Kardashian Sun signs

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by libragemmale on Wednesday, January 9, 2013 and has 24 replies.
I know Kim ia a Libra but what are the other creatures on the show ? I'm guessing Khloe is an Aries or anoter fire sign..
Khloe is a Cancer and Courtney is a Taurus.
Posted by Ligeia
Kourtney is a Aries.
Rob is a Pisces.
Their mom a Scorpio.

Yup and
Scott is a Gemini
Lamar is a Scorpio too
Posted by beautifulsoul74
Khloe is a Cancer and Courtney is a Taurus.

Kourts a Aries
Klhoe does seem like a fire sign but thats because shes a cardinal sign.
a little baby Mason is a Sag.

Kim: October 21, 1980
Khloe: June 27, 1984
Kourtney: April 18, 1979
Rob: March 17, 1987
Posted by LunarMaiden

Kim: October 21, 1980
Khloe: June 27, 1984
Kourtney: April 18, 1979
Rob: March 17, 1987

Thank you for that clarification Winking
Kendall Jenner: November 3, 1995
Kylie Jenner: August 10, 1997
Posted by beautifulsoul74
Posted by LunarMaiden

Kim: October 21, 1980
Khloe: June 27, 1984
Kourtney: April 18, 1979
Rob: March 17, 1987

Thank you for that clarification Winking
click to expand

You are most welcome. smile
When is Kims baby due?
Bruce Jenner: October 28, 1949
Kris Jenner: November 5, 1955
I heard she is faking the pregnancy...........
They just bought a big ole house out in Cali to raise the little rugrat in.
Posted by LunarMaiden
I heard she is faking the pregnancy...........

How could that ever work out well for her, though? It would get seen as a lie and even more people would dislike her. Though, perhaps if she liked the attention, enough...I don't watch her show or anything else, but I'm inclined to believe that people in the spot light generally know better than to lie...because you can't keep secrets from the media...or not very well, at least.
O wow Bruce is Scorp too
Kim got her dads sun sign as her moon sign.
Beyonce faked her baby?
Posted by Sneaky
Posted by bkbella86
O wow Bruce is Scorp too

and the scorpio pimp of a mother's (I forgot her name) ex husband was a Pisces. That lawyer who got OJ Simpson the acquittal. And she cheated on him with a Leo.
click to expand

Holy crap!
So that Bruce Jenner probably used Kardashian money to mess up his face too! Heh.
And they had some kiddies too
Ahh, yes I remember that about the folding baby bump...pretty suspicious. lol
Posted by Wynter
Beyonce faked her baby?

Posted by Ligeia
I weep for Kanye's kid with Kim as the mother.

haha dayum
Posted by Sneaky
They don't really have anything in common, do they ? Astro-wise
I remember she is a watery Libra and he is an airy Gemini. Apart from sun sign, I couldn't spot anything.
I know it won't end well, I just don't know how it will end.

they are perfect for each other because they are terrible for anyone else
i give props to sara jessica paker. at least she admitted to using a surrogate. but a jay z love child lol oh my lordee