House placements

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by IceVirg on Saturday, January 12, 2019 and has 3 replies.
I've only been into astrology for a few months. I still have a lot to learn. I was reading up on Houses and working through mine. I noticed that most of my placements fall in the houses they rule (or at least, very close to it) on the rightside house chart. Like 3rd House Gemini, 4th House Cancer, 5th House Leo, 6th House Virgo, 10th House Capricorn etc, etc.

Do Houses matter only if I have a planet in that house? Or, for example, is my 2nd House in Gemini despite the fact there isn't a planet there?

Am I being dumb in any way because I'm new (am I stating something obvious/missing something)?

Does this hold any unique significance?

These are my house placements and my chart:

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Your not being dumb, just a newbie to astrology like most guys.
Posted by IceVirg

I've only been into astrology for a few months. I still have a lot to learn. I was reading up on Houses and working through mine. I noticed that most of my placements fall in the houses they rule (or at least, very close to it) on the rightside house chart. Like 3rd House Gemini, 4th House Cancer, 5th House Leo, 6th House Virgo, 10th House Capricorn etc, etc.

Do Houses matter only if I have a planet in that house? Or, for example, is my 2nd House in Gemini despite the fact there isn't a planet there?

Am I being dumb in any way because I'm new (am I stating something obvious/missing something)?

Does this hold any unique significance?

Do Houses matter only if I have a planet in that house?

Theory is that empty houses are areas of life of little consequence, karma, or life lessons.

However, synastry with another person is where those empty houses may come "alive" and have significance, importance.

Prominent people like a mother, father, spouse, whomever you hold with importance, having planets fall into these empty houses through synasty, will definitely matter and affect the house wity whatever permance.

Or, for example, is my 2nd House in Gemini despite the fact there isn't a planet there?

This is were aspects come into play. My husband is an Aries Ascendant. Having an Aries Ascendent (or Pisces) makes it very common for house placements to be domicile. But, his aspects are where the "conflict" is as he has some potent squares.

To fully understand requires a whole chart approach.