Just read an article about a novelty singer turned rapist...

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by bricklemark on Friday, June 24, 2016 and has 5 replies.
Anyway he's in the news cause he's farting too much in prison...well it's his Pluto half life, what else he gonna do ? ???


Born in 1930 Pluto 17 Cancer.

Right it's 17 Cappy obviously.
Why is this relevant?
More seriously tho he was convicted in 2014, where Pluto reached Cap 13 so obviously his sentence correlates to the Pluto half life.
Posted by themagnetoreborn
Why is this relevant?

What do you mean ?
Posted by Arielle83
Isn't he writing songs hating on his victims?

He's an octopus.
Idk lol but it's quite remarkable, because he didn't go to prison on his Pluto opposition, no, he was in the NEWS for farting too much in prison, which could sum up his person, a funny/ ridiculous clown.