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Mar 25, 2016Comments: 235 · Posts: 1112 · Topics: 19
I posted this as part of a reply on another thread...figured it would be fun on it's own.
ARIES: Just one. Wanna make something of it?
TAURUS: Well, I prefer natural light if at all possible. Are you absolutely positive that light bulb is burned out? I hate to throw it away if it still might be useful.
GEMINI: Probably one is best, because if there are more than one, they'll get so wrapped up in talking to each other that they'll forget all about the light bulb.
CANCER: Only one, but three therapists will be needed to help with the grieving process. OR: Only one, as long as his mommy holds his hand.
LEO: Leos do not change their own light bulbs. They find someone else to do it for them.
VIRGO: 1.11111119873, give or take .00000000000013% .
LIBRA: Well, I could do it, unless of course you'd prefer to do it, but you look sort of busy right now. What do you want to do?
SCORPIO: One, from across the room, if they've learned their teleporting lessons well enough.
OR, None, because Scorpios aren't afraid of the dark.
SAGITTARIUS: The sun is shining, the day is young, we've got the rest of our lives ahead of us and you're worrying about a stupid light bulb?
CAPRICORN: I don't have time for these foolish jokes.
AQUARIUS: Well, you see, energy is really matter and matter is really energy and light is a form of energy but the light bulb is matter, and--
PISCES: What light bulb?
Additions? Thoughts?
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
Haha yeah when it's no use I'll get a few more so I have many bulbs later. So I'll buy a bulk package of it just to avoid that.
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
I'll show you how to use a light bulb@piscis..
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
Haha come closer. I'll show you up close and personal. Pay attention or you'll miss out.
LEO: Leos do not change their own light bulbs. They find someone else to do it for them
Ehh idk if you want something done right You better do it yourself. Are they going to change my light bulb like right now, because if not just give me the fucking light bulb
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Jan 07, 2009Comments: 305 · Posts: 14219 · Topics: 239
I'm a sag and it's true for me.
I don't hurry to change it. no taurus placements. but cap sn.
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
Marco Polo or chicken fight?
Still asking?
I already changed it! ðŸ˜'...😂😂😂😂
*Flips the switch on and whips hair*
Good morning y'all