Wanted to see if there are any similarities in our behaviors. State you methods how you react to life after heart break and you venus sign as well. I'm a taurus sun aries venus Though I can fall in and out of infatuations easily it takes awhile for
I heart this guy. One celeb that I truly miss and was saddened to see go. One of the greatest philosophers of our time. Given the silly responses in my last thread, I think MANY women (and men) on DXP will learn something from this. https://www.youtub
I was angry and embarrassed at first but now its like I cant believe I actually fell for it because this guy played it soo well and convicted everyone. I don’t know if others remember I’ve been talking about this Taurus guy. Turns out hes a comple
I started dating this Aquarius guy, born on 29th of January. We really connected on our first date (I slept with him, but it wasn't like that, you know? We really connected. We spent like 6 hours together before our first kiss and things just kind of esca
http://i.imgur.com/R7UUTfi.jpg so yeah! lol finally got a decent enough photo of her silly butt :-D you can't see her pretty blue eyes but the previous owner sent me a pic of her as a baby baby and it's TOO CUTE!! if i can find it, I'll post it. I g