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Jan 23, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 192 · Topics: 18
LOL Ok, this might have very little to do with astrology but I'm still curious. I know that alcohol has the ability to alter people's moods and behaviors. Since I don't drink alcohol, I have no idea how I would act under the influence. lol
But for those drinkers out there, are you ever aware of how you act when you've had a bit too much to drink? Do people tell you that you act differently than usual?
Are you a happy drunk or a grumpy drunk? lol
This is just a few of my personal observations:
Capricorn (my mom)-When she gets drunk, her reserved, timid nature disappears and she becomes more goofy and laid-back. She'll bring out pictures of when she was a little girl and start telling funny stories about her childhood in Switzerland (that's where she's from orginally) Apparently she used to run around and play in the fields with the lambs lol
Aries (my friend)- When she gets drunk, she turns into this guru and starts dishing out unsolicited yet well-meaning advice to people (sometimes even to strangers lol) and then in the middle of her speech, she'll stop and check her cell phone for missed calls and when she's done with that she goes, "So as I was saying.........wait, what was I talking about??". And then we have to remind her about the topic LOL
Sagittarius (my boyfriend)-Well, let's just say him and alcohol do not mix well. He has a tendency to turn snarky and aggressive. His jealousy and insecurities come out. He is normally a laid-back, cheerful dude.
Leo (my friend) When he gets drunk. he becomes downright jolly and cracks a lot of jokes and he doesn't care if nobody is laughing because HE is in a good mood and that's what matters lol He is normally a shy guy.
Aquarius (my friend)-When she's drunk, she becomes flirty lol Guys usually call her "ice princess" because she won't even smile at men, let alone flirt when sober. lol
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May 01, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 2977 · Topics: 102
i only have two friends that really gets DRUNK drunk..a taurus and a gemini
the taurus becomes extra talkative and tends to ramble..and depending on the situation, will get violent..mainly towards his gf, but he will fight anybody..he's had more street fights then anybody i know
the gem becomes loud and very funny thou
Im a happy and horny drunk.
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Jun 08, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 4581 · Topics: 75
Drinking simply intensifies whatever mood I am in... happy, angry, horny, whatever. That is the reason rule #1 with drinking is not to start when you are in a bad mood, it just spirals and goes poorly. I am usually happy and upbeat so having a few drinks simply takes away my self-conciousness. I no longer care what people are thinking or how I am perceived. I am a happy, silly drunk.
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Jul 08, 2009Comments: 5 · Posts: 4081 · Topics: 4
I remember a DXP discussion similar to this one time.. during the course of the conversation, it came up over and over enough for me to submit an observation: Drinking tends to bring out a man's Venus, and a woman's Moon. The results were interesting, and several people's experiences verified and backed it.
My own examples:
Me, Pisces Sun (barely) with an Aries Venus.. I'm normally very open, charming, friendly, sociable. Fearless and unselfconscious. Get a drink or two in me - I become quieter, still friendly but more observant and mellow. My wide-open smile becomes more of an amused, gentle grin. I become more like my Taurus Moon and less like my Aries Venus.
My Libra.. Libra Sun, Virgo Moon. He's a typical Libra.. sociable, friendly with everyone, lots of fun to be around, but a little reserved. A couple drinks and he becomes more Fiery, outgoing, gregarious.. MORE flirty, MORE showy and over-the-top (esp in regards to me and PDA's and open affection).. more like his Leo Venus. He's a very friendly, fun, HAPPY drunk -- and OMG that's a whole lot nicer than the angry, mean, cruel drunks I've known!
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Jan 18, 2012Comments: 125 · Posts: 2651 · Topics: 102
lets see,
Scorpio (my dad): he would want to talk to everyone and tell family secrets. when he got sober he wondered why everyone at the party was mad at him.
Aquarius(not me, my brother): he was a lets drink some more kind of guy and he would act silly. my brother is the most serious aquarius i know.
Aquarius (friend): she loves everyone and goes around kissing guys she don't know.
Libra (my bf): he is flirty, funny, makes everyone laugh and feel welcomed. and he will go around the room, "hey i know you" give hugs, shake hands etc... then he will come to me,"Hey your my gf, lets get naked. arent you hot, yea your hot" i would be like, "we are at a party" him:"get out! i want to be alone with my gf" hilarious. Then when everyone finally leaves he falls face down and goes to sleep.
Libra (friends): she gets really loud and goes around telling people whats wrong with them. When they look at her like she crazy she will laugh and say, "ha, your mad".
Gemini (friend): loves everyone and wants to take her clothes off. the one time we didnt get to her in time she was in her underwear. she was like, "look at my boobs..i need implants....dont you think i need implants..i got all this ass and no boobs." she googled boobs on her phone..she went around showing people pics of other women's boobs. "how you think these will look on me?"
Capricorn (friend): she talks way more than she usually does. she will go on these rants and tell everybody off. "remember you won that 7th grade spelling bee, i know you cheated you bitch".
well none of my friends need to drink.
I dont drink so i dont know how i act when im drunk.
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Dec 22, 2009Comments: 438 · Posts: 33721 · Topics: 241
Taurus, I get more touchy feely. Everything has a roseate glow, is funnier. I'm very mellow and lovey. Unless a good song comes on, then get out of my way. I'll sing along happily too.
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Aug 27, 2009Comments: 334 · Posts: 8771 · Topics: 323
I become less reserved, much less serious, a little more talkative and somewhat flirty (even if I'm not interested) - yes, much more like my Gem moon.
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Jan 23, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 192 · Topics: 18
Thank you all for the very interesting replies!
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Jun 18, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 2999 · Topics: 75
What level of drunkeness are we talking about here? Regardless... I'm a leo and I get even happier. Every once in a great while I get weepy but it's usually due to hormonal changes.
Funny, many sags I know become more aggressive and snarky when drunk too. They still have fun but often at other people's expense.
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Dec 23, 2010Comments: 1 · Posts: 4385 · Topics: 226
From what I've witnessed:
Scorpio male: horny
Libra female: Very loud and not very smart with her decisions
Taurus female: Loud and mischievous
Sag female: Aggressive/dominant or logical or touchy-feely
Leo male: affectionate and protective
Taurus male: Cry baby
Aries female: dominant and loud
Scorpio female: very emotional cry baby
Sag male: fun loving and outgoing as well as horny
Pisces male: Easily angered and very stupid with actions. D-bag
Cap male: overtly dominant
Gem male: outgoing and fun, but easily angered
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Dec 23, 2010Comments: 1 · Posts: 4385 · Topics: 226
For me personally (Sag) I act different ways depending on what form of drink I have