Is there any self-proclamed player here? What is your Venus and Mars?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by raad182 on Tuesday, February 12, 2019 and has 7 replies.

Come forth.
I mean..I don't wanna brag but Leo Venus and Mars

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Posted by LostinmyMind11

I mean..I don't wanna brag but Leo Venus and Mars

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Love the Veronica Mars gif.

Have to disagree with the sentiment though. Most Leo veen and mars I know are stupidly stubborn when it comes to moving on.
Posted by Andalusia

Posted by LostinmyMind11

I mean..I don't wanna brag but Leo Venus and Mars

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Love the Veronica Mars gif.

Have to disagree with the sentiment though. Most Leo veen and mars I know are stupidly stubborn when it comes to moving on.
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True but how else are we to get attention?...
I'm either all in, or all out n being a hoe lol 😅🙈😂😘

Scorp venus

Aries mars
Mars and Venus in Aries.