Islam and Astrology

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Tornadoday16 on Wednesday, February 12, 2014 and has 19 replies.
In my opinion, it seems like all great religious leaders were people who were able to embody the archetype of a particular sun sign, and their religion is an expression of the virtues of that archetype. For example, Christ, in my opinion, is a perfect example of a Pisces. His crucifixion was the full embodiment of Pisces self sacrifice, being in the presence of christ one was in the presence of pure unadulterated pisces, and since being in the presence of a pure unadulterated energy like that is obviously so intoxicating, it is not surprising to me that his disciples were filled up with enough inspiration to start a whole religion. Likewise, I think Buddhism is an embodiment of Aquarian energy. What, however, is Islam? I am not so knowledgeable about the Islamic faith. What sign did Muhammed represent? Maybe Capricorn?
Interesting.... I've always equated Buddha to being a Taurus. And as for Jesus Christ, I can see Piscean and Virgoan traits in him.
And Muhammad could be seen as a Capricorn because in Mecca the Muslims walk and pray around the Kaaba, which is a black cube symbolizing Saturn.
Posted by Tornadoday16
His crucifixion was the full embodiment of Pisces self sacrifice,

sacrifice &lt &gt self-sacrifice
Well that was is something else I've been thinking about. Is the point of Islam to be delivered from the influence of the stars?
Posted by Tornadoday16
In my opinion, it seems like all great religious leaders were people who were able to embody the archetype of a particular sun sign, and their religion is an expression of the virtues of that archetype. For example, Christ, in my opinion, is a perfect example of a Pisces. His crucifixion was the full embodiment of Pisces self sacrifice, being in the presence of christ one was in the presence of pure unadulterated pisces, and since being in the presence of a pure unadulterated energy like that is obviously so intoxicating, it is not surprising to me that his disciples were filled up with enough inspiration to start a whole religion. Likewise, I think Buddhism is an embodiment of Aquarian energy. What, however, is Islam? I am not so knowledgeable about the Islamic faith. What sign did Muhammed represent? Maybe Capricorn?

Posted by Tornadoday16
In my opinion, it seems like all great religious leaders were people who were able to embody the archetype of a particular sun sign, and their religion is an expression of the virtues of that archetype. For example, Christ, in my opinion, is a perfect example of a Pisces. His crucifixion was the full embodiment of Pisces self sacrifice, being in the presence of christ one was in the presence of pure unadulterated pisces, and since being in the presence of a pure unadulterated energy like that is obviously so intoxicating, it is not surprising to me that his disciples were filled up with enough inspiration to start a whole religion. Likewise, I think Buddhism is an embodiment of Aquarian energy. What, however, is Islam? I am not so knowledgeable about the Islamic faith. What sign did Muhammed represent? Maybe Capricorn?

Buddha is supposed to be a Taurus. With the definition of "detachment" he keeps philosophising to help others, it is more as if he just simply didnt want to "attach" to material things in life because they are "fleeting" and when we die, we will not be able to take these material things into the next life. We have to start over again, with fresh eyes. What we do in this lifetime, is up to us and our choices and how we treat others.
As for Jesus, astrotheme says Cap rising, aquarius moon, if so, the capricorn work ethic - carpenter that he was, day to day hard work, and the aquarius moon - able to love everyone emotionally, without judgement. Embracing everyone equally, perhaps because he sees the failings of each human being. it is his downfall though. Because he wasn't even able to see what happened in his own "circle" the 12 disciples and Judas's last kiss. He felt it, the betrayal, but he refused to acknowledge it. Perhaps because it's because he just wanted to be rid of this material world. Because, if anyone is religious and knowledgable about the bible, or stories, he says at the end, to his father to take him away. He was ready to go. He didnt want to stay in this world any longer. It was just too much suffering.
I can not and will not consider Jesus's crucifixion as his downfall. In my opinion it was his ascension, not a suicide because the message he had to people was really to follow the law and the law put him down so he had to let it happen to remain logical. I view him as being a reformer that works through the law rather than revolution, and for that I do think he had some Saturn placements.
Posted by Tornadoday16
I can not and will not consider Jesus's crucifixion as his downfall. In my opinion it was his ascension, not a suicide because the message he had to people was really to follow the law and the law put him down so he had to let it happen to remain logical. I view him as being a reformer that works through the law rather than revolution, and for that I do think he had some Saturn placements.

i dont consider it a downfall either. What i do consider a downfall is not being able to see his inner circle. But Judas's betrayal was a CHOICE. And he paid for that choice, because for a few coins, (materialism),(fear) his fear drove him to that. He couldn't hold out longer - there was just too many enemies and he could not protect his friend, his messiah. I don't even believe that it was all about the silver coins/money. He knew, walking among Jesus for such a long time that money isn't the main thing. It was deep down, fear. He was afraid to face death.
anyway this subject is just in time, right before the spring (Ascension)
and laws had to be broken to make way for new ones. (evolution) But they must be for the people.
Posted by lisabethur8
As for Jesus, astrotheme says Cap rising, aquarius moon, if so, the capricorn work ethic - carpenter that he was, day to day hard work, and the aquarius moon - able to love everyone emotionally, without judgement. Embracing everyone equally, perhaps because he sees the failings of each human being. it is his downfall though.
Because he wasn't even able to see what happened in his own "circle" the 12 disciples and Judas's last kiss. He felt it, the betrayal, but he refused to acknowledge it. Perhaps because it's because he just wanted to be rid of this material world. Because, if anyone is religious and knowledgable about the bible, or stories, he says at the end, to his father to take him away. He was ready to go. He didnt want to stay in this world any longer. It was just too much suffering.

