How does your zodiac sign act on the internet?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Crapmaster555 on Friday, March 25, 2016 and has 11 replies.
I think Sagittarius are kind of hard to find. When I do find them, they seem nice enough.
Posted by GetMisted
Sun sign doesn't matter.

Look at the moon, merc, and mars.

So, I'm Mars Sag and Gem Merc -means wut now?
Just super annoying and no shiz given I bet lol
I'm a virgo mc and come off as analytical. I know a pisces mc and he seems like a spiritual supporter/leader.
This is pretty funny. I was talking to someone about online personas. They're very much different compared to who we are in person. Something about the security of a digital screen..

I have Gemini Mars, so a "twin" comes out a lot online in pictures and stuff. My midheaven is Aries, though, so nothing I say on Facebook is usually not meant to be taken seriously, LoL.
Posted by SoldierOfMars
This is pretty funny. I was talking to someone about online personas. They're very much different compared to who we are in person. Something about the security of a digital screen..

I have Gemini Mars, so a "twin" comes out a lot online in pictures and stuff. My midheaven is Aries, though, so nothing I say on Facebook is usually not meant to be taken seriously, LoL.

Sounds awesome.
Posted by GetMisted
Sun sign doesn't matter.

Look at the moon, merc, and mars.

WroNg ! Devil

We act like our Sun and MooN combination ! Winking
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What about Venus, STARPISCESWAR?
I still feel it...deep.

User Submitted Image
Posted by NostalgicCappy
Posted by GetMisted
Sun sign doesn't matter.

Look at the moon, merc, and mars.

WroNg ! Devil

We act like our Sun and MooN combination ! Winking

What about Venus, STARPISCESWAR?

Hello Pretty Woman, How are you ? Cool My Sun and Venus are Same Pisces so . . But if you had a crush on internet on sum1 then we act like a our Sun-Venus Combo ! Smug
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I'm great doll, thank you. How are you? smile

I got you, Ok that makes sense. It seems like for me, my Mercury is in everything I do or say.
Posted by NostalgicCappy
Posted by NostalgicCappy
Posted by GetMisted
Sun sign doesn't matter.

Look at the moon, merc, and mars.

WroNg ! Devil

We act like our Sun and MooN combination ! Winking

What about Venus, STARPISCESWAR?

Hello Pretty Woman, How are you ? Cool My Sun and Venus are Same Pisces so . . But if you had a crush on internet on sum1 then we act like a our Sun-Venus Combo ! Smug

I'm great doll, thank you. How are you? smile

I got you, Ok that makes sense. It seems like for me, my Mercury is in everything I do or say.

Did U Call me doll ? lolLaughing

I'm fine, i made one soulmate thread over here for april fools day ! Winking

your mercury signs ?

I read your some comments on other threads also you act like a very high class woman i really like it ! smile

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I did call you doll, yes. You are adorable, and really sweet. Thank you so much for your sweet compliments, that means a lot to me and you put a smile on my face. smile

I am going to have to check out your Soulmate thread, it sounds like it will be good and on April Fool's day no less.

My Mercury is in Capricorn, do you know much about that placement?
I Act Like a 3 Signs Mostly Pisces, Leo, & SAG Devil People who i really like over here i act like with them like my Pisces Sun, Sweet ! smile When i want to do drama spot light or want attention i act like my Sun-MooN Combo Pisces-Leo ! Smug When i get angry or want to explain sumthing i use my logic i act like a FûckiNg SAG ! Devil

We are pratically the same, except my asc is leo and my moon aries. But thats pretty cool. I would say I am a good mixture of all three, nost people who meet me pick up my pisces sun or think i am a leo since im not shy and very outgoing. All my other placements in my chart, minus mercury are fucking lies! Lmao
Posted by RedSpark
Posted by Lilianni
I'm a virgo mc and come off as analytical. I know a pisces mc and he seems like a spiritual supporter/leader.

Omg noo!!! Fuck Virgos! No hate Winking I have a Virgo friend and oh my gosh, he can be so anoyying at times an is pissing me off with his laziness, Whenever I call him to go out, he is like:
I am to tired, I had to sleep for like 12 hours.........
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