If I were a lesbian....

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by heliumfiasco on Sunday, August 20, 2017 and has 53 replies.
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I'd exclusively probably date black women. Best hair, bodies, style , confidence. Most gorgeous women.

Came to this realization drunk in Vegas last night. When I was drooling over our bartender.

Then I realized I am my fathers daughter. My grandfather and dad have same taste in women. My dads fiancé is Ethiopian and absolutley striking.

What would be your type if you were attracted to the same sex?

Hey I'm the one who started this trend ok. I went to a competing strip club this spring and fell in love win this big Booty black stripper. I love her so much ???

But yeah black girls are the only ones I'd do too. Which is perfect because my Taurus bff is black and one of these days we're finally gonna experiment together ?
Posted by drunkghost
? idk this topic might dive straight into the fetish pool and end up offensive
Oh for fuck sake. It's not a fetish to have a type. People need to chill.
This topic wasn't exclusively about black women. I was asking hypothetically what same gender person would be your type. I'm not into black dudes at all. But I think I'd be a groupie for females if I were gay.

My friend I'm on vacation with says she'd date female MMA fighters. Mehhhhhh haha
Love it. I want to hear what straight dudes would like in their fantasy men!!!
black people have in average more testosterone than other races, so a black woman must be the equivalent of a white male or sthg like that
Haha! I'm intrigued!
this thread is just disguised black males bashing
Posted by Redbull
Posted by heliumfiasco
This topic wasn't exclusively about black women. I was asking hypothetically what same gender person would be your type. I'm not into black dudes at all. But I think I'd be a groupie for females if I were gay.

My friend I'm on vacation with says she'd date female MMA fighters. Mehhhhhh haha
This isnt my business but since you put it out there, is it a color thing mostly? You like black women but dont have any attraction to black males? Is it just people with darker skin or is it a general preference? I guess if you prefer something than thats a preference? Would you not act on it due to societial reasons? I've long sense reached the "women will do what they do" phase so at this point, its nothing I was thinking about until you brought it up but now Im just asking for a little insight if you will. Never hurts to get an understanding of how people are about things.

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It's not a skin color thing. I think it's mostly the confidence, the way most black women carry themselves. Facial bone structure, bodies... especially black women with natural hair. I just find it sexy. I'm not exactly sure why I'm not into black dudes. I just don't have that same attraction. This isn't a race thing! I'm just asking about types!!!

Posted by hydorah
this thread is just disguised black males bashing
Oh boy! Haha.
It's odd to me the few replies implying weird undercurrents to this post. It's really bizarre how we treat race. You like blondes, brunettes, red heads... no one says shit about that. However, you say you think black women are sexy and it's now a fetish? Fucking weird.People need to relax.
Posted by Arielle83
The first woman that went down on me was a Haitian dancer named Surina.

She was 27 and I was 19.

We shared the language of love: francaise.

She told me I was the type of girl she liked: "mignon et naïf."
Young and naive ?

Posted by heliumfiasco
It's odd to me the few replies implying weird undercurrents to this post. It's really bizarre how we treat race. You like blondes, brunettes, red heads... no one says shit about that. However, you say you think black women are sexy and it's now a fetish? Fucking weird.People need to relax.


Posted by hydorah
black people have in average more testosterone than other races, so a black woman must be the equivalent of a white male or sthg like that
False .

Race is a social construct and not a biological reality .

Posted by Redbull
Posted by heliumfiasco
Posted by Redbull
Posted by heliumfiasco
This topic wasn't exclusively about black women. I was asking hypothetically what same gender person would be your type. I'm not into black dudes at all. But I think I'd be a groupie for females if I were gay.

My friend I'm on vacation with says she'd date female MMA fighters. Mehhhhhh haha
This isnt my business but since you put it out there, is it a color thing mostly? You like black women but dont have any attraction to black males? Is it just people with darker skin or is it a general preference? I guess if you prefer something than thats a preference? Would you not act on it due to societial reasons? I've long sense reached the "women will do what they do" phase so at this point, its nothing I was thinking about until you brought it up but now Im just asking for a little insight if you will. Never hurts to get an understanding of how people are about things.

It's not a skin color thing. I think it's mostly the confidence, the way most black women carry themselves. Facial bone structure, bodies... especially black women with natural hair. I just find it sexy. I'm not exactly sure why I'm not into black dudes. I just don't have that same attraction. This isn't a race thing! I'm just asking about types!!!

Hmmm. OK. I honestly dont think...I mean thats your business. And if you really have a preference, I dont know how I feel about you going against it. Im a mind my own business type of person. I think people who spend time worrying about women having preferences for other women are scattering their energy and focus that could be spent on their affairs. I guess there can be societal considerations and not saying its so easy but hey, thats your business. Im saying I dont know if I agree with you somehow acting in a different way than is really what your about. I would guess it would probably come out one day any way. As a man all I care about is the real. And not being honest just makes it worse. I wont beat a woman up for being who they are. You dont have to feel bad about what you prefer. All I ask for is honesty because things have a way of coming to the surface anyway. Rhetorical question but how do you see this effecting your life? Im all for more honesty from women. People are what they are thats just how it is. Im not for trying to change someone but more dealing accordingly. Its kind of freeing to be...live and let live I guess.
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It doesn't effect my life at all. Simply stating if I was into women I'd want to fuck a black woman because I find them sexier than most. It's really not that deep.
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by hydorah
black people have in average more testosterone than other races, so a black woman must be the equivalent of a white male or sthg like that
False .

