If you would like me to describe you

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Ferocity Dravidian on Friday, September 21, 2007 and has 81 replies.
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post your pictures along with your sign. If you think that you have an essentially 'Saturnian' 'Leonian - Apollonian' 'Mercurial' 'Venusian' 'Plutonian' 'Uranian' (etc) 'look' and would like a descritpion then post a picture, some of you might have mixed qualities such as when some Leos tend to be leo/venus/mars mixes (pure Leo types would be people like Bill Clinton or the lead vocalist from Metallica, Madonna and Mick Jagger are good pure Leo examples too)instead of resembling the pure Leo type. Some of you probably resemble your opposite sign and so forth. So if you know you have some special qualities I will describe them for you. Thank You.
'Martians', 'Lunarians', Jupiter/Neptune - Piseans, Jupiter - Sagittarius ones I left out.
sun: Virgo
moon: Aries
rising: Leo
my pic= the lips smile
Post some pictures of yourself is what I mean't.
Spachtel you didn't get your dad's thick wavy curly hair.
can u know my rising from the pic cuz i dont know my rising
its between leo vergo libra scorp
Feminine, sensual and voluptuous miss Moon.
Post your picture H.
What about me?
u can find one in profile pictures
Can you describe me?
I have 3 pics in my profile and all my sign info.
Thanks in advance.
You have nice lips Fieryearth.
Daligogh I don't know what to say about you. I was hoping for people that have quintessential zodiac sign appearences.
Sad I don't fit awwwww...
John McCain Leo? He might have a Scorpio influence, he has that intensity in the eyes, when I've seen him on television he has this intense reticent and rigid disposition - he clenches his jaws alot(he has very strong jaws). I've been thinking about taking pictures of people and posting them here so that you can guess their signs that would be a great idea should be fun.
"You have nice lips Fieryearth"
thank you
You Ldy must resemble your sign quite closely except you don't have the Pisean tendency to having the droopy sub depressive fish look. You have a moist liquid integumental texture (including large liquid grey eyes) which are normal for Water people, Water people tend to moisture and soft texture so you fit in - compare with cold and dry Saturn and hot and dry Mars. You are slightly bovine in the face and pyknomorphosized (pyknomorphic/pyknic) in your somatotype giving you a Taurean look except that Taurus is usually solid while Pisces is very silky, smooth and soft.
Daligogh your face has a strong circular contour which to me would indicate that you are partly resembling your opposite sign Cancer, a round circular face might be a typical characteristic for Cancer people.
Neptune/Pisces = Fluidic.
Saturn and Mars = angular and bony geometrical shapes.
"HIIII, you have the same smile as my daughter's Libran boyfriend."

ya i was giving libra to be the most rising to me
thanks for response smile
I'm a Leo or am I?
You must be an almost purely Leo type without any kind of Pluto/Mars/Venus admixture.
You are very beautiful RainFairy you have a warm beauty visible in the warm natural blush in your complexion and this must be normal for a Leo (probably very typical for Leonine complexions to be warm blushy and vascular) compare with your cooler opposite.
ShyleeBlue has the warm blush too. Typical leo woman, your eyes too honey large wide open and mildly protruding an open eyed mildly protrusive gaze.
sorry about the double post
I've tried your address a couple of times Silver buddy, nothing there.
just check my pics there
im a scorp with libra moon and .. can u tell if i have aries or taurus rising?
thanks in advance Ferocity smile
BLUESTARS thank you. you are beautiful
FD I've put up a pic in my profile can you tell me what you think?
I am:
Pisces Sun
Gemini Moon
Ascendent Taurus
Thanks in advance. smile
excuse her ^ Thetis. i apologise on her behalf..
Your pic is beautiful. Is Thetis your real name?
Are you drunk?
69 - you have a wide, round face and full cheeks. Very Cancer.
blue, i thought i sent u home.
who are you anyway?? lol!
Um ok then.
No it's not my real name but thanks all the same.
man, e-lesbians are almost as entertaining as the real thing
actually, its called cyber dykes
"You should see our double act."
I could not agree with you more.
"actually, its called cyber dykes"
o. your photos are set to private.
let me just unprivate them.
"let me just unprivate them."
the second one is really good. you have to forehead of an aries.
photos, open to public.. now try to analyse my face..
scorpio with libra moon and debatable rising.
"scorpio with libra moon and debatable rising."
I'm going with either aries or aqua(is that even an option?)
aries is right.. but some sites say .. uggh taurus rising.. lol
btw, regarding your sentence - do you know a better way to make virgins?
"Do you mean in regards to the Taurus Rising or the choking it out?
I see sexual innuendo in all.
If the former, easily:
It's called a Virgo Rising."
I was talking about "fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity".