Is there astrological indicators of depression?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by raad182 on Sunday, January 29, 2017 and has 26 replies.
Im just wondering...
you mean aspects natally or transits?
Moon Saturn aspects are one of the biggest indicators of depression in the chart, moon representing the emotional response
Cancer stuff....
Posted by MyStarsShine
Moon Saturn aspects are one of the biggest indicators of depression in the chart, moon representing the emotional response
I have a square between them...I was never diagnosed with it but I think I could...
Posted by TerramineLightvoid
Anyone that even remotely tries to give a confirmation of this prospect is just stupid.

Severe/Clinical Depression, the actual mental disorder, is a sickness. This is like asking if Aids and Cancer is in your chart.

No. It isn't. A sickness is something you get that isn't by destiny or because of who you are. Anyone can get it, no matter who they are.

Can also be genetic which would be indicated in the chart

Posted by DividedWeCapricorn
Posted by MyStarsShine
Moon Saturn aspects are one of the biggest indicators of depression in the chart, moon representing the emotional response
So what about moon sextile saturn?
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I think that gives a more melancholic feel to the person

Posted by Seraphlight
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by DividedWeCapricorn
Posted by MyStarsShine
Moon Saturn aspects are one of the biggest indicators of depression in the chart, moon representing the emotional response
So what about moon sextile saturn?

I think that gives a more melancholic feel to the person

You mean they depress everyone else?
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Others could sense it

Posted by raad182
Posted by MyStarsShine
Moon Saturn aspects are one of the biggest indicators of depression in the chart, moon representing the emotional response
I have a square between them...I was never diagnosed with it but I think I could...
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In my father's family there was a history of depression, in his chart there is a Saturn Moon aspect, as there was with both of his parents and two of his grandsons. One of the grandsons has it exactly the same degree and in the same house as dad (conjunct by 2 degrees in the 5th)

Interesting hey?

Saturn, therefore Capricorn placements. Heavily aspected Saturn, as well as planets in Capricorn that form challenging aspects to other planets, make a person prone to depression (turning inwards instead of outwards).

I've seen it too many times, not to take a notice.

(The traditional ruler of Aquarius is Saturn, so that sign could also have tendency for depression, but since Aquarius natives usually have planets in Capricorn, I find it hard to pick out the influence).

Here's a good link

Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by raad182
Posted by MyStarsShine
Moon Saturn aspects are one of the biggest indicators of depression in the chart, moon representing the emotional response
I have a square between them...I was never diagnosed with it but I think I could...
In my father's family there was a history of depression, in his chart there is a Saturn Moon aspect, as there was with both of his parents and two of his grandsons. One of the grandsons has it exactly the same degree and in the same house as dad (conjunct by 2 degrees in the 5th)

Interesting hey?

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Interesting, I dont know but I think this aspect could show some cold or distant relationship with the mother.

I love my mom but I can't tell if I ever said an " I love you " in person to her, she really does everything for me but our relationship is kinda cold, we dont hug or tell beautiful words to the other.
Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by DividedWeCapricorn
Posted by MyStarsShine
Moon Saturn aspects are one of the biggest indicators of depression in the chart, moon representing the emotional response
So what about moon sextile saturn?

I think that gives a more melancholic feel to the person

I'm melancholic & I have this aspect

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As a sextile, I guess that you tend to enjoy the melancholic vibe...Am I right?
Posted by raad182
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by raad182
Posted by MyStarsShine
Moon Saturn aspects are one of the biggest indicators of depression in the chart, moon representing the emotional response
I have a square between them...I was never diagnosed with it but I think I could...
In my father's family there was a history of depression, in his chart there is a Saturn Moon aspect, as there was with both of his parents and two of his grandsons. One of the grandsons has it exactly the same degree and in the same house as dad (conjunct by 2 degrees in the 5th)

Interesting hey?

Interesting, I dont know but I think this aspect could show some cold or distant relationship with the mother.

I love my mom but I can't tell if I ever said an " I love you " in person to her, she really does everything for me but our relationship is kinda cold, we dont hug or tell beautiful words to the other.
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Yes i think it does. My father had a very cold relationship with his mother

Interesting how we both picked up melancholy with the sextile smile

Posted by TerramineLightvoid
Anyone that even remotely tries to give a confirmation of this prospect is just stupid.

Severe/Clinical Depression, the actual mental disorder, is a sickness. This is like asking if Aids and Cancer is in your chart.

No. It isn't. A sickness is something you get that isn't by destiny or because of who you are. Anyone can get it, no matter who they are.
Predisposition can run in families-- but

Maybe OP is speaking instead of those who

might struggle?
I still find it fascinating how the chart is also like a genetic blueprint

Lisa pointed out to me that our son inherited his 6th house stellium from his Virgo dad and the fact that it is in Scorpio from me. Also he has a lot of air in his chart and she said that comes from my stellium in the 7th

Posted by raad182
Im just wondering...
Idk but i get it when the weather changes outside, or life is stagnant of.....
The actor Robin Williams and David Bowie (RIP) both had Moon-Saturn Aspects in their charts

They were both depressives

Posted by MyStarsShine
The actor Robin Williams and David Bowie (RIP) both had Moon-Saturn Aspects in their charts

They were both depressives

Valuable info...