Race is a social construct and not a biological reality .

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that's wrong af, but even if it was true, it would make this thread pointless and I'd still win
Posted by hydorah
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by hydorah
black people have in average more testosterone than other races, so a black woman must be the equivalent of a white male or sthg like that
False .

Race is a social construct and not a biological reality .

that's wrong af, but even if it was true, it would make this thread pointless and I'd still win
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Do it I dare you :

But before you do please read :


Harris, Cheryl I. “Whiteness as Property.” Harvard Law Review, vol. 106, no. 8, 1993, pp. 1707–1791. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/1341787.

There is no such thing as a black or a white gene .

We have multiple genes that code for phenotype which is what people use to categorize people .

Someone who looks "white" according to a subjective cultural definition which varies according to region may have more recent African ancestry than someone who looks "black" . Two "black" people in the same room may have less in common genetically than with someone "white" or "Hispanic " that is also in the same room .

Race science is one of the leading causes of health disparities ( why "black" people are under diagnosed and not treated for certain diseases)

It's also acts as a surrogate to cover up structural inequalities that lead to health disparities as well .

Latin girls

One of my Leos is Puerto Rican and she'd totally be my type - beautiful thick curly hair, warm caramel skin, freckles, long eyelashes, full lips, stackeddd (yes with a triple d)

Most girls are way too dramatic for my taste though I am glad I don't date girls
Only room for one princess around here ?
Posted by Shadowcat
Wait nvm, @CaramelizedCoffee

How do you view interracial relationships?

Here we go .

Posted by GC02
If I were a lesbian....... okay that's enough DXP for one day.
I know it's so crazy right?! A casually hypothetical topic on the internet about fantasies. It's absurd! You people are so uptight for a forum about astrology. Get over yourselves. Mehhhhhh!
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by heliumfiasco
I'd exclusively probably date black women. Best hair, bodies, style , confidence. Most gorgeous women.

Came to this realization drunk in Vegas last night. When I was drooling over our bartender.

Then I realized I am my fathers daughter. My grandfather and dad have same taste in women. My dads fiancé is Ethiopian and absolutley striking.

What would be your type if you were attracted to the same sex?

your dad's fiance is an ethiopian, tell her the ancestors are rolling in their graves

but yes East AFricans are striking

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What's 'rolling' in your dicktionary?
Posted by drunkghost
? idk this topic might dive straight into the fetish pool and end up offensive
And it's going to be surprise for...whom?
Posted by Arielle83
The first woman that went down on me was a Haitian dancer named Surina.

She was 27 and I was 19.

We shared the language of love: francaise.

She told me I was the type of girl she liked: "mignon et naïf."
Mingle with a snail?

Were you slimy? Urghhh
Posted by heliumfiasco
Love it. I want to hear what straight dudes would like in their fantasy men!!!
Also.... posting on DXP while drunk and poolside in Vegas is fun.

If anyone cares, my waitress is black and a fucking mega babe.

Maybe Im a full blown lesbian. I'll check back with you guys later for a full review on my sexuality and fetishes. *seductive tequila winks*

Posted by hydorah
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by hydorah
black people have in average more testosterone than other races, so a black woman must be the equivalent of a white male or sthg like that
False .

Race is a social construct and not a biological reality .

that's wrong af, but even if it was true, it would make this thread pointless and I'd still win
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What do you win?
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by hydorah
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by hydorah
black people have in average more testosterone than other races, so a black woman must be the equivalent of a white male or sthg like that
False .

Race is a social construct and not a biological reality .

that's wrong af, but even if it was true, it would make this thread pointless and I'd still win
What do you win?
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Posted by LeoSunScorpioMoon
Posted by Whorpio
Hey I'm the one who started this trend ok. I went to a competing strip club this spring and fell in love win this big Booty black stripper. I love her so much ???

But yeah black girls are the only ones I'd do too. Which is perfect because my Taurus bff is black and one of these days we're finally gonna experiment together ?

All this time I thought you were black. You just keep my exceeding my expectations! White women make me wanna nut a big rubbery one.

Fuck yeah.
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Who said I'm white???
Posted by bumboklatt
I agree black women make my dick hard
User Submitted Image
Posted by drunkghost
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by drunkghost
? idk this topic might dive straight into the fetish pool and end up offensive
And it's going to be surprise for...whom?
i was giving myself a warning, it was going to surprise me

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How is it going so far? ?
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Arielle83
The first woman that went down on me was a Haitian dancer named Surina.

She was 27 and I was 19.

We shared the language of love: francaise.

She told me I was the type of girl she liked: "mignon et naïf."
Mingle with a snail?

