I have a boyfriend

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by piscesbeauty on Tuesday, February 10, 2009 and has 6 replies.
This is his chart. But we get into fights frequently its insane. Yet we always make up for some damn reason. and it annoys the hell out of me.
I want to know what makes him who he is with this chart. and how i can make him like me more then how he used to like me? eh i dont know. i'm a little questioned by his sag in moon does that mean hes going to play me? because they say sag men are players but his venus and sun are both in taurus which make him fixed? uh i dont know this is his chart:
Rising Sign is in 07 Degrees Virgo
Sun is in 06 Degrees Taurus
Moon is in 07 Degrees Sagittarius.
Venus is in 29 Degrees Taurus.
Mars is in 13 Degrees Capricorn.
Jupiter is in 14 Degrees Pisces.
Saturn is in 08 Degrees Sagittarius.
Uranus is in 21 Degrees Sagittarius.
Neptune is in 05 Degrees Capricorn.
Pluto is in 05 Degrees Scorpio.
N. Node is in 29 Degrees Aries.

I dont know what the mars in capricorn means for him? his north node in aries?
He looks like he has a lot of sag in him. and I have a lot of sag friends and a sag stalker so lol. as my other post. but this is my boyfriends chart of course. it looks like he probably has alot of fire in his chart?

If you do need my chart its this yet again:
My chart is this:
Rising Sign is in 13 Degrees Virgo
Sun is in 13 Degrees Pisces.
Moon is in 27 Degrees Cancer.
Mercury is in 23 Degrees Pisces.
Venus is in 20 Degrees Aries.
Mars is in 21 Degrees Aries.
Jupiter is in 05 Degrees Aquarius.
Saturn is in 28 Degrees Scorpio.
Uranus is in 17 Degrees Sagittarius.
Neptune is in 03 Degrees Capricorn.
Pluto is in 04 Degrees Scorpio.
N. Node is in 20 Degrees Taurus.
Thats only if you need it.
I just want to know how i can get him.. even though our charts dont work but work for some particular reason??..like we fight alot because of emotions its mainly because he hurts my feelings but yet he apologizes quickly and makes up SOMETIMES he is stubborn and stays mad. its really weird.
please help ill appreciate it. smile
I thought she was gonna say the bf was the stalker dude from the other thread... oh well, fighting all the time's better than stalker I guess
I just want to know how i can get him
if you have to ask this, I would agree with Gemgal
People with sag moon or fire moon like freedom just don't cling as much let him cum to u.
I wonder if she gets into fights with this dude and then talks to the other stalker dude about the fights?
Congrats on the boyfriend?

"Who's up to make a dxp bigest drama queen award ceremony?"
Pisces and immaturity coupled together = drama. It could get competitive.