Any advice greatly appreciated.
My virgo man (pisces woman) have been together almost a year now. We’ve had acouple blow outs but any other time things have been great. Well I overreacted when he cancelled plans with me because he was in a bad mood and now he has pretty much ostracized me from the relationship. Long talk last night about how I wasn’t there for him and how he was let down and that I am selfish and always need attention. He doesn’t understand that I overreact sometimes but I am sensitive not selfish. He said he has all these mixed feelings and emotions and doesn’t know what to do. I asked him to keep his heart open when he leaves my place and that I hoped we could work this out. What threw me for a loop was he started saying weird things like thank you for everything, tell your family thank you, and said a long goodbye to my dog (obvious right). He hugged me and was just like things have been great thank you for everything, at that point I flat out asked him if he was breaking up with me. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights but nodded his head yes. I said alright and walked back in my place and shut the door. He texted me later that night saying he has never had a better relationship, that we have things to work on as individuals, and that he has alot of mixed feelings and emotions but when I closed the door he said it sunk in.
Does that mean he is done with me? I told him I still wanted to be with him but that I had to distance myself and he said thank you for everythinf like everythinf was already over. Has anyone been in this scenario? Is it time to move on or wait for him to come around. I know Virgo men are notorious for not changing their mind but I can’t tell if feels final about breaking up.