Were you slimy? Urghhh
Are u slimy? Or just dry?
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Moist when have to be, snail! ?
Posted by hydorah
black people have in average more testosterone than other races, so a black woman must be the equivalent of a white male or sthg like that
That's bullshit and Idk where tf you get your stupid ass facts from.. You mistake strength for testorone, that's fucked up. We have more Melanin, and with melanin carries more vitamin D. We are simply healthier, stronger, agile.
I don't have a type with men, so I don't think I would have a type with women lol. But I do have a slight preference for darker hair.
Posted by Emhendo
Posted by hydorah
black people have in average more testosterone than other races, so a black woman must be the equivalent of a white male or sthg like that
That's bullshit and Idk where tf you get your stupid ass facts from.. You mistake strength for testorone, that's fucked up. We have more Melanin, and with melanin carries more vitamin D. We are simply healthier, stronger, agile.
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Also false .

Besides the fact about melanin .

Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Emhendo
Posted by hydorah
black people have in average more testosterone than other races, so a black woman must be the equivalent of a white male or sthg like that
That's bullshit and Idk where tf you get your stupid ass facts from.. You mistake strength for testorone, that's fucked up. We have more Melanin, and with melanin carries more vitamin D. We are simply healthier, stronger, agile.

Also false .

Besides the fact about melanin .

Ya more melanin means increased protection against ultraviolet rays which are needed to make vitamin D. Therefore the more melanin means longer exposure to sun is needed to make vitamin D.


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Not sure about that

I need to fact check the last sentence .

Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Emhendo
Posted by hydorah
black people have in average more testosterone than other races, so a black woman must be the equivalent of a white male or sthg like that
That's bullshit and Idk where tf you get your stupid ass facts from.. You mistake strength for testorone, that's fucked up. We have more Melanin, and with melanin carries more vitamin D. We are simply healthier, stronger, agile.

Also false .

Besides the fact about melanin .

Ya more melanin means increased protection against ultraviolet rays which are needed to make vitamin D. Therefore the more melanin means longer exposure to sun is needed to make vitamin D.


Not sure about that

I need to fact check the last sentence .

melanin = shield to ultraviolet rays

vitamin d = made from exposure to ultraviolet rays

more melanin = bigger shield, therefore more time needed to be exposed to ultraviolet rays to make vitamin d

less melanin = more exposure to ultraviolet rays, therefore less time needed to make vitamin d


"Melanin has several physiological roles in maintaining health, but, notably, it affects the synthesis of vitamin D. Melanin is the primary determinant of the degree of skin pigmentation and protects the body from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Synthesis of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) (1,25[OH](2)D(3)) in the skin, however, is dependent on ultraviolet B light. Highly pigmented skin, to the level found in people of African origin, abrogates almost all ultraviolet-induced 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) synthesis."
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Yeah I know that sunlight is needed to produce vitamin D but I remember learning in my anatomy and physiology class about other sources than sunlight that people can get vitamin D

E.g- fatty fish .

Also I don't think that people with lighter skin need less sunlight for vitamin D production more so that diets have aided to supplement their need for vitamin D .

And the article is also slightly wrong technically we are all of African origin .

Lastly if the article is true that would mean that people with darker skin complexions wouldn't be able to get sunburn which is also not true .

Pubmed is a good source to a certain extent but you always have to critically engage with the the science within the articles found in the database .

Most of its isn't reproducible by the way .

Disclaimer :

You should also know that I'm published and you can find me through that database lol . smile

You should also know that my major and what I want to get my phd in is "the history and sociology of science " ....scientific research is influenced by subjective cultural beliefs . It's not truly objective and hence often wrong in it's claims .

i still believe in its use obviously just that - watch this 60 second lecture from a professor at my university he can perhaps explain this better


Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Emhendo
Posted by hydorah
black people have in average more testosterone than other races, so a black woman must be the equivalent of a white male or sthg like that
That's bullshit and Idk where tf you get your stupid ass facts from.. You mistake strength for testorone, that's fucked up. We have more Melanin, and with melanin carries more vitamin D. We are simply healthier, stronger, agile.

Also false .

Besides the fact about melanin .

Ya more melanin means increased protection against ultraviolet rays which are needed to make vitamin D. Therefore the more melanin means longer exposure to sun is needed to make vitamin D.


Not sure about that

I need to fact check the last sentence .

melanin = shield to ultraviolet rays

vitamin d = made from exposure to ultraviolet rays

more melanin = bigger shield, therefore more time needed to be exposed to ultraviolet rays to make vitamin d

less melanin = more exposure to ultraviolet rays, therefore less time needed to make vitamin d


"Melanin has several physiological roles in maintaining health, but, notably, it affects the synthesis of vitamin D. Melanin is the primary determinant of the degree of skin pigmentation and protects the body from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Synthesis of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) (1,25[OH](2)D(3)) in the skin, however, is dependent on ultraviolet B light. Highly pigmented skin, to the level found in people of African origin, abrogates almost all ultraviolet-induced 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) synthesis."
Yeah I know that sunlight is needed to produce vitamin D but I remember learning in my anatomy and physiology class about other sources than sunlight that people can get vitamin D

E.g- fatty fish .

Also I don't think that people with lighter skin need less sunlight for vitamin D production more so that diets have aided to supplement their need for vitamin D .

And the article is also slightly wrong technically we are all of African origin .

Lastly if the article is true that would mean that people with darker skin complexions wouldn't be able to get sunburn which is also not true .

Pubmed is a good source to a certain extent but you always have to critically engage with the the science within the articles found in the database .

Most of its isn't reproducible by the way .

Disclaimer :

You should also know that I'm published and you can find me through that database lol . smile

You should also know that my major and what I want to get my phd in is "the history and sociology of science " ....scientific research is influenced by subjective cultural beliefs . It's not truly objective and hence often wrong in it's claims .

i still believe in its use obviously just that - watch this 60 second lecture from a professor at my university he can perhaps explain this better


yes we all know this regarding diet and vitamin d...

but we were talking about that user's post who made a statement about how black people have more melanin which means more vitamin d.

then you said everything is false except the melanin part...

so i explained that more melanin means less production of vitamin d...

look at the post thread...

we weren't talking about other sources of vitamin d

original post argued in this post thread:

"That's bullshit and Idk where tf you get your stupid ass facts from.. You mistake strength for testorone, that's fucked up. We have more Melanin, and with melanin carries more vitamin D. We are simply healthier, stronger, agile"

u said this statement is false...im agreeing with you...

so i don't get why you are going on about other sources of vitamin d when that wasn't the argument
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Black people as a WHOLE do not have "more testerone".. That's the point I'm trynna make. Black men have more testosterone than any race, black women have more ESTROGEN than any race; hence bigger breast, fuller curves, white babies use to feed on black nannies lactation (the slave nannies literally looked like Aunt Jemima syrup mascot). This is facts. If we can stand the sun longer, if Africa is one big sun-bound desert, what makes you think we lack any vitamin D? White people burn in the sun, get the fuck over it. Whites have always been jealous, and to sit here and argue about our Vitamin D levels and health, just proves it. We are healthier, stronger, and when we get your women pregnant it's a negro with light skin. Get the fuck over it.

Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Emhendo
Posted by hydorah
black people have in average more testosterone than other races, so a black woman must be the equivalent of a white male or sthg like that
That's bullshit and Idk where tf you get your stupid ass facts from.. You mistake strength for testorone, that's fucked up. We have more Melanin, and with melanin carries more vitamin D. We are simply healthier, stronger, agile.

Also false .

Besides the fact about melanin .

Ya more melanin means increased protection against ultraviolet rays which are needed to make vitamin D. Therefore the more melanin means longer exposure to sun is needed to make vitamin D.


Not sure about that

I need to fact check the last sentence .

melanin = shield to ultraviolet rays

vitamin d = made from exposure to ultraviolet rays

more melanin = bigger shield, therefore more time needed to be exposed to ultraviolet rays to make vitamin d

less melanin = more exposure to ultraviolet rays, therefore less time needed to make vitamin d


"Melanin has several physiological roles in maintaining health, but, notably, it affects the synthesis of vitamin D. Melanin is the primary determinant of the degree of skin pigmentation and protects the body from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Synthesis of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) (1,25[OH](2)D(3)) in the skin, however, is dependent on ultraviolet B light. Highly pigmented skin, to the level found in people of African origin, abrogates almost all ultraviolet-induced 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) synthesis."
Yeah I know that sunlight is needed to produce vitamin D but I remember learning in my anatomy and physiology class about other sources than sunlight that people can get vitamin D

E.g- fatty fish .

Also I don't think that people with lighter skin need less sunlight for vitamin D production more so that diets have aided to supplement their need for vitamin D .

And the article is also slightly wrong technically we are all of African origin .

Lastly if the article is true that would mean that people with darker skin complexions wouldn't be able to get sunburn which is also not true .

Pubmed is a good source to a certain extent but you always have to critically engage with the the science within the articles found in the database .

Most of its isn't reproducible by the way .

Disclaimer :

You should also know that I'm published and you can find me through that database lol . smile

You should also know that my major and what I want to get my phd in is "the history and sociology of science " ....scientific research is influenced by subjective cultural beliefs . It's not truly objective and hence often wrong in it's claims .

i still believe in its use obviously just that - watch this 60 second lecture from a professor at my university he can perhaps explain this better


yes we all know this regarding diet and vitamin d...

but we were talking about that user's post who made a statement about how black people have more melanin which means more vitamin d.

then you said everything is false except the melanin part...

so i explained that more melanin means less production of vitamin d...

look at the post thread...

we weren't talking about other sources of vitamin d

original post argued in this post thread:

"That's bullshit and Idk where tf you get your stupid ass facts from.. You mistake strength for testorone, that's fucked up. We have more Melanin, and with melanin carries more vitamin D. We are simply healthier, stronger, agile"

u said this statement is false...im agreeing with you...

so i don't get why you are going on about other sources of vitamin d when that wasn't the argument
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If my melanin can allow me to sit in the

Sun LONGER and I can stand it, while you can't at all and have to use sunblock; what makes you think I have ANY LESS mothafuckin Vitamin D than you?? Y'all are fuckin silly; science over common sense and the harsh truth, right??
Posted by bumboklatt
I agree black women make my dick hard
Didn't mean to click like!!

I don't think I like this statement. Nope!
Posted by Arielle83
The first woman that went down on me was a Haitian dancer named Surina.

