I feel like I am a world famous person

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Robin Goodfellow on Monday, April 13, 2009 and has 9 replies.
and I don't know what to do about it, do any of you know me from somewhere else other than this place??
I have a hunch that I am a celeb or I am on my way to becoming one, I'm from Atlanta.
LMAO @ winterborn, you are some type of comedian waiting to be discovered... Jim Carrey
Well I'm not kidding....., but more like a serial I wan't lots of kids..
I am at the center of a gigantic amount of attention and I don't know why so I asked... hoping someone would know, someone on Lindaland called me a "fake" but I don't know what this is about and I noticed Bill O' Riley hold up a book on screen with my little boy pic on it,. any idea whaz up??
I don't think you are crazy ... I know I'm connected to somebody I've never met who is a celebrity .... in interviews, he references very particularly specified information that is about me, and says he is experiencing 'episodes' involving these things and doesn't know why.
They just hit him randomly .... meanwhile, I am thinking it.
Lol. This just made my day.
Yeah that could be the book I've been mistaken but besides that something is going on down here, I'm being watched is all I can say right now.
Posted by WinterBorn
So who do you think is watching you? U.S. Secret Service or FBI or ......?
Are you experiencing some weird kinda channeling thing like P-Angel suggests??
What??s happening??? Tell usssss Crying

By police and secret service I believe.