Posted by CrabNextDoorShrug. Maybe I could ..the right one. I am cancer though. I do feel they would be bringing the same as I am bringing to the table.
Tell me why your sign could or couldn't work with a Cancer Male/Female.
Posted by WolfInRamsClothingMy best friend is an Aries and we get along swimmingly she always calls me a hoe because I have options but focus one person and I always call her a hoe because she is always with a new boy whenever we talk??? no sensitivity or anything!!
Too slow, gets pissed off easily. But I have a Cancer bestie, we are doing fineand hopefully she will never feed me those oysters she loves so much. Just don't do this to your Aries bestie
Cancer men hit on me frequently, but, they complain too much, act like crybabies, wouldn't deal with it.
Posted by ChuckcemHonestly I feel those old zodiac post do not really apply much anymore. I know of very few sensitive homebody cancer's. Most want to be leaders now and do not like being told what to do .
Well if we're talking in general terms, Leo/Cancer can work because both are looking for a deep love along with emotional security. Leo is a "fatherly" sign while Cancer is a "motherly" sign. The two complement each other in that they are run by the Sun and Moon respectively. One is more external while the other is more internal.
The problem is Leos can be too extroverted for Cancer sensibilities, while Cancers can be too introverted for Leo sensibilities. Leos may want to go out more while Cancers may want to stay inside. So there does take some understanding for the two to work.
I find friendships are pretty easy to maintain, but I'm a Cancer Mercury too, so I may be biased.
Posted by SoulDef. Get with the program???
I feel I could make it with a Cancer sun. My rising, Venus, and Jupiter are in Cancer so there is somewhat a level of understanding. I feel I can move with people's emotions quite well, and can make them understand how I feel about a situation without dwelling in it too long. That's really important for Cancer placements imo since they truly don't want to feel shitty about things for a long time. They want to feel it, get over it, then move to the next thing. I'm pretty much like that myself. I know some people dislike it it, but I'm fine with moods and emotions in other people. I also don't take offense or get too annoyed when people vent their issues to me. I deeply like love, romance, and emotion too, so have no idea why I haven't found myself a Cancer woman yet lol.
Posted by Capmercury87I feel like y'all shy copycat behavior can be a bit much like our personalities contrast because we are both too shy and neither really intends to put themselves out there. Though a cancer will it isn't really the scene they are looking for!
I'm aqua.
Cancer men like to spend all day trying to get you in a bad mood so they can say shit like "what's wrong?"
Until you want to murder them.
Too emotional rollercoaster like.
Posted by CrabNextDoorCorrect, most Cancers aren't the shut-ins or "Debbie downers" people claim they are. I know plenty of Cancers who have a zest for life and have traveled more than some Sagittariuses. Cancers are also hilariously stubborn, though most people forget that somehow. It's part of the charm.Posted by ChuckcemHonestly I feel those old zodiac post do not really apply much anymore. I know of very few sensitive homebody cancer's. Most want to be leaders now and do not like being told what to do .
Well if we're talking in general terms, Leo/Cancer can work because both are looking for a deep love along with emotional security. Leo is a "fatherly" sign while Cancer is a "motherly" sign. The two complement each other in that they are run by the Sun and Moon respectively. One is more external while the other is more internal.
The problem is Leos can be too extroverted for Cancer sensibilities, while Cancers can be too introverted for Leo sensibilities. Leos may want to go out more while Cancers may want to stay inside. So there does take some understanding for the two to work.
I find friendships are pretty easy to maintain, but I'm a Cancer Mercury too, so I may be to expand
Posted by WolfInRamsClothingYea that's how I was before now I'm more outgoing and worry less about what people think but I'm a major girlie which is why I don't worry much I think once I found out my other placements my personality changed lolPosted by CrabNextDoorI like that. I can call my friends something like that, they know I love them, so it's not mean at all)) my crabby is a sensitive girlie, plus she's very polite and always worries what other people might think of herPosted by WolfInRamsClothingMy best friend is an Aries and we get along swimmingly she always calls me a hoe because I have options but focus on be person and I always call her a hoe because she is always with a new boy whenever we talk??? no sensitivity or anything!!
Too slow, gets pissed off easily. But I have a Cancer bestie, we are doing fineand hopefully she will never feed me those oysters she loves so much. Just don't do this to your Aries bestie
Cancer men hit on me frequently, but, they complain too much, act like crybabies, wouldn't deal with it.
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Posted by WolfInRamsClothingPosted by CrabNextDoorCan men hurt you easily? My friend wouldn't even meet any guys for 9 years because of a bad breakup she had.Posted by WolfInRamsClothingYea that's how I was before now I'm more outgoing and worry less about what people think but I'm a major girlie which is why I don't worry much I think once I found out my other placements my personality changed lolPosted by CrabNextDoorI like that. I can call my friends something like that, they know I love them, so it's not mean at all)) my crabby is a sensitive girlie, plus she's very polite and always worries what other people might think of herPosted by WolfInRamsClothingMy best friend is an Aries and we get along swimmingly she always calls me a hoe because I have options but focus on be person and I always call her a hoe because she is always with a new boy whenever we talk??? no sensitivity or anything!!
Too slow, gets pissed off easily. But I have a Cancer bestie, we are doing fineand hopefully she will never feed me those oysters she loves so much. Just don't do this to your Aries bestie
Cancer men hit on me frequently, but, they complain too much, act like crybabies, wouldn't deal with it.
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Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeI've never actually met a male crab! What do they truthfully act like?
I don't care how the male crabs will show you love by straight hating on you on a consistent basis
I don't want to date that
Posted by Capmercury87The Aquariuses I have meet are shy or maybe reserved. The one female i met was very quiet and not very outgoing had one friend and kept to herself. The guy I meet he is shy, sweet, but keeps to himself and doesn't talk as much as he listens. Which word would you use?Posted by CrabNextDoorPosted by Capmercury87I feel like y'all shy copycat behavior can be a bit much like our personalities contrast because we are both too shy and neither really intends to put themselves out there. Though a cancer will it isn't really the scene they are looking for!
I'm aqua.
Cancer men like to spend all day trying to get you in a bad mood so they can say shit like "what's wrong?"
Until you want to murder them.
Too emotional rollercoaster like.
What on earth makes you think as an Aquarius, that I'm shy?click to expand
Posted by CrabNextDoorBecause she is a teenager?
Tell me why your sign could or couldn't work with a Cancer Male/Female.