She was 27 and I was 19.

We shared the language of love: francaise.

She told me I was the type of girl she liked: "mignon et naïf."
Sounds made up
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Emhendo
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Emhendo
Posted by hydorah
black people have in average more testosterone than other races, so a black woman must be the equivalent of a white male or sthg like that
That's bullshit and Idk where tf you get your stupid ass facts from.. You mistake strength for testorone, that's fucked up. We have more Melanin, and with melanin carries more vitamin D. We are simply healthier, stronger, agile.

Also false .

Besides the fact about melanin .

Ya more melanin means increased protection against ultraviolet rays which are needed to make vitamin D. Therefore the more melanin means longer exposure to sun is needed to make vitamin D.


Not sure about that

I need to fact check the last sentence .

melanin = shield to ultraviolet rays

vitamin d = made from exposure to ultraviolet rays

more melanin = bigger shield, therefore more time needed to be exposed to ultraviolet rays to make vitamin d

less melanin = more exposure to ultraviolet rays, therefore less time needed to make vitamin d


"Melanin has several physiological roles in maintaining health, but, notably, it affects the synthesis of vitamin D. Melanin is the primary determinant of the degree of skin pigmentation and protects the body from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Synthesis of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) (1,25[OH](2)D(3)) in the skin, however, is dependent on ultraviolet B light. Highly pigmented skin, to the level found in people of African origin, abrogates almost all ultraviolet-induced 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) synthesis."
Yeah I know that sunlight is needed to produce vitamin D but I remember learning in my anatomy and physiology class about other sources than sunlight that people can get vitamin D

E.g- fatty fish .

Also I don't think that people with lighter skin need less sunlight for vitamin D production more so that diets have aided to supplement their need for vitamin D .

And the article is also slightly wrong technically we are all of African origin .

Lastly if the article is true that would mean that people with darker skin complexions wouldn't be able to get sunburn which is also not true .

Pubmed is a good source to a certain extent but you always have to critically engage with the the science within the articles found in the database .

Most of its isn't reproducible by the way .

Disclaimer :

You should also know that I'm published and you can find me through that database lol . smile

You should also know that my major and what I want to get my phd in is "the history and sociology of science " ....scientific research is influenced by subjective cultural beliefs . It's not truly objective and hence often wrong in it's claims .

i still believe in its use obviously just that - watch this 60 second lecture from a professor at my university he can perhaps explain this better


yes we all know this regarding diet and vitamin d...

but we were talking about that user's post who made a statement about how black people have more melanin which means more vitamin d.

then you said everything is false except the melanin part...

so i explained that more melanin means less production of vitamin d...

look at the post thread...

we weren't talking about other sources of vitamin d

original post argued in this post thread:

"That's bullshit and Idk where tf you get your stupid ass facts from.. You mistake strength for testorone, that's fucked up. We have more Melanin, and with melanin carries more vitamin D. We are simply healthier, stronger, agile"

u said this statement is false...im agreeing with you...

so i don't get why you are going on about other sources of vitamin d when that wasn't the argument
If my melanin can allow me to sit in the

Sun LONGER and I can stand it, while you can't at all and have to use sunblock; what makes you think I have ANY LESS mothafuckin Vitamin D than you?? Y'all are fuckin silly; science over common sense and the harsh truth, right??
It means you have to sit in the sun longer because melanin is a shield for ultraviolet rays. The trade off is it takes you longer to burn.

People with less melanin make vitamin d quicker but the trade off is they burn quicker.
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So if I'm in the sun all day; more than 15 mins, a few hours.. /sarcasm/ I'm not getting as much as the light mothafucka that only had to sit for 15 mins?? I'm in the sun all the time, I'm sure a lot of black people are. What the hell are you gettin at?

That shit is common fuckin sense. Fuck you alls science, at is some conspiracy based bullshit to get us to stop being in the sun as much. You get those shots cause you going for the goofy.
Posted by d0s3r
Posted by Emhendo
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Emhendo
Posted by hydorah
black people have in average more testosterone than other races, so a black woman must be the equivalent of a white male or sthg like that
That's bullshit and Idk where tf you get your stupid ass facts from.. You mistake strength for testorone, that's fucked up. We have more Melanin, and with melanin carries more vitamin D. We are simply healthier, stronger, agile.

Also false .

Besides the fact about melanin .

Ya more melanin means increased protection against ultraviolet rays which are needed to make vitamin D. Therefore the more melanin means longer exposure to sun is needed to make vitamin D.


Not sure about that

I need to fact check the last sentence .

melanin = shield to ultraviolet rays

vitamin d = made from exposure to ultraviolet rays

more melanin = bigger shield, therefore more time needed to be exposed to ultraviolet rays to make vitamin d

less melanin = more exposure to ultraviolet rays, therefore less time needed to make vitamin d


"Melanin has several physiological roles in maintaining health, but, notably, it affects the synthesis of vitamin D. Melanin is the primary determinant of the degree of skin pigmentation and protects the body from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Synthesis of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) (1,25[OH](2)D(3)) in the skin, however, is dependent on ultraviolet B light. Highly pigmented skin, to the level found in people of African origin, abrogates almost all ultraviolet-induced 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) synthesis."
Yeah I know that sunlight is needed to produce vitamin D but I remember learning in my anatomy and physiology class about other sources than sunlight that people can get vitamin D

E.g- fatty fish .

