For me, it would be my Mercury in Taurus; nothing wrong with this in itself, but I can just feel it clashing with my mostly Gemini-Leo placements all the time:
Sun and Venus: Gemini
Moon and Mars: Leo
and then..........
Mercury: Taurus (!)
Then again, maybe it helps tame those Air-Fire placements too : )
How about you?
I have 0 water in my chart and my venus is Gemini so i'd love to be a scorpio/cancer venus so hopefully i'd understanding peoples feelings better!
i would change my air moon sign to a fire sign like aries or leo..
also wish my air mars sign was an earth sign like virgo or capricorn.
I'm okay with everything else in my chart (the rest is earth).
Merc in 8th or Scorpio Mars... Id like to have an airy Aqua or something that works better with my VIG and doesn't cause me to be a crazy, confused bitch (I'm gonna blame it on scorp Mars cause's nice to have a scapegoat).
Signed Up:
Dec 11, 2015Comments: 15 · Posts: 2521 · Topics: 107
I'd place my Mars in Cap. Then I'd have Mars at midheaven.