How to gaslight any sign..

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Easha23000us on Wednesday, February 12, 2014 and has 14 replies.
Aries-Outsmart them
Taurus-Eat their food
Gemini-Out talk them
Cancer-Out cry them
Leo-Out shine them
Virgo-Out think them
Libra-Be friendlier than them
Scorpio- Out stare them
Sagittarius- Out run them
Taurus- Ignore the raging bulls flared nostrils....
what about the rest..? caps and aquas and pisc? :o
Posted by xxixxi
what about the rest..? caps and aquas and pisc? :o

Out - money
Out - cray
Out - feelz
Posted by Wynter
Posted by xxixxi
what about the rest..? caps and aquas and pisc? :o

Out - money
Out - cray
Out - feelz
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hehe smile
The way to get a Cap is to outlast them.
Good luck, we're a persistent lot. Winking
Do NOT make more money than me or have cooler clothes than me ! lol I will take you DOWN Tongue
"Scorpio- Out stare them" lmao! It does shake them up! When I notice that someone is intensely staring at me, Scorpio or not, I can't help but to turn to them and stare right back directly into their eyes, just to see their reaction. Most look away so fast. Those who don't intrigue me.
Seeing my food eaten would make me sad but there are worse things in the world.
I have no taurus in my chart..but I like my food lol (and I posted up some threads on the food & drink forum heeh smile)
though if someone happens to eat my food up then I think 'ah, you're helping me to stay fit by eating my food? (my favourite food is junkfood lol so yea..high calories lol) - good, I stay fit, you get some pounds :p'
but then later I make it sure to eat up their food lol..guess it's my scorp mars.. must get myself avenged lol..
Capricorn-Out save them
Aquarius- Be more philanthropic than them
Pisces- Become an hypochondriac
Posted by LilyTree
Posted by xxixxi
I have no taurus in my chart..but I like my food lol (and I posted up some threads on the food & drink forum heeh smile)
though if someone happens to eat my food up then I think 'ah, you're helping me to stay fit by eating my food? (my favourite food is junkfood lol so yea..high calories lol) - good, I stay fit, you get some pounds :p'
but then later I make it sure to eat up their food lol..guess it's my scorp mars.. must get myself avenged lol..

*digs in Aries' hoofs* KINDLY, do NOT touch my food without asking me!!! Scared I do not mind sharing, and I will give you a generous piece off my plate*, but DO NOT just TAKE it from me without my permission or convent! Now you got your fingers on my plate, too! NOOOOOO!
*Unless it's pineapple. I don't share my pineapple.
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Ughh, I remember cutting a friend off because she ate my lunch without asking.. crazy.
I will eat off anyones plate b4 asking. Your food looks good and im gettingme a bite.
Im a Gemini but my venus/mars is in Taurus and I consider anyone taking something off of someones plate almost an abomination. It's rude and disgusting (probably coupled with my Libra rising/moon). I would NEVER take something off my dates/significant other plate unless he offered me and vice versa. I don't even do this with my family and they vice versa. You have your plate don't touch mine period.
Now if someone like my Cancer sister asks Ill be like ok here ya go. My mom is a Taurus sun and we were taught not to take or touch things that don't belong to us without asking. Even now if you touch my things I lose my shit. My friends like to see what I'm ordering I do a lot of online shopping but I can't stand people trying to use something before me or touch it, etc.
Same thing with my purse. Don't EVER EVER EVER EVEVEVEVEVEVEVEVER dig/search/touch my purse.
Anyways as far as my Gemini sun/Libra rising/moon I find a lot of things rude and distasteful. But I don't like being "cut off" or "interrupted" when I talk. OR. Someone not listening and I know when you arent listening. Ill ask "ok repeat what I just said" and they only say the last word. When that happens I stop talking to you and proceed to ignore you until I see fit.
Posted by Impulsv
I hate people eating my food must be Taurus moon.

I might do that, since Sagittarius occupies my 6th house, and that's an indicator for gluttony. Beware!