Also I don't think that people with lighter skin need less sunlight for vitamin D production more so that diets have aided to supplement their need for vitamin D .

And the article is also slightly wrong technically we are all of African origin .

Lastly if the article is true that would mean that people with darker skin complexions wouldn't be able to get sunburn which is also not true .

Pubmed is a good source to a certain extent but you always have to critically engage with the the science within the articles found in the database .

Most of its isn't reproducible by the way .

Disclaimer :

You should also know that I'm published and you can find me through that database lol . smile

You should also know that my major and what I want to get my phd in is "the history and sociology of science " ....scientific research is influenced by subjective cultural beliefs . It's not truly objective and hence often wrong in it's claims .

i still believe in its use obviously just that - watch this 60 second lecture from a professor at my university he can perhaps explain this better


yes we all know this regarding diet and vitamin d...

but we were talking about that user's post who made a statement about how black people have more melanin which means more vitamin d.

then you said everything is false except the melanin part...

so i explained that more melanin means less production of vitamin d...

look at the post thread...

we weren't talking about other sources of vitamin d

original post argued in this post thread:

"That's bullshit and Idk where tf you get your stupid ass facts from.. You mistake strength for testorone, that's fucked up. We have more Melanin, and with melanin carries more vitamin D. We are simply healthier, stronger, agile"

u said this statement is false...im agreeing with you...

so i don't get why you are going on about other sources of vitamin d when that wasn't the argument
If my melanin can allow me to sit in the

Sun LONGER and I can stand it, while you can't at all and have to use sunblock; what makes you think I have ANY LESS mothafuckin Vitamin D than you?? Y'all are fuckin silly; science over common sense and the harsh truth, right??
a dark person and light person sit in the same sunny spot for 15 mins - the lighter person has just absorbed more uv and so will reach good vit d levels more quickly than the darker person... melanin pride is like being proud as a white person that ur unlikely to get sickle cell... kinda trivial huh
click to expand
The fuck you talkin about "melanin pride".. This is straight how I see it with a quick few facts, so release my dick, grasp the info and keep it moving. Hell out my conversation, and I haven't even asked anybody shit.
@heliumfiasco it's funny you posted this! I was thinking about posing a similar question, because I never been with a women, but I've had several come on to me. I've watched lesbian porb and it turns me on a lot. I've kissed and felt up a girl before but not gone all the way. Most of my bi black female friends was turned out by older white females and they said they've been far been their best.
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Emhendo
Posted by hydorah
black people have in average more testosterone than other races, so a black woman must be the equivalent of a white male or sthg like that
That's bullshit and Idk where tf you get your stupid ass facts from.. You mistake strength for testorone, that's fucked up. We have more Melanin, and with melanin carries more vitamin D. We are simply healthier, stronger, agile.

Also false .

Besides the fact about melanin .

Ya more melanin means increased protection against ultraviolet rays which are needed to make vitamin D. Therefore the more melanin means longer exposure to sun is needed to make vitamin D.


Not sure about that

I need to fact check the last sentence .

melanin = shield to ultraviolet rays

vitamin d = made from exposure to ultraviolet rays

more melanin = bigger shield, therefore more time needed to be exposed to ultraviolet rays to make vitamin d

less melanin = more exposure to ultraviolet rays, therefore less time needed to make vitamin d


"Melanin has several physiological roles in maintaining health, but, notably, it affects the synthesis of vitamin D. Melanin is the primary determinant of the degree of skin pigmentation and protects the body from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Synthesis of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) (1,25[OH](2)D(3)) in the skin, however, is dependent on ultraviolet B light. Highly pigmented skin, to the level found in people of African origin, abrogates almost all ultraviolet-induced 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) synthesis."
Yeah I know that sunlight is needed to produce vitamin D but I remember learning in my anatomy and physiology class about other sources than sunlight that people can get vitamin D

E.g- fatty fish .

Also I don't think that people with lighter skin need less sunlight for vitamin D production more so that diets have aided to supplement their need for vitamin D .

And the article is also slightly wrong technically we are all of African origin .

Lastly if the article is true that would mean that people with darker skin complexions wouldn't be able to get sunburn which is also not true .

Pubmed is a good source to a certain extent but you always have to critically engage with the the science within the articles found in the database .

Most of its isn't reproducible by the way .

Disclaimer :

You should also know that I'm published and you can find me through that database lol . smile

You should also know that my major and what I want to get my phd in is "the history and sociology of science " ....scientific research is influenced by subjective cultural beliefs . It's not truly objective and hence often wrong in it's claims .

i still believe in its use obviously just that - watch this 60 second lecture from a professor at my university he can perhaps explain this better


click to expand
So you're trying to trump hard science with soft science.

Posted by Emhendo
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Emhendo
Posted by hydorah
black people have in average more testosterone than other races, so a black woman must be the equivalent of a white male or sthg like that
That's bullshit and Idk where tf you get your stupid ass facts from.. You mistake strength for testorone, that's fucked up. We have more Melanin, and with melanin carries more vitamin D. We are simply healthier, stronger, agile.

