So I've been friends with this Scorpio for about a year and he has saved me from myself numerous times (from a drug overdose, encouraged me to go to rehab). I am a Pisces/aries cusp with a sag rising. I like this guy a whole hell of a lot and when we are together it's like this harmonious connection that I have never felt with anyone before. We ended up hooking up and then I went to rehab. When I came back I thought I was over him because he made it clear he wasn't looking for anything. A few months later we started hanging out again, talking every once in a while etc. And gradually started hooking up again. The connection and intimacy that we had in bed was unimaginable. But he acted hot and cold. We would be having great conversation and then all of a sudden it stopped. He would text me if I initiated but would, again, pull away. I have told him a few times that I really really like him, but he says he is just rolling with the punches and has mutual feelings. The other day I visited him at work and he was all over me. I also experienced the infamous Scorpio glare. Well a couple days after that he hung out with me and my friend. I ended up talking to him in the car. I let him know that I really really like him but if he only wants something physical to let me know so I can move on. He said that he has mutual feelings for me and is going with the punches (I let him know that I am not trying to get him to commit so soon but I am hopeful). He said relationship wise if it moves in that direction he isn't opposed to it. And that night ended great. I didn't hook up with him and left him wanting way more kisses. But since then it's more hot and cold games. Ignoring me, barely chatting with me, just tonight I asked if he had plans and he opened my snap and didn't respond. Is he stringing me along? Did I scare him off? Should I move on or be patient? I don't want to ruin this if it's something good but I also need to know when to walk away for the sake of my hearts safety.