i hate being stuck in one place - aries with problem

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by karina on Tuesday, December 1, 2015 and has 15 replies.
i am aries 21.03.1990. I am 25 yo woman who doesnt know what to do in my life.
I mean people think I am focused on my career and so one, but i dont have a boyfriend. I dont know what is going on wrong with me that I dont have a boyfriend.
Am I too 'quick' when it comes to life and people?
Why am I surrounded only with people whom I know from high school and beginning of my studies? People like me and i like them back but dont know why i dont have a bf...
I am very open minded, I try too be more feminine- even at work ( movie sets and so one).I plan my career and I believe that i will find someone somewhere. BUT i dont knoe where.

My personal friends are people who only drink a lot and party a lot. Only 1 or 2 people do something that is kinda creative.
On the other hand when it comes to work- my work friends are very busy and they dont have time to make new friends. We do not party together.
And I am kinda very sad about it.

Because when i get back home after my work or meeting people from work i am again back surrounded with friends who do not do anything connected with creativity or so one.
I mean i like people in generall. I like people who i am surrounded with. I like my friends. Its not like i am very picky. But I see that when i need to do something creative i have to leave my comfort zone myself and then do something ALONE.

Thats why i push myself to do things alone because i dont wanna get stuck in one place. But my friends think I am very independent and mature. I am not- i am afraid of 'the same' , i am afraid of get stuck...

And i dont know if i do well or not.

I need do somehow 'stop' myself and maybe focus on my personal life?
No idea...
Im very confused. No idea why i dont have a bf......

Its not like im searching or something. Im living my life , doing a lot of things... Maybe i do too much things??

What do you think??

Post your chart doe. It's beyond just a sun sign
Posted by RamOfPeace
Post your chart doe. It's beyond just a sun sign

this. ive dated a couple of aries/libra moons that sound similar. one ex just now got married at 31 to a younger virgo and had his first baby which seems to have done a lot for him. i think with aries its about finding where to put all that energy!
Posted by AbbyNormal
Posted by RamOfPeace
Post your chart doe. It's beyond just a sun sign

this. ive dated a couple of aries/libra moons that sound similar. one ex just now got married at 31 to a younger virgo and had his first baby which seems to have done a lot for him. i think with aries its about finding where to put all that energy!
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I just told my Libra sun/Aries moon sequoia ex that I'm getting off his fence, for the second time in 3 years. Tell me about it.
It seems like Aries women in general find it difficult when it comes to love. When was your last relationship, OP? Why did it end?
Here is your natal chart, OP.

User Submitted Image
This is my chart.
What do you think?
Sometimes i wanna escape from reality with my work. But then I see i dont have private issues ( like boys problems and etc) ...

User Submitted Image
I think your abundance of independence comes from your Aries/Aquarius influence. Difficulty in love relations might stem from Venus square Pluto.
Posted by AriesIntrovert16
It seems like Aries women in general find it difficult when it comes to love. When was your last relationship, OP? Why did it end?

Usually boys or now men wanted to play with me?
Because I am an attractive girl - I used to be very shy like I would have been scared because of the reality and the world. It was usually like i was introduced by someone to someone. I didnt make any new friends by myself ( only at university) when it comes to love or just group of people outside the university.

Then I got more confident and now some friends - boys tell me its me who rejects men. But its not true.

Before I got used to being rejected, like I have been friendzoned twice and a guy played with my emotions aboyt 2 years. Before I was in love with someone who rejected me and when I started to date his best friend- he turned back to me biying me flowers and being nice- like he would change his mind or something.
I have always been seen like the most optimistic and friendly girl- but someone who is only a friend. If you know what i mean. When I got older and more confident boys maybe are afraid of me?

And usually i have very short affairs where boys just pull away. Even without saying anything. BUT they usually chase me 1 year or 6 months- flirt with me and so one. And then they pull away.......

So i have been in a real last relationship about 4 years ago. SInce that time- i dont know whats going on. Really.

That's one mean red bucket. They say that people with squares and oppositions persevere though
Posted by AriesIntrovert16
I think your abundance of independence comes from your Aries/Aquarius influence. Difficulty in love relations might stem from Venus square Pluto.

what do you suggest on doing?

is there any chance for me to find someone?

should i find someone as energetic and independent as me?

I have always been attracted to aries and virgos. and virgos ( and libras) are attracted to me but they pull away. always.
what doyou suggest on doing?
do you think that i will find someone?

i mean i try not to think about it
but im very insecure of that.
im 25... my friends getting married engaged. already having babies and me? a girl who wants to travel, have adventures, meet new people, have a crazy life.......
Posted by wecarealot
Posted by AbbyNormal
Posted by RamOfPeace
Post your chart doe. It's beyond just a sun sign

this. ive dated a couple of aries/libra moons that sound similar. one ex just now got married at 31 to a younger virgo and had his first baby which seems to have done a lot for him. i think with aries its about finding where to put all that energy!

Haha, I'm an Aries sun, Libra moon and I am BEYOND restless. Can't stay in one spot for more than a year. I have to change something--my job, my apartment, a hobby, etc.
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and you are gemini mars?! whoa girl! lol Winking but seriously, that kind of energy is admirable! wish i had half of it.
Posted by wecarealot
Jealous of your chart, OP. Aries/Cap is a super powerful combo

sometimes i think im too energetic.... like im doing 3 things at once and so one.

OP what does it mean
i just dont know what to do with my life because im very confused. and i usually compare myself with others and i have objections about leaving my family and friends and start doing new things with new people or just stay here and travel and live normal young life but without excitement.... i dont know .....

its like im stuck or i am not stuck but i get very confused and have my mind mixed up