Seems that Moon/Saturn hard aspects is an indicator.

Of course, there are a few more factors to this but its curious to see how Astrology can show these things.
I think my astrological placements is a good indicator of ones who suffers depressions. minus my sun and moon sign of course. I'm on anti depressants. if I ever stop taking them I'll probably lose my mind.
Posted by TerramineLightvoid
Posted by Montgomery

Predisposition can run in families-- but

Maybe OP is speaking instead of those who

might struggle?

Predisposition is predisposition. It just means you have a heightened risk.

Which means that like I said, no. It isn't in the chart. If it was it would be explicitly stated. Astrology is only as vague as it is predictive. Meaning it is vague because it doesn't predict a whole lot to begin with.

It is more akin to miggs bryer personality types.
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I know what it means... smile

I was more or less agreeing with you, differing

only on the point that not everything is acquired.

I have equated astrology to a sort of cosmic

Myers Briggs, myself-- I dont believe it has any

predictive value.

My point was that maybe OP meant who was

more inclined to have emotional struggles

based on (for instance) 12th house placements,

rather than clinical depression.

Posted by TerramineLightvoid
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by TerramineLightvoid
Anyone that even remotely tries to give a confirmation of this prospect is just stupid.

Severe/Clinical Depression, the actual mental disorder, is a sickness. This is like asking if Aids and Cancer is in your chart.

No. It isn't. A sickness is something you get that isn't by destiny or because of who you are. Anyone can get it, no matter who they are.

Can also be genetic which would be indicated in the chart

No it wouldn't. It couldn't. Genetics is based on your parents DNA and your parents themselves can have almost any chart configuration and they also could and would have sex at any given time, making your own chart completely random.

I personally don't believe astrology has much to do with destiny. Just about predisposition. Anyone with any genetics could have your chart. Just as anyone could have been born in your shoes and lived your life.

Also when it comes to genetics and mental disorders, it only enhances the risk. It doesn't actually make you inherit the disorder, it makes you prone to developing it which is only actually realized if the actual factors that make a person develop a disorder regardless of genetics takes place. Such as going through trauma. At which point genetics really cease to matter.

Honestly I personally think people are more obsessed with having disorders than overcoming them. Because contrary to popular belief, not having a strict cure doesn't mean it can't be cured.

That would be like saying nobody has ever conquered cancer.

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You can see how a person is emotionally, mentally and sexually through astrology, why not mental disorders??

Posted by MyStarsShine
The actor Robin Williams and David Bowie (RIP) both had Moon-Saturn Aspects in their charts

They were both depressives

it could be when their mothers carried them, they were depressed.

both mothers were libra suns.

maybe they were strongly Saturn influenced.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by MyStarsShine
The actor Robin Williams and David Bowie (RIP) both had Moon-Saturn Aspects in their charts

They were both depressives

it could be when their mothers carried them, they were depressed.

both mothers were libra suns.

maybe they were strongly Saturn influenced.
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The moon represents the mother in a natal chart...just saying
Posted by raad182
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by MyStarsShine
The actor Robin Williams and David Bowie (RIP) both had Moon-Saturn Aspects in their charts

They were both depressives

it could be when their mothers carried them, they were depressed.

both mothers were libra suns.

maybe they were strongly Saturn influenced.
The moon represents the mother in a natal chart...just saying
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hm one is leo moon, the other pisces moon.

Robin Williams was very depressed and took his own life.

David Bowie did not, and was happy in his life, and even tried to make a last album before his death.

Could be the "repressed anger" which could help aggravate cancer/ mutate cells.

Posted by TerramineLightvoid
Anyone that even remotely tries to give a confirmation of this prospect is just stupid.

Severe/Clinical Depression, the actual mental disorder, is a sickness. This is like asking if Aids and Cancer is in your chart.

No. It isn't. A sickness is something you get that isn't by destiny or because of who you are. Anyone can get it, no matter who they are.
But astrology can tell you about Those things maybe not speccifically but It can point to it.
Posted by TerramineLightvoid
Posted by raad182
You can see how a person is emotionally, mentally and sexually through astrology, why not mental disorders??

Because in those instances you can only see vaguely so and you only really see the underlying NATURE.

Like emotionally I am only FUNTIONALLY similar to other Pisces Moons. We WORK the same. But what we feel exactly, what is actually IN our emotions be it Happiness or Heartache or whatever is completely up to the individual and has nothing to do with what Astrology can accurately call.

Nature is fate. A mental disorder isn't fate. It is fate breaking if anything. Anyone would have depression if they had their will broken consistently through their developmental phase.
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Vaguely because we are all amateurs here, If you check more serious forums you will see professional astrologers providing some rich readings that you would be scared.

Astrology is a really wide subject, there are people out there who has been studying it for more than 20 years and still missing a lot.

You can always dig deeper.

You can know how a person feel inside, how crazy is that?!