i am aries 21.03.1990. I am 25 yo woman who doesnt know what to do in my life.
I mean people think I am focused on my career and so one, but i dont have a boyfriend. I dont know what is going on wrong with me that I dont have a boyfriend.
Am I too 'quick' when it comes to life and people?
Why am I surrounded only with people whom I know from high school and beginning of my studies? People like me and i like them back but dont know why i dont have a bf...
I am very open minded, I try too be more feminine- even at work ( movie sets and so one).I plan my career and I believe that i will find someone somewhere. BUT i dont knoe where.
My personal friends are people who only drink a lot and party a lot. Only 1 or 2 people do something that is kinda creative.
On the other hand when it comes to work- my work friends are very busy and they dont have time to make new friends. We do not party together.
And I am kinda very sad about it.
Because when i get back home after my work or meeting people from work i am again back surrounded with friends who do not do anything connected with creativity or so one.
I mean i like people in generall. I like people who i am surrounded with. I like my friends. Its not like i am very picky. But I see that when i need to do something creative i have to leave my comfort zone myself and then do something ALONE.
Thats why i push myself to do things alone because i dont wanna get stuck in one place. But my friends think I am very independent and mature. I am not- i am afraid of 'the same' , i am afraid of get stuck...
And i dont know if i do well or not.
I need do somehow 'stop' myself and maybe focus on my personal life?
No idea...
Im very confused. No idea why i dont have a bf......
Its not like im searching or something. Im living my life , doing a lot of things... Maybe i do too much things??
What do you think??
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Nov 27, 2015Comments: 379 · Posts: 2442 · Topics: 172
Post your chart doe. It's beyond just a sun sign
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Oct 02, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 2726 · Topics: 31
It seems like Aries women in general find it difficult when it comes to love. When was your last relationship, OP? Why did it end?
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Oct 02, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 2726 · Topics: 31
I think your abundance of independence comes from your Aries/Aquarius influence. Difficulty in love relations might stem from Venus square Pluto.
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Nov 27, 2015Comments: 379 · Posts: 2442 · Topics: 172
That's one mean red bucket. They say that people with squares and oppositions persevere though
what doyou suggest on doing?
do you think that i will find someone?
i mean i try not to think about it
but im very insecure of that.
im 25... my friends getting married engaged. already having babies and me? a girl who wants to travel, have adventures, meet new people, have a crazy life.......
i just dont know what to do with my life because im very confused. and i usually compare myself with others and i have objections about leaving my family and friends and start doing new things with new people or just stay here and travel and live normal young life but without excitement.... i dont know .....
its like im stuck or i am not stuck but i get very confused and have my mind mixed up