So any Cancer female here confessed her feelings to scorpio man and got rejected or got friendzoned ?
Hi Taurus People! I'm a Cancer Woman (lesbian) and I'm interested in this straight taurus woman. We are officemates, I was in a relationship when we started to get friendly which she knows (the relationship ended already as well), we started to become clo
Personally for me, I tend to have very good friendship with both Leo and Sag, but not romantic involvements. It simply doesn't work for me. But then, no relationship works for me, perhaps because I'm too much of a Cardinal. I feel that Cardinal-Fixed-Muta
Today, we have come to the last 2 nights of the year, just in time for the RESULTS of DXP Awards 2018!!!
So let's bring in the red carpet!
The bottles of champagne!
I have been in a long distance relationship with a Pisces woman for years. We broke up years ago. And I haven't seen her in years physically but we speak everyday.
When we broke up. We never separated we kept talking. And we became best friends. I talk t
Hope you've all had a great xmas and a start to a wonderful year!
Love from this household filled with too much aqua/pisces placements that I wanna puke and crawl into a rock.
Last night my Cancer said "I want to make you fall madly in love with me so we can get married". I started thinking about why he would think I don't love him (I've never said it, so that could be part of it). But I've been thinking harder about it. At fir
Why are there so many crabs in contact sports? The top bill has 2 Cancers. Does Geminin Amanda Nunes stand a chance against Cyborg (Cancer)? I give her about a 5% of winning - maybe a big punch else she is going to get mauled into submission.
How about
How soon did you start cycling postpartum?
I’m 6 weeks postpartum and this morning I think I might be ovulating already...I’ll spare the details but let’s just say I’m having familiar symptoms.
I’m scared shitless of having another one of these demons
I have to get a new car. My Acura was rear ended and declared totaled. I'm looking at these two. This Volvo or this BMW?! Experience with either brand?! Both 2017, white, AWD sedans with roughly same expert ratings.
This one I love but unsure of inter