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Dec 03, 2014Comments: 16 · Posts: 2377 · Topics: 189
How am I supposed to tell which planets are dominant?
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Dec 03, 2014Comments: 16 · Posts: 2377 · Topics: 189
but how do i know how strong the rising is? how do i know if its weak?
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Dec 03, 2014Comments: 16 · Posts: 2377 · Topics: 189
wow that was very interesting Tizani, thank you, you bring up a good point about the Sun being almost down, *no wonder why you will run into someone from time to time who doesn't act their sun sign at all, and then youre left confused and all like 'omg I don't know how to perceive this person'* -I'm sorry but I personally perceive people based on their sun sign, forgive me for pre judging but its just easier to assume someone is a certain way to prevent any drama, unless they prove me otherwise.... for example I'll always try to be really nice to someone if, lets say, that person is a cancer because cancers are extremely sensitive and i dont want to hurt their feelings --my jokes can be harsh sometimes haha oops--
I'm going to use to the bit of info you gave me and see if I can figure out my friend's chart using "The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need" by Joanna Martine Woolfolk. Thanks again, that was helpful!