Also false .

Besides the fact about melanin .

Ya more melanin means increased protection against ultraviolet rays which are needed to make vitamin D. Therefore the more melanin means longer exposure to sun is needed to make vitamin D.


Not sure about that

I need to fact check the last sentence .

melanin = shield to ultraviolet rays

vitamin d = made from exposure to ultraviolet rays

more melanin = bigger shield, therefore more time needed to be exposed to ultraviolet rays to make vitamin d

less melanin = more exposure to ultraviolet rays, therefore less time needed to make vitamin d


"Melanin has several physiological roles in maintaining health, but, notably, it affects the synthesis of vitamin D. Melanin is the primary determinant of the degree of skin pigmentation and protects the body from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Synthesis of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) (1,25[OH](2)D(3)) in the skin, however, is dependent on ultraviolet B light. Highly pigmented skin, to the level found in people of African origin, abrogates almost all ultraviolet-induced 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) synthesis."
Yeah I know that sunlight is needed to produce vitamin D but I remember learning in my anatomy and physiology class about other sources than sunlight that people can get vitamin D

E.g- fatty fish .

Also I don't think that people with lighter skin need less sunlight for vitamin D production more so that diets have aided to supplement their need for vitamin D .

And the article is also slightly wrong technically we are all of African origin .

Lastly if the article is true that would mean that people with darker skin complexions wouldn't be able to get sunburn which is also not true .

Pubmed is a good source to a certain extent but you always have to critically engage with the the science within the articles found in the database .

Most of its isn't reproducible by the way .

Disclaimer :

You should also know that I'm published and you can find me through that database lol . smile

You should also know that my major and what I want to get my phd in is "the history and sociology of science " ....scientific research is influenced by subjective cultural beliefs . It's not truly objective and hence often wrong in it's claims .

i still believe in its use obviously just that - watch this 60 second lecture from a professor at my university he can perhaps explain this better


yes we all know this regarding diet and vitamin d...

but we were talking about that user's post who made a statement about how black people have more melanin which means more vitamin d.

then you said everything is false except the melanin part...

so i explained that more melanin means less production of vitamin d...

look at the post thread...

we weren't talking about other sources of vitamin d

original post argued in this post thread:

"That's bullshit and Idk where tf you get your stupid ass facts from.. You mistake strength for testorone, that's fucked up. We have more Melanin, and with melanin carries more vitamin D. We are simply healthier, stronger, agile"

u said this statement is false...im agreeing with you...

so i don't get why you are going on about other sources of vitamin d when that wasn't the argument
Black people as a WHOLE do not have "more testerone".. That's the point I'm trynna make. Black men have more testosterone than any race, black women have more ESTROGEN than any race; hence bigger breast, fuller curves, white babies use to feed on black nannies lactation (the slave nannies literally looked like Aunt Jemima syrup mascot). This is facts. If we can stand the sun longer, if Africa is one big sun-bound desert, what makes you think we lack any vitamin D? White people burn in the sun, get the fuck over it. Whites have always been jealous, and to sit here and argue about our Vitamin D levels and health, just proves it. We are healthier, stronger, and when we get your women pregnant it's a negro with light skin. Get the fuck over it.

click to expand
Oh stfu.

Your dark skin PREVENTS vit D synthesis from the sun, honey. What the hell is so hard to understand about that?

Sounds like you need to get the fuck over it with your gigantic chip on your shoulder that's been indoctrinated into your silly cunt attitude. Simmer the fuck down.
Posted by Emhendo
Posted by d0s3r
Posted by Emhendo
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Emhendo
Posted by hydorah
black people have in average more testosterone than other races, so a black woman must be the equivalent of a white male or sthg like that
That's bullshit and Idk where tf you get your stupid ass facts from.. You mistake strength for testorone, that's fucked up. We have more Melanin, and with melanin carries more vitamin D. We are simply healthier, stronger, agile.

Also false .

Besides the fact about melanin .

Ya more melanin means increased protection against ultraviolet rays which are needed to make vitamin D. Therefore the more melanin means longer exposure to sun is needed to make vitamin D.


Not sure about that

I need to fact check the last sentence .

melanin = shield to ultraviolet rays

vitamin d = made from exposure to ultraviolet rays

more melanin = bigger shield, therefore more time needed to be exposed to ultraviolet rays to make vitamin d

less melanin = more exposure to ultraviolet rays, therefore less time needed to make vitamin d


"Melanin has several physiological roles in maintaining health, but, notably, it affects the synthesis of vitamin D. Melanin is the primary determinant of the degree of skin pigmentation and protects the body from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Synthesis of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) (1,25[OH](2)D(3)) in the skin, however, is dependent on ultraviolet B light. Highly pigmented skin, to the level found in people of African origin, abrogates almost all ultraviolet-induced 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) synthesis."
Yeah I know that sunlight is needed to produce vitamin D but I remember learning in my anatomy and physiology class about other sources than sunlight that people can get vitamin D

E.g- fatty fish .

Also I don't think that people with lighter skin need less sunlight for vitamin D production more so that diets have aided to supplement their need for vitamin D .