That is false.
Jesus knew he would be betrayed; he told the disciples openly that it would happen. 3A21-30&version=ESV">Link

And he did not ask to be "taken away" because he couldn't bear the state of the world-- he asked that "this cup" be taken-- meaning the suffering of the crucifixion.
Which was the plan from the beginning-- it's in *all* the gospels. Link

Posted by lisabethur8
i dont consider it a downfall either. What i do consider a downfall is not being able to see his inner circle. But Judas's betrayal was a CHOICE. And he paid for that choice, because for a few coins, (materialism),(fear) his fear drove him to that. He couldn't hold out longer - there was just too many enemies and he could not protect his friend, his messiah. I don't even believe that it was all about the silver coins/money. He knew, walking among Jesus for such a long time that money isn't the main thing. It was deep down, fear. He was afraid to face death.
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He was possessed.
He committed suicide, when he found out that Jesus had been condemned to die. 3A1-7&version=NIV">Link
Really?? False?
isn't it all about INTERPRETATION?
I took bible studies and went to religious schooling all my childhood, and it is always about INTERPRETATION.
that is why there are many religions.
Posted by lisabethur8
Really?? False?
isn't it all about INTERPRETATION?
I took bible studies and went to religious schooling all my childhood, and it is always about INTERPRETATION.
that is why there are many religions.

Yes, really.
You claimed he was ignorant of Judas' upcoming betrayal-- he wasn't.
It's common knowledge that he foretold the event.

I linked the material showing your error.
Posted by lisabethur8
Because he wasn't even able to see what happened in his own "circle" the 12 disciples and Judas's last kiss. He felt it, the betrayal, but he refused to acknowledge it.
Perhaps because it's because he just wanted to be rid of this material world. Because, if anyone is religious and knowledgable about the bible, or stories, he says at the end, to his father to take him away. He was ready to go. He didnt want to stay in this world any longer. It was just too much suffering.
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And if "... it is always about INTERPRETATION."
Then why did you claim authority on the matter?
Had you not done so, I probably wouldn't have bothered correcting you.

Posted by aqulibini
Posted by Tornadoday16
Well that was is something else I've been thinking about. Is the point of Islam to be delivered from the influence of the stars?

no its to be delivered from the point of view of the influence of a higher being which controls the stars and their influence. in fact, the creation of whole of universal energy and its influence within is supposed to be a plan of God. but above all it talks of free will. much like other religions, it says that though the destiny is in the control of God, we have a free will through which we can make choices in life. This is quite complicated as its often criticized as being contradictory in talking of both destiny and free will. however, its not so hard for those to co-exist. this is an example which helped me understand....
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I love that you said that.
It seems that some of the greatest truths are of a paradoxical nature.
The more you give away, the more you will receive; one must lose himself in order to find himself, etc.
I typically say that free will is an illusion, for the sake of simplicity; but I do like the way you've explained this smile

I like the idea of figuring out what part of the psyche each religion appeals to. In the case of christianity, it is obviously emotion. I think the fact that Islam has a living prophet plays a big part in it appealing to logic. However, just because the Christian prophet is dead doesn't mean he is not worth anything, his message was just a little different than what Islam's was.
Correcting me?
Alright, its just my interpretation.
Posted by Tornadoday16
I like the idea of figuring out what part of the psyche each religion appeals to. In the case of christianity, it is obviously emotion. I think the fact that Islam has a living prophet plays a big part in it appealing to logic. However, just because the Christian prophet i ws dead doesn't mean he is not worth anything, his message was just a little different than what Islam's was.

i thought so too, my bff has a different way of seeing it but ultimately it is the same message.
Posted by Tornadoday16
I like the idea of figuring out what part of the psyche each religion appeals to. In the case of christianity, it is obviously emotion. I think the fact that Islam has a living prophet plays a big part in it appealing to logic. However, just because the Christian prophet is dead doesn't mean he is not worth anything, his message was just a little different than what Islam's was.

I like where you're going with this, but I'm confused-- Muhammed is dead.
And that islam appeals to logic, in some cases, I understand; but when you say this:
"In the case of christianity, it is obviously emotion... "
How so? I guess I don't follow the comparison. smile

Posted by Montgomery
Posted by Tornadoday16
I like the idea of figuring out what part of the psyche each religion appeals to. In the case of christianity, it is obviously emotion. I think the fact that Islam has a living prophet plays a big part in it appealing to logic. However, just because the Christian prophet is dead doesn't mean he is not worth anything, his message was just a little different than what Islam's was.

I like where you're going with this, but I'm confused-- Muhammed is dead.
And that islam appeals to logic, in some cases, I understand; but when you say this:
"In the case of christianity, it is obviously emotion... "

How so? I guess I don't follow the comparison. smile

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Iknow that Muhammad is dead but what i mean about calling him a living prophet is that heis message was abut to live, unlike Jesus whose message was how to die, with dignity. Christianity appeals to emotion more than logic because the crucifixion was like a beautiful display of God inspired passion, whereas muhammed, or the prophet, if that is how we are supposed to refer to him, showed how to 'logically' go about living a life inspired by the raw passion of Jesus.
My readings/studies indicate that Jesus was most likely a Pisces, whereas Buddah and Mohammed were both Taurus.