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Sep 12, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 633 · Topics: 59
You scored 187out of a possible 200 points. You are:
0-50 Totally unintuitive
51-100 Somewhat intuitive
101-150 Very intuitive
150 - 200 Extremely intuitive (But you already knew that!)
Intuition is a way of knowing, of sensing the truth without explanations. It is the ability to get a sense, vision or feeling about someone or something. Intuition communicates with us through symbols, feelings and emotions. It usually does not speak to us in clear language. We all have intuition. We are born with it. We use it as children we do not know any better. We go on our instinct or gut. But as we grow older and our rational and reasonable mind develops, we lose touch with our intuition. We ignore it, cast it aside forget about it. But like an out-of-shape muscle, intuition can be strengthened and exercised back into shape.
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Sep 30, 2007Comments: 92 · Posts: 5629 · Topics: 56
Ok, I'm starting to get it."Women's Intuition" for females and "Go with your Gut" for dudes.
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May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
a lot of those questions actually had nothing at all to do with intuition....
hey outcast - I don't think I've ever talked to you before but I'm supposed to put in a good word for crab23.....?
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Mar 04, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1775 · Topics: 125
"Do you wake us in the morning with answers to problems you?_ve been thinking about?"
I wake up with more questions aabout my problems.
176/200 Leo
yeah I knew this already lol
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Mar 14, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1083 · Topics: 56
You scored 164out of a possible 200 points. You are:
0-50 Totally unintuitive
51-100 Somewhat intuitive
101-150 Very intuitive
150 - 200 Extremely intuitive (But you already knew that!)
yeah i know...
oh and I'm a gemini of course...
You scored 172out of a possible 200 points.
You are: 150 - 200 Extremely intuitive (But you already knew that!)/ Aquarius
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Nov 10, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 436 · Topics: 22
You scored 183out of a possible 200 points. You are:
0-50 Totally unintuitive
51-100 Somewhat intuitive
101-150 Very intuitive
150 - 200 Extremely intuitive (But you already knew that!)
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Nov 30, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1327 · Topics: 32
I test for intuition....pahh
First time I filled in the circles with the order 10,1,10,1,10,etc
Second time I filled them in 1,10,1,10,1,etc
Both times the score was 110
And obviously I am Virgo to do that little experiment...
Since your a virgo i need some advice about a virgo man....we have been dating a very short period of time and our relationship, we communicate very well, we laugh together and we know when to be serious with each other, we both love each heres my man got upset with me because of something i said and i did not even realize i hurt him or made him upset, we have not spoke on the phone ever since, its been about 5 days now, but throughout the time he has texted messaged trying to figure out if he's just going to let go of our relationship over 1 thing ?
Signed Up:
Nov 30, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1327 · Topics: 32
cumngetme said: "we have been dating a very short period of time and our relationship, we communicate very well, we laugh together and we know when to be serious with each other, we both love each heres my man got upset with me because of something i said and i did not even realize i hurt him or made him upset, we have not spoke on the phone ever since, its been about 5 days now, but throughout the time he has texted messaged trying to figure out if he's just going to let go of our relationship over 1 thing ?"
You wrote the words "we" and "our" 8X. Do you believe he feels that the relationship is as much a "we/our" as you proclaim it to be? The L-Word makes it tough to decipher. Has he said he loves you?
I said we and our, because we are suppose to be in a relationship....and when Virgos tell you they love the mean it, so i dont question whether he loves me or not, i question the actions he is taking because he may be going through alot right now