And the article is also slightly wrong technically we are all of African origin .

Lastly if the article is true that would mean that people with darker skin complexions wouldn't be able to get sunburn which is also not true .

Pubmed is a good source to a certain extent but you always have to critically engage with the the science within the articles found in the database .

Most of its isn't reproducible by the way .

Disclaimer :

You should also know that I'm published and you can find me through that database lol . smile

You should also know that my major and what I want to get my phd in is "the history and sociology of science " ....scientific research is influenced by subjective cultural beliefs . It's not truly objective and hence often wrong in it's claims .

i still believe in its use obviously just that - watch this 60 second lecture from a professor at my university he can perhaps explain this better


yes we all know this regarding diet and vitamin d...

but we were talking about that user's post who made a statement about how black people have more melanin which means more vitamin d.

then you said everything is false except the melanin part...

so i explained that more melanin means less production of vitamin d...

look at the post thread...

we weren't talking about other sources of vitamin d

original post argued in this post thread:

"That's bullshit and Idk where tf you get your stupid ass facts from.. You mistake strength for testorone, that's fucked up. We have more Melanin, and with melanin carries more vitamin D. We are simply healthier, stronger, agile"

u said this statement is false...im agreeing with you...

so i don't get why you are going on about other sources of vitamin d when that wasn't the argument
If my melanin can allow me to sit in the

Sun LONGER and I can stand it, while you can't at all and have to use sunblock; what makes you think I have ANY LESS mothafuckin Vitamin D than you?? Y'all are fuckin silly; science over common sense and the harsh truth, right??
a dark person and light person sit in the same sunny spot for 15 mins - the lighter person has just absorbed more uv and so will reach good vit d levels more quickly than the darker person... melanin pride is like being proud as a white person that ur unlikely to get sickle cell... kinda trivial huh
The fuck you talkin about "melanin pride".. This is straight how I see it with a quick few facts, so release my dick, grasp the info and keep it moving. Hell out my conversation, and I haven't even asked anybody shit.
click to expand
You're just a big ol' piece of trash, aren't you?

You might want to shut it trying to be a "representative" of your race. You're embarrassing everyone with your tacky whore shit.

Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Emhendo
Posted by hydorah
black people have in average more testosterone than other races, so a black woman must be the equivalent of a white male or sthg like that
That's bullshit and Idk where tf you get your stupid ass facts from.. You mistake strength for testorone, that's fucked up. We have more Melanin, and with melanin carries more vitamin D. We are simply healthier, stronger, agile.

Also false .

Besides the fact about melanin .

Ya more melanin means increased protection against ultraviolet rays which are needed to make vitamin D. Therefore the more melanin means longer exposure to sun is needed to make vitamin D.


Not sure about that

I need to fact check the last sentence .

melanin = shield to ultraviolet rays

vitamin d = made from exposure to ultraviolet rays

more melanin = bigger shield, therefore more time needed to be exposed to ultraviolet rays to make vitamin d

less melanin = more exposure to ultraviolet rays, therefore less time needed to make vitamin d


"Melanin has several physiological roles in maintaining health, but, notably, it affects the synthesis of vitamin D. Melanin is the primary determinant of the degree of skin pigmentation and protects the body from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Synthesis of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) (1,25[OH](2)D(3)) in the skin, however, is dependent on ultraviolet B light. Highly pigmented skin, to the level found in people of African origin, abrogates almost all ultraviolet-induced 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) synthesis."
Yeah I know that sunlight is needed to produce vitamin D but I remember learning in my anatomy and physiology class about other sources than sunlight that people can get vitamin D

E.g- fatty fish .

Also I don't think that people with lighter skin need less sunlight for vitamin D production more so that diets have aided to supplement their need for vitamin D .

And the article is also slightly wrong technically we are all of African origin .

Lastly if the article is true that would mean that people with darker skin complexions wouldn't be able to get sunburn which is also not true .

Pubmed is a good source to a certain extent but you always have to critically engage with the the science within the articles found in the database .

Most of its isn't reproducible by the way .

Disclaimer :

You should also know that I'm published and you can find me through that database lol . smile

You should also know that my major and what I want to get my phd in is "the history and sociology of science " ....scientific research is influenced by subjective cultural beliefs . It's not truly objective and hence often wrong in it's claims .

i still believe in its use obviously just that - watch this 60 second lecture from a professor at my university he can perhaps explain this better


So you're trying to trump hard science with soft science.

click to expand
Did you watch the video ?

It's like a dummy's guide to understanding what I'm talking about .

For example in chemistry ( a hard science ) you learn that covalent bonds are composed of shared electrons which isn't true .

People with a "hard science " background know that these things are approximations

Meaning there are inherent issues and limitations with these theories ......

By examining factors that aided in forming these hypotheses including assumptions based on cultural ( subjective ) beliefs you can unearth biases and other subjective aspects of scientific theories and thus improve "hard science".

"Hard sciences " are not only privileged over other disciplines because of their role in driving technological advancement and subsequently aiding in imperialistic conquests and bolstering the economies of western countries

they are also privileged due to their aim at being objective bodies of knowledge ..always subject to revision ....

Have you heard of the term peer review ?

Or Heuristic?
