look at her butt. When she was playing pool. It's so perfect and she is about to go on this diet from this website they only allows her to ear 20 foods from certain categories, so she will get even hotter.

Honestly I can't wait now. It's about to be a New Year and somebody else will get her.
She is born 1990 April 6.

I'm not really moving slow but innately I like to. It's kinda came and went. I'm talking about seeing and picking up her energy from this evening. So this is spontaneous that the switch is back at get Lauren on a date or hang out.

Right and if I love to fast it can blow up. I just have to initiate.

I bite my tongue if I know it will make me lose something I care about. When I argue all bets are off though. I get real nasty if you push me.
Hehe we are very lusty. I really like boobs too.

Yeah I need to really start proofreading my shit

Right the mars is scary but mine is a cuspy mars. However I can be overly lazy for periods but hat is when I'm not motivated. She will keep motivated. Also Aquarius Mars. I dealt with one of those. They really need their space and it causes a lot of erratic behavior. I messed with a Pisces with Aqua Mars and Venus and she could not make up her mind. Space was a big thing ebem though she was clingy at first.

I don't really notice the Mercury she has. She is more Aries like (quick whitted).Though she is calm and subdued like a Taurus when she talks, but has that Aires optimism and energy. Yeah I wouldn't lose sleep over this one. I'm mature. It would just be a fun chase.
The best way to deal with her is when she pushes push back, that will turn her on instead of looking away when she started staring at me just to get a response. I have to push back every time. I pushed back a lot but I will say she got the better of me but not too much that I appear like a wuss. It was rwlky that one particular time and not hiring the balk right a couple times.
Yes the same moons!!!!

I could have a chance

I also agree with the Mars thing though Taurus and Aquarius are nothing alike accept they are fixed other than that, they are opposites. However based on the positions I do not believe our Mars' are Square. Her 2nd decan. Me cuspy 3rd decan.
Aries, dated a Capricorn girl that was older than me. Lots of sexual chemistry, but the relationship was awful. GOODLUCK
Yeah it's a sketchy combo.
A Cap woman whon was really Cappy might be even sketchy for me and I'm a Cap. I need some fire or Aqua energy baby.

Super Side note
I always find it interesting that Lebron James is a Capricorn ( makes perfect sense) and Tim Duncan is an Aires. You see the respect they have for each other it is admirable. Of course Duncan bested James' team's 2x but James was overmatched as a 22 year old with no help and then in 2014 James' team had talent but were out coached and his team mates played shitty.
My mom is Virgo Sun, Aires Moon (oh my Aires moon) Libra Mercury (good).

As for my Sag Mercury the brashness only comes out when I'm fed up ( it takes a while because of my earth and Taurus Mars) I have noticed my My earth placements keep it in check. I also feel like I can be too immature sometimes (that is a downside of Sag--too childike sometimes) It really depends, I have a lot of duality but really I blend my energy based on the energy I pick up from other people. Some people I'm dry and Earthy with. Like my parents always said it depends on how comfortable I am.

Astrologically I'm really balanced based on fixed mutuable, and cardinal. Even though I lack water, Pluto and Neptune are really strong in my chart and help me understand emotions well. I understand people's emotions. It's just if I want to deal with them or not.
Rumi love what is your dad's aspects.

Plus your mom is a whole lot of fire!!!
What's wrong with a chatty chick? As long as it's not boring small talk all of the time. I love talking/hanging with ram girls. They have awesome brains.
So he is really similar to me.

I act more Saggy and Aquarian with just enough Cappy when I am comfortable. That's the perfect me.
You guys have been great all of you.

I'm not doing it based off astrology.

A direct square with my sun will make me cautious always . I was involved with Libra direct square and she had Scorpio Venus it was a nightmare after like two weeks. I will be OK with the Aires we both are adults and neither one will get hurt if things don't progress.

Though I backed down before I knew she was an Aries ( spell check also has Aires) I don't know what that is but whatever.

It is not just her looks.

I don't know her well but I would like to know her more.

I know I can only gain in this situation and yes I don't see her changing and I will only change so much.

Posted by Rambunctious76
Posted by frostey91

I'm not doing it based off astrology.

A direct square with my sun will make me cautious always .

Sometimes squares and oppositions can actually make a relationship stronger. One of the best parts about being in a relationship is both parties learning things from each other. But of course you have to be willing to learn.

Good luck.
click to expand

I agree. I I tried. I had a Libra with a bad square and Cancer Moon. Didn't work well. He was too family oriented around me. He always tried to invite to meet his friends but most of them I did not click with.

You are right I feel like if we talk just friends whatever it will make me more well rounded.
You didn't like that she was chatty, or you didn't like that she was chatty but not with you?
Posted by Rambunctious76
First thing first.

It's spelled ARIES.

Secondly, I say go for it. To hell with placements. Your Merc Sag will be perfect for her Merc Taurus because Merc Taurus prefers to listen first. Merc Sag does the absolute opposite and I have no problem with that.

Dude, the girl has MARS AQUA! Do you know how hot that is???

We had another Cap sun make enquiries about an Aries girl, but he had a Scorpio moon and he chose to overthink the situation to the point where he completely gave up on her. DON'T BE LIKE HIM.

Just go for it and play everything by ear. Cap and Aries combination can work as long as both parties want to make it work.

Says "to hell with placements."

Goes on to validate points using placements.
Posted by LillyPetal
You didn't like that she was chatty, or you didn't like that she was chatty but not with you?

Maybe the 2nd didn't think about that.

It is like the same thing with this Gemini. Idk I think it's how they talk to their friends.
The Gemini and her friends where ridiculously louder than everyone else while we were playing games (like 15 other people their. I have never seen her so loud. It's a turnoff for me. Like talk but don't be so loud and be distracting that's the thing.

This Aries girl isn't as bad.
I did not expect the Aries to be chatty with me though. Maybe just pay a little more attention at first. It was like we talked for a couple minutes, things were good then I just got lost.
Ooh my fourth house is Aries. She can have my kids any day of the week.
Posted by frostey91
I did not expect the Aries to be chatty with me though. Maybe just pay a little more attention at first. It was like we talked for a couple minutes, things were good then I just got lost.

Don't take it personally. I rarely ever pay attention to anybody in social settings. Unless I find you interesting; then I'll fixate on you. My virgo bestie pointed this out to me once, "You completely hogged Sag Girl! And you were totally ignoring everyone else!" The Sag (who later became my squash partner) was just so much more interesting to me. As everyone else ran out of things to say, she and I were still talking. At moments, I would tune into what everyone else was discussing, and I just couldn't be bothered to chime in. If I'm working, I'll give you the star treatment. Oftentimes, I get random people confiding in me. In those moments, I am all ears, but I'm secretly screaming inside.

But generally, it's as though you aren't there. I will politely say "hi" when you are obviously in my line of vision, but I prefer to not draw attention to myself and be disrupted.

Aries are cool peoples. You shouldn't have any trouble.
Yup things changed she was fixated on me she was giving people equal attention but she flirted with me a lot during pool.